
shì mào zhōnɡ xīn
  • World Trade Centre
  1. 首席法医办公室(OfficeofChiefMedicalExaminer)已经确认了65%的世贸中心遗骸的身份。

    The Office of Chief Medical Examiner has identified 65 percent of remains recovered from the World Trade Center .

  2. 参观一下在2001年9月11日那场惨绝人寰的袭击发生之前,原世贸中心(WorldTradeCenter)“双子塔”(TwinTowers)的所在地吧。

    Visit the place where the World Trade Center 's " Twin Towers " stood before the devastating attacks on September 11 , 2001 .

  3. 时代变化的一个标志是英厄尔斯为21世纪福克斯(21stCenturyFox)和新闻集团(NewsCorp)总部设计的世贸中心二号大楼(TwoWorldTradeCenter)。

    One symbol of changing times is Two World Trade Center , Mr Ingels " design for 21st Century Fox and News Corp 's headquarters .

  4. 本世纪初,美国制造商出于税收原因曾试图迁往海外,却引发了激烈的反对情绪,因为在世贸中心(WorldTradeCenter)和五角大楼遭受恐怖袭击之后,美国人爱国主义热情高涨。

    The backlash against US manufacturers that tried to move offshore for tax reasons in the early 2000s was fierce , as patriotism surged after the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon .

  5. 妻子在世贸中心遭遇的恐怖袭击中丧生的查尔斯沃尔夫(charleswolf)就是一位批评者。

    Charles wolf , who lost his wife in the attack on the world trade center , was a critic .

  6. 我们的记者StephenEvans在恐怖袭击发生时就身处世贸中心南塔。

    Our correspondent Stephen Evans was in the South Tower of the World Trade Center when it was hit .

  7. 它位于世贸中心(WorldTradeCenter)旧址附近,最近刚刚投入使用。上周我到那里会见了前央行官员、目前担任高盛高级顾问的克里甘。

    This opened recently near the former site of the World Trade Center , and last week I visited it to meet with Corrigan , the former central banker who is now working as a senior adviser at Goldman .

  8. 还有一位是摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)的初级职员——2001年9月11日那天,他在世贸中心(WorldTradeCenter)南楼向下走了75段楼梯,回到自己的家族食品生意。

    Yet another , a junior employee at Morgan Stanley , walked down 75 flights in the World Trade Center 's South Tower and back into the family food business on Sept. 11 , 2001 .

  9. 多数新的办公空间要么来自下城区重建的世贸中心(WorldTradeCenter)附近,要么来自纽约最靠西边的新地产项目——那里的哈德逊广场吸引了包括私人股本集团KKR在内的多家租客。

    Most new office space has come on either downtown , around the rebuilt World Trade Center , or in new projects on the far west side where Hudson Yards has attracted tenants including private equity group KKR .

  10. 这挑起了她的兴趣,她开始探索法国葡萄酒和意大利葡萄酒,然后,当她回到纽约,就参加了当时占据世贸中心顶楼两层的全球葡萄酒之窗学院(WindowsontheWorldWineSchool)。

    Her interest piqued , she began to explore the wines of France and Italy and , when she returned to New York , she attended the famous Windows on the World Wine School , then on the top two floors of the World Trade Center .

  11. 手机公司高管与联邦官员和纽约市市长彭博(MichaelBloomberg)一起前往世贸中心遗址,宣布所谓的个人定位预警网络(PersonalLocalizedAlertingNetwork,orPLAN)。

    US Launches Cell Phone Emergency Alert System Top mobile phone company executives joined federal officials and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg at the World Trade Center site to announce the so-called Personal Localized Alerting Network , or PLAN .

  12. 还有更多的好消息:J.P.摩根公司和高盛集团将打算在世贸中心废墟附近建造新的公司总部。

    Other good news : JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs both plan to build new headquarters near Ground Zero .

  13. 教区座堂,圣彼得教堂设在Barclay街,现在仍矗立在世贸中心北仅仅一个街区,也即是现今要建立的清真寺和社区以南一个街区处。

    Peter 's on Barclay Street , which still stands just one block north of the World Trade Center site , and one block south of the proposed mosque and community center .

  14. 另一枚显示的是首尔的世贸中心大楼,该楼位于首尔市南面Coex综合设施内。

    The other stamp shows the Seoul 's World Trade Center tower , which is in the Coex complex on the city 's south side .

  15. 对于将在纽约世贸中心遗址建造的一栋摩天办公楼,世界最大传媒帝国接班人詹姆斯•默多克(JamesMurdoch)刚刚否决了英国建筑大师福斯特勋爵(LordFoster)的设计,转而采用40岁的丹麦建筑师比亚克•英厄尔斯(BjarkeIngels)的前卫创意。

    For an office skyscraper at the World Trade Center site in New York , James Murdoch , scion of the media dynasty , has just replaced a design by Britain 's venerable Lord Foster with a jazzier idea by Bjarke Ingels , the 40-year-old Danish architect .

  16. 牧师GayRahn度假结束驾车回家时听到收音机上正在针对在纽约市世贸中心附近建立伊斯兰中心的提议进行辩论。

    Virginia Christians , Jews , Muslims to Gather for Prayer on September 11 Reverend Gay Rahn was driving home from vacation recently when she heard a radio debate about a proposed Islamic center in New York City , near the site of the World Trade Center .

  17. 现在把你们所有的装备都送到世贸中心去。

    Send everything you got to the World Trade Center now .

  18. 告诉乘务员两架飞机撞击世贸中心。

    Teii the stewardesses two pianes hit the worid trade center .

  19. 飞机撞击世贸中心时,布什总统在哪儿?

    Where was President Bush when jets were slamming into wtc ?

  20. 世贸中心大厦为何坍塌?&简化分析

    Why did the World Trade Center collapse ? & simple analysis

  21. 去世贸中心的车站在哪?

    Where is the bus stop for the world trade center ?

  22. 烟台世贸中心(会展馆)

    International Trade Center of Yantai ( Congress and Exhibition Hall )

  23. 在世贸中心,1100项相关生意被破外。

    At the World Trade Center , 1,100 businesses were disrupted .

  24. 撞上了纽约市的世贸中心大楼

    crash into the World Trade Center towers in New York .

  25. 深圳世贸中心大厦钢结构转换桁架施工技术

    Construction Technology of Steel Structure Transfer Truss in Shenzhen World Trade Center

  26. 在世贸中心。

    B : It is in the World Trade Center .

  27. 温州世贸中心基坑工程施工监测

    Construction and monitoring of deep excavation of Wenzhou World Trade Center Building

  28. 这是去世贸中心的路线吗?

    Does this line go to the world trade center ?

  29. 列车站是世贸中心的最低点。

    The station is the lowest point on the trade center site .

  30. 一架飞机刚撞上了世贸中心大厦!

    A jet plane just crashed into the World Trade Center tower !