
shì jiè jīnɡ jì ɡé jú
  • world economy situation
  1. FDI最直接的结果就是跨国公司的投资分布,其影响着世界经济格局,也改变着投资所在地。

    The most direct result of FDI is the distribution of investment , which affects the world economic situation and changes the invested cities .

  2. 中国于2001年加入WTO,以及随之而来的向世界经济格局的融入,将使这种由传统农业向现代产业转化的工业化的过程持续下去。

    China joined WTO in 2001 and is now trying to incorporate in the world economy system . This accelerates the process of transforming the traditional agriculture economy into the modern industrial economy .

  3. 目前RTAs的迅猛发展,将在今后相当长一段时期内和经济全球化一起成为影响世界经济格局变化的主导因素和重要潮流。

    Now the quick development of RTAs , together with the economic globalization , will be the leading factors and important trends which affect the changes of global economic patterns in the quite long period later .

  4. 世界经济格局中的三大区域经济集团之比较

    A Comparision among the Three Regional Economic Groups in the World

  5. 美国墨西哥自由贸易协定对世界经济格局的影响

    The impact of US-Mexican free trade agreement on world economic pattern

  6. 美国次贷危机:对世界经济格局的再思考

    American Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis : Rethinking of International Economic Pattern

  7. 论经济全球化对世界经济格局的影响

    On the Influence of the Economic Globalization in the world Economic structure

  8. 90年代的世界经济格局和亚太地区的经济合作

    World economic structure in 1990 's and economic cooperation in Asia-Pacific region

  9. 世界经济格局中的中国:前景与挑战

    China in the World Economy : Prospects and Challenges

  10. 世界经济格局多元化的趋势不可逆转

    Un-reverse Multi-polarization Trend of World Economy Patten

  11. 自20世纪七十年代布雷顿森林体系崩溃以来,世界经济格局发生了重大变革。

    A great reform has taken place since the collapse of the Bretton Woods System .

  12. 当然,气候变化对世界经济格局的影响还远不止于此。

    Of course the effects on world economic pattern of climate change are far more than that .

  13. 发展中经济体整体兴起与世界经济格局的动态演变

    The Rise of the Developing Economies as A whole and Dynamic Evolution of the World Economic Structure

  14. 中国作为一个快速发展的新兴经济体在世界经济格局中占有重要的位置。

    China , as a rapid developing emerging economy , takes an important position in world economy .

  15. 进入20世纪80年代以来,经济全球化进程加速发展,世界经济格局发生了巨大的变化。

    From 1980s , the economic globalization developed much faster , the world economic pattern changed tremendously .

  16. 当今,世界经济格局发生了重大变化,全球化、信息化发展趋势已不可逆转。

    Today , the global economy has taken a great change , the development trend of information has irreversible .

  17. 全球化带来世界经济格局的重组,城市发展进人了一个活跃时期。

    Globalization has brought about the reorganization of the world economy , urban development into an active period of people .

  18. 超大规模并购的频频发生,使世界经济格局发生了深远的变化。

    The fact super large-scale merger & acquisition has take place frequently has brought profound changes to the world economic structure .

  19. 随着市场经济在全球范围内的蓬勃发展,当前世界经济格局正在演绎着一个奇特的空间模式。

    Accompany with the worldwide development of market economy , the economy of current world is deducing an interesting space mode .

  20. 上个世纪最后10年,世界经济格局出现了两个引人注目的发展趋势,一是经济全球化,二是跨国公司并购从国内向国外延伸,进而引发了全球性的企业并购浪潮。

    During the last 10 years of the past century , two glaring trends have emerged on the checkerboard of world economy .

  21. 在世界经济格局呈现全球化的趋势之下,品牌竞争已经成为当今市场竞争的主要手段。

    With the increasing economic globalization all over the world , brand competition has been the primary method in the current market .

  22. 一个可以预期的结论是:中国与东盟在世界经济格局中的关系将是“10+1>11”。

    A certain conclusion is that the China-ASEAN relation in the world economic order will be " 10 + 1 > 11 " .

  23. 中国作为出口大国,在世界经济格局中占据着重要地位。

    It is known to everybody that as a major export country , China plays an important role in the world economic structure .

  24. 近20多年来,世界经济格局发生了很大的变化,企业经营环境的变化日益明显。

    With the great changes of world economic pattern in recent 30 years , the change of enterprise running environment is becoming increasingly distinctive .

  25. 全球经济治理出现新变革,但仍难以适应世界经济格局变化。

    New changes are underway in global economic governance , but such changes have not kept up with the evolution of the global economic landscape .

  26. 由此看来,主权财富基金将会对世界经济格局产生影响,成为国际金融市场上的一类重要参与者,对全球金融市场的稳定发展发挥着重要的作用。

    Sovereign wealth funds will become an important participant in the international finance market and play an important role in the stability of global finance market .

  27. 2008年以来,全球经济进入最严重的危机状态,对世界经济格局将产生深远影响。

    The world economy has been dragged into the most serious situation ever in 2008 and the pattern of the world economy has been greatly affected .

  28. 任何情况下,人类都不应该也不可能忽视资源要素的状况,21世纪世界经济格局的演变仍然受到资源环境的制约和导向。

    It is also referred that we cant and shouldn t neglect resources situation , and the development of the world economic pattern in the21st century a.

  29. 中国在世界经济格局中所处的特殊地位&大国经济,使得中国企业国际化与发达国家和其他发展中国家的国际化具有不同的特征。

    China 's status as a major economy in the structure of world economy makes some differentiation in its internationalization between developed countries and other developing countries .

  30. 随着核心资源的变迁,产业结构、世界经济格局、人在生产中的地位与关系及制度等社会经济的主要方面都将呈现相应的变化。

    The changes of the key resources inevitably lead to the changes of industrial structure , product relations , world economy-pattern , institution , and so on .