
zhuān lì dài lǐ jī ɡòu
  • patent agency
  1. 申请人或者专利代理机构的签字或者盖章;

    The signature or seal of the applicant or the patent agency ;

  2. 专利代理机构年检登记表;

    Annual examination registration form for patent agency ;

  3. 专利代理机构包括:(一)办理涉外专利事务的专利代理机构;

    Patent agencies include : ( 1 ) those that handle foreign patent-related affairs ;

  4. 委托专利代理机构的,由专利代理机构盖章。

    Where any patent agency is appointed , it shall be sealed by such agency .

  5. 专利代理机构的业务范围

    Business scope of the patent agencies

  6. (三)申请人委托专利代理机构的,应当注明的有关事项;

    Where the applicant has appointed a patent agency , the relevant matters which shall be indicated ;

  7. 第八条专利代理机构承办下列事务:(一)提供专利事务方面的咨询;

    Article 8 Patent agencies shall deal with the following businesses : ( 1 ) providing patent-related consulting agencies ;

  8. 当事人委托专利代理机构的,文件送交专利代理机构;

    Where any party concerned appoints a patent agency , the document shall be sent to the patent agency ;

  9. 合伙制专利代理机构的合伙人对该专利代理机构的债务承担无限连带责任;

    Partners of the partnership patent agency shall bear unlimited joint liability for the debts of the patent agency ;

  10. (四)专利代理机构资金和设施情况的书面证明。

    And ( 4 ) written proof of the amount of capital and installations of the patent of the agency .

  11. 未委托专利代理机构的,文件送交请求书中指明的联系人。

    Where no patent agency is appointed , the document shall be sent to the liaison person named in the request .

  12. 申请人未委托专利代理机构的,其联系人的姓名、地址、邮政编码及联系电话;

    Where no patent agency is appointed , the name , address , postcode and telephone number of the liaison person ;

  13. 情节严重的,可以由其所在的专利代理机构解除聘任关系,并收回其《专利代理人工作证》;

    In cases of serious offenses , patent agencies may discharge the offenders and revoke their " Patent Agent Work Permit ";

  14. 专利代理机构可以根据需要,指派委托人指定的专利代理人承办代理业务。

    If needed , a patent agency may designate a certain patent agent appointed by the consignor to handle the business .

  15. 专利代理机构的审批权限债权债务的处置协议应报送审批机关。

    Establishment procedure of the patent agencies The agreement on disposition of the claims and debts shall be submitted to the approval organ .

  16. 专利代理机构对解除聘任关系的专利代理人,应当及时收回其《专利代理人工作证》,并报中国专利局备案。

    When patent agencies discharge their patent agents , they shall recover in time the latter 's patent agent working permit and report such discharge to cap .

  17. 第七条专利代理机构自批准之日起成立,依法开展专利代理业务,享有民事权利,承担民事责任。

    Article 7 Patent agencies , as of the date of approval , can start handling patent-commissioning business in accordance with law , enjoy civil rights and meet civil liabilities .

  18. 第四条专利代理机构的成立,必须符合下列条件:(一)有自己的名称、章程、固定办公场所;

    Article 4 Establishment of a patent agency shall require the following conditions : ( 1 ) having a name , articles of association and fixed work place of its own ;

  19. 申请人有2人以上且未委托专利代理机构的,除请求书中另有声明的外,以请求书中指明的第一申请人为代表人。

    Where there are two or more applicants and none of them has entrusted a patent agency , the first applicant designated in the written request shall be regarded as the representative unless otherwise declared in the written request .

  20. 专利专利代理机构的具体管理办法由国务院规定。

    The administrative regulations governing the patent agency shall be formulated by the State Council .

  21. 办理国内专利事务的专利代理机构;

    Those that handle domestic patent-related affairs ;

  22. 专利代理人调离专利代理机构前,必须妥善处理尚未办结的专利代理案件。

    Before quitting their jobs at patent agencies , patent agents must appropriately conclude unsettled commissioned cases .

  23. 申请成立办理涉外专利事务的专利代理机构,应当依照《中华人民共和国专利法》的有关规定办理。

    Patent agencies applying to handle foreign-related patent affairs must go through procedures as stipulated in the Patent Law of the People 's Republic of China .

  24. 必要时,中国专利局可以对专利代理机构进行核查。

    If necessary , the Patent Office of the people 's Republic of China will undertake appropriate examination on patent agencies .

  25. 地方专利管理机关对专利代理机构的年检材料进行审查并签署意见,也可以根据需要对材料内容进行核实。

    A local patent administration body shall review and issue opinions about the annual examination documents of patent agencies , and may also verify the contents of the said documents if needed .

  26. 第十七条专利代理人必须承办专利代理机构委派的专利代理工作,不得自行接受委托。对聘任的专利代理人应当办理构发给《专利代理人工作证》,并向中国专利局备案。

    Article 17 Patent agents shall handle only patent commissioning services assigned by their patent agencies and shall not accept such services on their own . The latter shall go through necessary procedures , be given " Patent Agent Work Permit " by the former , and register at CAP .

  27. 开办电子专利申请代理业务的专利代理机构,应当以该专利代理机构名义与国家知识产权局签订用户协议。

    A patent agency that opens agency business for electronic patent application shall sign the User Agreement with the State Intellectual Property Office in the name of the patent agency .

  28. 专利代理人不得同时在两个以上专利代理机构从事专利代理业务。

    Patent agents shall handle patent commissioning services in two or more patent agencies simultaneously .

  29. 信用担保机构的风险控制与代偿处理专利代理人不得同时在两个以上专利代理机构从事专利代理业务。

    Risk Management and the Third-Party-Obligation of Credit Guarantee Institution ; Patent agents shall handle patent commissioning services in two or more patent agencies simultaneously .

  30. 对聘任的专利代理人应当办理聘任手续,由专利代理机构发给《专利代理人工作证》,并向中国专利局备案。

    The latter shall go through necessary procedures , be given " Patent Agent Work Permit " by the former , and register at CAP .