
  • 网络starch;Starch content;AAC;starchcontent
  1. 你的日常饮食中淀粉含量太高。

    There 's too much starch in your diet .

  2. 妊娠后期日粮脂肪含量为9.1%,淀粉含量为48.1%时,母猪初乳中的乳脂率达5.7%(P<0.05)。

    Diets with 9.1 % of fat and 48.1 % of starch during late gestation , the fat concentration of colostrum was 5.7 % . ( P0.05 ) .

  3. 稻米直链淀粉含量的选择应从F。代植株选择为宜。

    On Choice Selecting on amylose content should start from Fa generation .

  4. 直链淀粉含量(AC)的高低是影响稻米食用品质的一个重要因素。

    Amylose content in rice endosperm is one of the key factors that affects the rice eating and cooking quality .

  5. 盐酸水解DNS比色法快速测定甘薯淀粉含量的标准方法研究

    Quick Analysis of Starch Content of Sweetpotato by HCl Hydrolysis-DNS Method

  6. 小麦蜡质基因座位上SSR的多态性及其与直链淀粉含量的关系

    SSR polymorphism on the waxy gene locus and their relationship to amylose content in Wheat

  7. 应开展以直链淀粉含量为目标的轮回选择,有效积累ae的修饰基因。

    So it is necessary to develop recurrent selection for the goal of high amylose content maize .

  8. 水稻直链淀粉含量与籼粳分化度的QTL及其相互关系研究

    Study on QTL Underlying Content of Amylose and Indica Japonica Differentiation Using Recombinant Inbred Lines in Rice

  9. SSD群体的条件性状分析发现,直链淀粉含量的QTLS位点对稻米圣白度基因效应存在一定的影响。

    Conditional trait analysis shows that amylose content QTLs may influence on the chalkiness genes effect .

  10. F1代支链淀粉含量与父母本一般配合力和特殊配合力显著或极显著相关。

    For amylopectin , the GCA and SCA of parents were highly correlated with the mean of F1 crosses .

  11. 通过对SSD群体稻米奎白和直链淀粉含量的表型相关分析表明,稻米直链淀粉含量与奎白度呈正相关。

    The correlative analysis between rice kernel chalkiness and amylose content shows they have the positive correlation .

  12. 结果表明:出糙率、精米率和蛋白质含量都随着施N量增加而增加,直链淀粉含量随N肥用量增加而略有减少趋势;

    The results show : milled rice recovery rate 、 head rice rate and protein content increases with the increasing quantity of N , amylose content decrease a bit with the increasing quantity of N.

  13. 不同基因型的品种间AGP活性和总淀粉含量达显著差异(P0.05)。

    The activity of AGP and total content of starch in the cultivars with distinct genotypes were significantly different ( P0.05 ) .

  14. 主要研究结果如下:以蜡质、普通和高直链三种不同直链淀粉含量的玉米淀粉与PVA为原料制备共混液及薄膜。

    The main results were as follow : The starch / PVA pastes and blend films was prepared by PVA and maize starch with different amylose contents .

  15. 在12个转基因植株T2后代直链淀粉含量测定中,有5个T3的直链淀粉含量比对照有明显的降低;

    The test of amylose content of T3 seeds of 12 transgenic plants showed that 5 out of 12 had a marked decrease .

  16. 但是在品质方面,配施有机肥处理都能提高春玉米的粗蛋白、粗淀粉含量和小白菜的Vc、可溶性糖含量。

    But in terms of quality , the starch and protein content of spring maize and Vc and soluble sugar content of cabbage could be improved by organic fertilizer treatments . 2 .

  17. 四个杂交粳稻的蛋白质、赖氨酸、直链淀粉含量和MDH活性测定

    The Content Analyses of Protein , Lysing & Amylose and MDH Activity in Different Varieties of Japonica-Type Hybrid Rice

  18. NIRS法同时测定小麦种子水分、粗蛋白、赖氨酸和粗淀粉含量研究

    Comparative Studies Between NIRS and Chemical Analysis Method on Measuring Moisture , Crude Protein , Lysine and Crude Starch Content of Wheat Grain

  19. 研究了Waxy蛋白缺失类型小麦材料及正反交组合F1代的直链淀粉含量、膨胀势和降落数值等淀粉理化特性以及它们之间的相关性。

    The properties of starch such as amylose content , swelling potential and falling number in different Waxy-protein deficient materials and their reciprocal hybrids were studied in this paper .

