
dōnɡ jīnɡ huí hé
  • Tokyo Round
  1. 但是,东京回合《反倾销守则》却没有规定具体的比较方法,这给适用归零法提供了空间。

    However , the specific method of comparison is not provided by the Tokyo Round Anti-dumping Code , which provides Zeroing with applicable space .

  2. 美国贸易代表完成了北美自由贸易双边贸易协定谈判和肯尼迪回合,东京回合和乌拉圭回合三次多边贸易谈判,达成一系列贸易成果,包括建立世界贸易组织等。

    United States Trade Representative completed the multilateral trade negotiations of the North American Free Trade Agreement and the Kennedy Round , Tokyo Round and the Uruguay Round , and reached a series of trade results , including the establishment of the World Trade Organization .