
  • 网络World Cancer Day
  1. 世界癌症日是国际癌症控制联盟(UICC)在2005年发起的。

    World Cancer Day was initiated in2005 by the Union for International Cancer Control ( UICC ) .

  2. 世界癌症日被定于每年的2月4日。该节日的目的是让人们引起重视,癌症影响着全球上百万人的生命。

    World Cancer Day falls on February the 4th each year . It aims to draw attention to the effect cancer has on the lives of millions around the world .

  3. 今天是世界癌症日,“癌症”这个词真的可以让家庭为之一震,特别是如果您或您认识的人曾直接与它打交道。

    Today is World Cancer Day , and that word " cancer " can really hit home especially if you or someone you know has ever dealt directly with it .