
  • 网络World Vision;world vision international
  1. 最近的一次SWEDOW事件与美国国家橄榄球联盟(NFL)给世界宣明会纽西兰基督城救灾小组的大宗捐赠物品有关。

    The latest SWEDOW dump came in the form of a massive donation from the National Football League to the Christian relief group World Vision .

  2. 世界宣明会等宗教组织也在呼吁终结贫困。

    Faith-based groups such as World Vision are calling for an end to poverty .

  3. 非营利组织筹款模式研究&兼论世界宣明会筹款模式

    A Study of NPO Fundraising Models & With a Discussion of World Vision 's Fundraising Model

  4. 2006年经过热带风暴后,「世界宣明会」捐赠米和棉被给乐业县的农民。

    After tropical storms in2006 , World Vision distributed rice and quilts to peasants in LEYE COUNTY .

  5. 此外,明天起于约100间分店摆放香港世界宣明会的筹款箱为日本灾民筹募善款,谢谢大家支持。

    In addition , donation box from World Vision Hong Kong will be placed in100 of our stores starting tomorrow , pls do support !

  6. 他们把这些T恤捐给了世界宣明会,后果,后者只能把T恤运去亚美尼亚、尼加拉瓜、罗马尼亚和赞比亚等国度。

    The league donated the merchandise to World Vision , which in turn plans to ship it to Armenia , Nicaragua , Romania and Zambia .

  7. 2010年4月,沃尔玛基金会向非政府公益组织世界宣明会捐赠150000美元以援助青海地震灾区的公益项目;

    In April , 2010 , Walmart Foundation donated $ 150,000 to the international NGO , World Vision for Public Welfare Project for earthquake relief in Qinghai .

  8. 世界宣明会,反饥饿行动,救助儿童会,乐施会正在联合请求资助。

    World Vision , Action Against Hunger , Save the Children and Oxfam are making the joint funding request . Chris Webster is with World Vision 's Global Rapid Response Team and is based in Niger .