
  1. 第二阵营使用诸如Emacs或Vim的文本编辑器来手工编码HTML,然后通过一个FTP客户端将完成的网页上传到一台Web服务器让世界看见并欣赏它,希望如此。

    The second camp uses a text editor like Emacs or Vim to code HTML by hand and an FTP client to upload the finished page to a web server for the world to see and , hopefully , appreciate .

  2. 我知道…知道整个世界看见你倒下,却没人跟随是什么样。

    I know what it 's like ... knowing that the whole world sees you falling and no one is following you down .

  3. 我知道悔恨像脖上的枷锁一样困扰的感觉,我知道…知道整个世界看见你倒下,却没人跟随是什么样。

    I know what it 's like to carry regret with you on a chain around your neck . I know what it 's like knowing that the whole world sees you falling and no one is following you down .

  4. 路尼的这个倒挂就是这样的进球,让你怀疑你只会在电脑的世界中看见。

    The overhead kick with which Wayne Rooney won this game was the kind of moment you would only usually see on a computer screen .

  5. 没有,可全世界都会看见我们。

    No , but the whole world will see us .

  6. 他的闪电照亮世界,大地看见了就战栗。

    His lightnings enlightened the world : the earth saw , and trembled .

  7. 全世界都亲眼看见他受伤。

    The word 's out . everyone 's seen him take the hits .

  8. 他的闪电光照世界。大地看见便震动。

    His bright flames give light to the world ; the earth saw it with fear .

  9. 论新诗界震灾诗的特点及意义&5·12汶川大地震周年祭诗97:4他的闪电光照世界.地看见便震动。

    On the Characteristics and Significance of Earthquake Poetry in New Verse & 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake Anniversary His lightnings enlightened the world : the earth saw , and trembled .

  10. 在我们的《聚焦法国》报道当中,我们把摄像机架设在《蒙娜丽莎》前面,让全世界都能看见她的笑容。

    As part of our Eye on France coverage , we set up our cameras in front of the Mona Lisa , and we brought her smile to the world .

  11. 一天,征服了半个文明世界的亚历山大大帝看见提奥奇尼斯坐在大坛里晒太阳。

    One day , Alexander the Great , conqueror of half the civilized world , saw Diogenes sitting in this tub in the sunshine .

  12. 一觉醒来,我抬头又可以看见自己想看的世界,又可以看见争奇头妍的花朵,又可以看见含笑的太阳。

    When I wake up I can again see the part of world that I love , the flowers that compete for fascination and the smiling sun .

  13. 从这一天起,您将进入一个新元素的世界,您将看见世界上除了我和我的同伴之外任何人都没有看到过的东西,由于我,

    Starting this very day , you 'll enter a new element , you 'll see what no human being has ever seen before-since my men and I no longer count-and thanks to me ,

  14. 它们的价格对我来说有点贵了,但是在世界时尚之都看见这些名牌感觉还是很不错的,尤其是身处于美丽的维托伊曼纽二世拱廊之中。

    The prices were all a bit too much for me , but it was nice to see these brands in the fashion capital of the world , particularly in the beautiful surroundings of the Vittorio Emanuele .

  15. 我像个孩子对世界充满惊叹每一次我都用新的视野观看这世界我总是看见美丽的事物。

    I open to the wonder of the world like a child . I see the world through new eyes every time I look at it . I always see something beautiful .