
  1. 上海东亚同文书院与近代日本侵华活动

    Shanghai East Asia Common Culture College and Modern Japan 's Aggression against China

  2. 论东亚同文书院对日本侵华史的作用

    The Study of the Influence of the East Asian Common-culture Academy in Japan 's Invasion History of China

  3. 东亚同文书院是日本东亚同文会1900&1945年间在中国上海开办的一所特殊学校,它从日本各地招收学生,学习中国语言和文化。

    East Asia Common Culture College was a special college , which was opened in Shanghai Japan 's East Asia Common Culture Society from 1900 to 1945.It recruited students from all parts of Japan to study Chinese language and culture .