
diàn fěn tǐ
  • amyloplast
  1. 莲幼胚子叶细胞造淀粉体DNA的动态变化

    Dynamic change of amyloplast DNA in developing cotyledon cells of lotus

  2. DNA复制形成了晶体结构(晶体核)以及辐射状的晶体结构,这是淀粉体DNA随着发育时期的增长而不断复制的结果。

    Crystal structures were formed by the copies of DNA , and the radio-shape of the crystal structure resulted from the continuous copies of amyloplast DNA in the development stages .

  3. 前质体能分化成各具特点的细胞器,如淀粉体,叶绿体和有色体。

    The proplastids differentiate to form characteristic organelles such as amyloplasts , chloroplasts and chromoplasts .

  4. 淀粉体发育过程中淀粉核心、晶体结构与淀粉体DNA的关系

    The relationship among amyloplast core , crystal structure and the amyloplast DNA during amyloplast development

  5. 在成熟期,子叶细胞中的淀粉体DNA含量比生长中期增长了9.6倍。

    Amyloplasts DNA content in cotyledon cell of mature period is 9.6 times than that in the middle period of growth .

  6. 又系统观察了在不同发育时期淀粉体及淀粉体DNA的变化,揭示了淀粉体DNA与淀粉核心、晶体结构的关系。

    The changes of amyloplast and amyloplast DNA in different development stages were also observed , indicating the relationship among the amyloplast core , crystal structure and the amyloplast DNA .

  7. 增加的IAA、GA7/4主要分布在淀粉体、液泡与胞间基质中。不同基质间插穗死亡率的差异不显著。

    And those of GA7 / 4 obviously increased in the same region . There was no significant difference of death rate among cuttings on different substratum .

  8. 授粉后90d,淀粉体的数量和体积明显增加,蛋白体以P1和P2两种形式存在。

    The number and volume of starch increased markedly at 90 days after pollination . And protein presents as forms of P1 and P2 .

  9. 同时,在不同温度下,花后10d的水稻籽粒胚乳中央的淀粉体,其形态发育出现明显差异。

    The differences of starch grain morphological development in the central part of grain endosperm were about 10 days after blossom under different temperatures .

  10. 随着发育时期的递增,淀粉体DNA拷贝数不断地增长。生长中期的淀粉体DNA含量平均数为2.14(任意单位),到了成熟期淀粉体DNA平均含量增长到10.12(任意单位)。

    The amyloplasts DNA of copies increase with the developmental stage-The average of amyloplasts DNA content is 2.14 ( arbitrary unit ) in the middle stage of growth . Amyloplasts DNA increase to 10.12 ( arbitrary unit ) in the mature period of cotyledon cell of broad bean .

  11. 关于甜玉米与普通玉米胚乳中淀粉体发育的比较研究

    The Study about the Starch Development of Sweet Corn and Ordinary Corn

  12. 淀粉体:一种与合成和储存淀粉粒有关的质体。

    Amyloplast A plastid that synthesizes and stores starch grains .

  13. 在糊粉层细胞中无淀粉体,不积累淀粉。

    In addition , there are not amyloplast in the aleurone layer cells .

  14. 鄂恩1号Ⅱ型淀粉体多为橄榄球型,明显异于其它品种。

    Which mostly is Rugby football shape , significantly different from other varieties .

  15. 最后还对颗粒图像的获取和图像前处理进行了探讨。8.关于水稻胚乳中是否存在单粒淀粉体的探讨。

    Finally , the particle image acquisition and image pre-treatment were discussed . 8 .

  16. 不同专用小麦胚乳细胞淀粉体的比较研究

    A comparison study on the amyloplasts of endosperm cells in the different and special wheat

  17. 小麦胚乳14-3-3蛋白的表达及其与淀粉体淀粉合成酶的互作

    Expression of a Wheat Endosperm 14-3-3 Protein and Its Interactions with Starch Biosynthetic Enzymes in Amyloplasts

  18. 在发育完善的子房壁的中层细胞的细胞质中分布着许多淀粉体和叶绿体;

    Many starch grain and chloroplast in the middle layer cell of the well developed ovary wall ;

  19. 浙贝母淀粉体的发育与内膜系统的关系(英)

    Study on the Relationship Between the Development of Amyloplast and Internal Membrane System in Fritillaria thunbergii Miq .

  20. 当淀粉体被淀粉粒所充满,淀粉体被膜降解消失,释放淀粉粒到细胞基质中。

    The amyloplast envelope began to degrade and released starch granules into cell matrix when amyloplast was full of starch granules .

  21. 温度对杂交中籼稻灌浆期淀粉体发育及胚乳透明度的影响

    Effect of Temperature on the Starch Grain Development and Endosperm Transparency of Medium Indica Hybrid Rice during the Period of Grain Filling

  22. 高锰酸钾固定制样的能较好的显示出细胞中内膜结构,如细胞核、液泡的被膜、淀粉体被膜。

    Samples fixed with Potassium permanganate show a good result in endomembrane system display , like nuclear membrane , tonoplast and amyloplast envelope .

  23. 结果表明,稻米淀粉体发育及胚乳透明度,既受品种遗传因素控制,又与环境温度密切相关。

    The results indicated that rice starch grain development and endosperm transparency were not only controlled by heredity but also affected by environmental temperature .

  24. 籽粒透明部分的胚乳细胞内淀粉体呈多面形,淀粉体排列紧密,淀粉体之间无空隙。

    Grain transparent part of the endosperm cells , starch takes the shape of the surface shape , starch compactly arranged with no gap between the amyloid .

  25. 这表明高温改变了稻米淀粉体的发育进程,导致了稻米淀粉体(粒)结构疏松,折光率下降,胚乳透明度降低。

    In conclusion , high temperature changes the starch grain developmental process and makes starch grain construction loose , decreases the refractive index and endosperm transparency in rice grain .

  26. 越来越多的证据指出蛋白感染素疾病(如狂牛病)是因为蛋白质结合过程中其构型产生不可逆的改变,可能是由类淀粉体堆积相关的机制造成。

    The evidence is accumulating that prion diseases are due to proteins which change their conformation irreversibly during an association reaction , perhaps by mechanisms related to amyloid accumulation .

  27. 淀粉体在老年痴呆症病人的脑中形成很大的、称为斑块的小球,同样的事情也发生在每个人的脑中(较慢而已)。

    Amyloid forms into big globules called plaques in the brain of Alzheimer 's disease patients , and the same thing happens ( more slowly ) in everyone 's brains .

  28. 比较了两个籼稻品种颖果的发育,籽粒的主要品质性状以及胚乳淀粉体的大小、形状、结构等特性。

    A comparison of the caryopsis development , rice quality characteristics and the size , pattern , structure of the endosperm amyloplasts ( starch granules ) in the two indica rice varieties was made .

  29. 水稻游离核及细胞的分裂速度较小麦快.(3)水稻胚乳细胞中淀粉体约在花后第4天出现,蛋白质体约在花后第5天出现;

    The divisive speed of the free nucleus and cells in rice was faster that in wheat . ( 3 ) The amyloplast and proteoplast in rice occurred to the 4 th and 5 th day after flowering respectively .

  30. 根状茎横切面显示表皮无气孔器,皮层具裂生通气组织,有内皮层,中柱具六个外韧维管束,髓部发达,薄壁细胞内含大量淀粉体和造油体。

    Shows that : Stoma is absent in the epidermis , schizogenous aerenchyma exist in cortex . Inside the endodermis , six collateral bundles lie in the vascular cylinder , pith tissue is developed and abundant amyloid and oleoplast accumulated in its parenchyma cells .