  20. 供氮40g/m2时,总可溶性糖、蔗糖含量下降,淀粉含量增加,人参皂甙含量下降。

    With the treatment of 40gN / m 2 , total soluble sugar , sucrose and ginseng saponin content decreased and starch content increased .

  21. 灌浆前期(抽穗至20d)籽粒直链淀粉含量呈增加趋势,后又下降。

    From heading to the 20th day , the amylose content of grain increased and then decreased .

  22. 在T3、T4的直链淀粉含量测定中,获得了直链淀粉含量比对照低1%的株系;

    The lines whose seeds 's amylose contents were 1 % lower than that of non-transgenic plants were selected from T3 and T4 plants through the content assay .

  23. 2分析了270份小麦品种的HMW-GS组成及其蛋白质含量、Zeleny沉淀值、GMP含量、直链淀粉含量、膨胀势。

    HMW-GS compositions and protein content , Zeleny sedimentation value , GMP content , amylose content , swelling power of 270 wheat varieties were determined .

  24. 两个性状在两个试验地点共检测到9个QTLs,其中直链淀粉含量高温耐性QTL3个,胶稠度高温耐性QTL6个。

    A total of nine QTLs including three QTLs for thermo-tolerance of amylose content and six QTLs for thermo-tolerance of gel consistency were detected in Nanchang and Nanjing , respectively .

  25. 适量增施钾肥能够提高马铃薯淀粉含量,但是随着钾肥用量的增加,淀粉含量呈下降趋势;Vc含量变化范围在80~110mg/kg,总含量非常高。

    The amount of Additional Potassium can improve potato starch content , but with the increase in the amount of potash , starch content decreased ; Vc content is generally80to110mg / kg , the total content is very high .

  26. 用快速黏度分析仪分析了不同直链淀粉含量的稻米淀粉黏滞特性,结果表明不同品种具有不同特征性RVA谱。

    By Rapid Visco Analyzer ( RVA ), the viscosity properties of rice starch with different amylase were analyzed . Different varieties had distinct RVA profiles .

  27. 除在果实迅速生长期间的叶片中淀粉含量外,去果对源叶细胞间CO2浓度、可溶性糖含量、还原糖含量、腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶和淀粉酶活性无影响;

    Internal CO2 concentration , soluble sugar content , reductive sugar content , starch content except that at the final fruit rapid growth stage , ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase and amylase activity in source leaves were not significantly affected by fruit thining .

  28. 增施生物有机肥和芝麻饼肥各处理均提高了烤后烟叶中N、P、K含量,促进了烟叶总糖的积累,降低了淀粉含量,对蛋白质、烟碱和氯离子含量的影响并不明显。

    Applied bio-organic fertilizer and sesame seed cake fertilizer could increase the contents of N , P , K in flue-cured tobacco leaves , and promote total sugar accumulation , reducing the starch content , while there was no significantly effects on protein , nicotine and chloride content . 5 .

  29. 本试验在田间条件下研究了转Bt基因抗虫棉中棉所30的碳、氮代谢特征,于各主要生育期测定了棉株地上部营养器官的全N、非蛋白质N和可溶性糖及淀粉含量。

    Nitrogen and carbon metabolizing of Bt transgenic cotton CCRI 30 was studied under field condition by measuring the content of total nitrogen , of which is not a component part of protein ( PNN ), soluble sugar and starch in the vegetative part of cotton plant .

  30. 但两者在直链淀粉含量以及淀粉粒的结构上没有显著差异,Wx蛋白的表达量也基本一致。

    But , the apparent amylose content ( AAC ), the expression of the Wx protein and the starch structure were nearly showed no difference between these two individuals .