
  • 网络Pyruvate kinase;PyK
  1. 血浆肿瘤型M2丙酮酸激酶对乳腺癌的辅助诊断意义

    The diagnostic value of plasma tumor M2 pyruvate kinase detection for breast cancer

  2. 血浆及粪便中肿瘤M2型丙酮酸激酶检测在结肠癌诊断中的价值

    Tumor type M2 pyruvate kinase in feces and plasma in diagnosis of colon cancer

  3. K型丙酮酸激酶的放射免疫测定

    Radioimmunoassay for Type K Pyruvate Kinase Hyaluronic Acid

  4. 油茶丙酮酸激酶基因全长cDNA克隆及序列分析

    Cloning of Full-Length cDNA of PY Gene from Camellia oleifera

  5. 血清丙酮酸激酶对AMI诊断价值的研究

    Diagnostic Value of Pyruvic Acid Kinase in the Serum of Patients with AMI

  6. M2型丙酮酸激酶的检测对胃癌的诊断价值

    Diagnosis value of detection pyruvate kinase M2 ( M2-PK ) in patients with gastric cancer

  7. 肿瘤型M2丙酮酸激酶与癌类抗原19-9联合检测在胰腺癌诊断中的应用

    Application of tumor M2 pyruvate kinase and cancer antigen 1 9 - 9 in pancreatic cancer

  8. 肺癌患者肿瘤型M2丙酮酸激酶水平及其临床意义

    The clinical significance of plasma tumor type M2 pyruvate kinase level in patients with lung cancer

  9. 肿瘤M2丙酮酸激酶;

    Tumor M2 pyruvate kinase ;

  10. 目的:探讨血清丙酮酸激酶(Pyruvatekinase,PK)与恶性肿瘤的关系。

    Objective : To study the relationship between serum pyruvate kinase activity and malignant carcinoma .

  11. 目的评估一种新的肿瘤标志物&肿瘤M2型丙酮酸激酶(TumorM2-PK)对于胃肠道恶性肿瘤的诊断价值。

    Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of a new tumor marker Tumor M2 PK in gastrointestinal cancer .

  12. ATP在糖酵解的收获阶段经过两个反应生成,由磷酸甘油酸激酶和丙酮酸激酶催化。

    ATP is formed in the payoff phase of glycolysis by two reactions , promoted by phosphoglycerate kinase and pyruvate kinase .

  13. 粪便中肿瘤M2型丙酮酸激酶联合潜血试验检测结直肠癌的效率分析

    Evaluation of Fecal Tumor M2 Pyruvate Kinase Combined with Fecal Occult Blood Test as A Detecting Tool for Colorectal Cancer

  14. 276例正常人和部分急性心肌梗塞(AMI)患者进行的血清丙酮酸激酶(PK)的测定结果,经统计学处理,正常人男女之间,老年组与中青年组之间均有差异(P均<0.01)。

    The serum pyruvate kinase ( PK ) of 276 normal persons and some paitents with acute myocardial infarction ( AMI ) was determined .

  15. d.提高组织中丙酮酸激酶活性及降低1,6-二磷酸酶活性,加强细胞内糖酵解和减少糖异生,促进糖原的生成。

    D. improve the activity of PK and lower the activity of fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase from liver , enhance glycolysis and decline glyconeogenesis , promote glycogenesis .

  16. 目的:观察围术期红细胞内丙酮酸激酶(PK)活性的变化。

    Objective : To study the perioperative changes of erythrocyte pyruvate kinase ( PK ) activity .

  17. 肝癌中丙酮酸激酶同工酶的研究&Ⅰ.丙酮酸激酶和线粒体对ADP的竞争

    Studies on pyruvate kinase isozymes in hepatoma ⅰ . competition for ADP between pyruvate kinase and mitochondria

  18. 模体搜索结果表明在PK上具有多种N-糖基化位点、蛋白激酶C磷酸化位点、丙酮酸激酶活性位点等多个功能结构域。

    Motif search results indicate that there are a variety of N-glycosylation sites , protein kinase C phosphorylation sites , pyruvate kinase active sites and other functional domains on PK .

  19. 蛋白质组学分析表明,IUGR减少与肌肉剪切力相关的肌球蛋白重链和肌钙蛋白表达量以及与能量代谢相关的丙酮酸激酶和磷酸甘油变位酶表达量(P0.05)。

    Proteomic analysis indicated that IUGR decreased the expression abundances of shear force-related myosin heavy chain and troponin T , and energy metabolism-related pyruvate kinase and phosphoglycerate mutase ( P0.05 ) .

  20. 目的探讨粪便中肿瘤M2型丙酮酸激酶(tumorM2-PK)联合潜血试验检测结直肠癌的临床意义。

    To investigate the efficiency of fecal tumor M2 pyruvate kinase ( tumor M2-PK ) combined with immunochemical fecal occult blood test ( IFOBT ) for detecting colorectal cancer ( CRC ) .

  21. 用STARD声明评价肿瘤型M2丙酮酸激酶在肺癌诊断中的应用一文

    Evaluation of the Paper Titled " Application of Tumor Type M2 Pyruvate Kinase in Diagnosis of Lung Cancer " Based on the STARD Statement

  22. 而小鼠Hepa腹水肝癌(简称Hepa)细胞匀浆中由这两种底物所引起的此效应均十分明显。Hepa中,丙酮酸激酶(PyK)的活性为正常小鼠肝的4.7倍。

    The pyruvate kinase ( PyK ) activity in Hep A was 4.7 times as high as that in normal mouse liver .

  23. 目的在许多肿瘤中,M2型丙酮酸激酶(M2isoformofpyruvatekinase,PKM2)是一种新的敏感性高的肿瘤标志物,在肿瘤的诊断、预后等方面显示出了很好的前景。

    In many tumors , M2 isoform of pyruvate kinase ( PKM2 ) is a new tumor marker with high sensitivity . And it shows a good perspective for diagnosis and prognosis in cancers .

  24. 目的探讨血浆M2-丙酮酸激酶(M2-PK)含量变化与胃癌发生的关系及M2-PK对胃癌的诊断价值。

    [ Objectve ] To explore the relationship between the change of M2-PK level in plasm with the occurrence of gastric cancer and the diagnostic value for gastric cancer .

  25. 目的研究胃癌患者血清肿瘤型M2-丙酮酸激酶(tM2-PK)的含量与临床病理学参数的关系。

    Objective To determine the serum level of tumor type M2-pyruvate kinase ( tM2-PK ) in patients with gastric cancer and to elucidate its relationship with clinical characteristics .

  26. 血清丙酮酸激酶对急性心肌梗塞的诊断价值

    The diagnostic value of serum pyruvate kinase in acute myocardial infarction

  27. 结直肠恶性肿瘤的新标志物&肿瘤型丙酮酸激酶

    Tumor type M2 pyruvate kinase-the new tumor marker in colorectal cancer

  28. 血清镁离子的丙酮酸激酶法测定

    A New Enzymatic Determination of Magnesium Concentration in Serum by Pyruvate Kinase

  29. 方法应用丙酮酸激酶偶联乳酸脱氢酶反应测定血清镁离子。

    Methods Serum magnesium was determined by the proposed method .

  30. 血清丙酮酸激酶在恶性肿瘤诊断中的应用

    Application of Serum Pyruvate Kinase Activity in the Malignant Carcinoma