
dōng zhī
  • Toshiba;Toshiba Corp.;TEC
  1. 东芝CT机常见故障统计分析

    Statistical analysis of the of common faults TOSHIBA Computed Tomography

  2. 今年年初,日本电子公司东芝发布了一款不需要佩戴眼镜观看的3D电视。

    Earlier this year the electronics company Toshiba unveiled a3D TV that works without glasses .

  3. 东芝近年来在视频处理器芯片以及Cell处理器领域取得了长足的进步,不过这些技术带来的收益显然不足以与DVD播放器能为东芝在家庭娱乐市场中带来的收益相比。

    Toshiba has certainly made strides with its video processing and cell processor .

  4. 提供新的和使用IBM,康柏、东芝电脑零件给大型和小型企业。

    Providing new and used IBM , Compaq and Toshiba computer parts to large and small business .

  5. 应用于便携式设备的东芝870/C系列MCU

    Toshiba 870 / C MCU Applied in Portable Devices

  6. 东芝INFINIX/vc型DSA维修二例

    Two Cases of Troubleshooting for Toshiba INFINIX / vc DSA

  7. 东芝公司一位发言人最近暗示,东芝公司很可能会退出LCD产品制造领域。

    A spokesman for Toshiba hinted that the company may withdraw from the LCD production business .

  8. 本文介绍和讨论了东芝KXO-15C发生器高压电路连环故障的检修和发生原因。

    This paper introduces the maintaining methods and discuses the reasons of linked breakdowns of the high voltage circuit of TOSHIBA KXO-15C X-ray generator .

  9. 东芝公司是消费电子产品的重要厂商,也是2010年世界第三大IC厂商。

    Toshiba is a manufacturer of consumer goods as well as being the world 's third largest producer of ICs in2010 .

  10. 大容量电阻片、GIS型避雷器和瓷套型避雷器的研发工作都是在株式会社东芝相关技术的基础上进行的。

    , The R & D of high capacity resistance piece and GIS and porcelain-clad metal oxide arrester was carried out based on related Toshiba technology .

  11. 林信行还表示,在平板电脑市场上,其他老牌巨头如夏普(Sharp)和东芝似乎已经完全找不着北了。

    Others like sharp and Toshiba , however , seem to have lost the plot altogether when it comes to tablets says Hayashi .

  12. 是年晚些时候,东芝(ToshibaCorp.)将手机业务出售给了富士通。

    Later that year , Toshiba Corp. sold its phone business to Fujitsu .

  13. •闪存由韩国一家新的供应商提供【而非三星(Samsung)或东芝(Toshiba)】

    • flash purchased from a new Korean suppler ( as opposed to Samsung or Toshiba )

  14. 东芝公司也推出了支持无线上网的高端袖珍电脑,将PDA技术推向了一个新的高度。

    Toshiba is also pushing the PDA up a notch4 , with its high-end pocket PC that supports wireless networking .

  15. 冠捷可能也会尝试吸引其它大品牌电视供应商的兴趣,例如索尼(Sony)、夏普(Sharp)和东芝Toshiba)。

    TPV may also try to interest other leading suppliers of branded TVs , such as Sony , Sharp and Toshiba .

  16. 基于ANSYS的笔记本电脑包装件跌落仿真研究但是,东芝电脑本身并没有质量问题。

    Simulation on laptop package dropping by using ANSYS software As to the Toshiba computer in question , the CEO emphasised that it had no quality problems .

  17. 在过去一年中,英国家庭保险理赔中最常见的物品是32英寸的东芝电视机,三星笔记本电脑和索尼PS游戏机。

    The most common items in home insurance claims over the past year were32in Toshiba televisions , Samsung laptop computers and Sony PlayStation games consoles .

  18. 本周,东芝公司宣布将自己的HDDVD播放器降价40%-50%。

    This week , Toshiba announced that it would cut the price of its HD DVD players by forty to fifty percent .

  19. 今年2月,HD-DVD技术的头号支持者东芝公司(ToshibaCorp.)承认在这场格式之争中落败。

    Toshiba Corp. , the leading supporter of HD-DVD technology , admitted defeat in February .

  20. 面对核反应堆需求前景的不确定性,东芝(toshiba)正设法出售其持有的西屋电气(westinghouseelectric)核电部门大量股份。

    Toshiba is seeking to offload a big stake in its Westinghouse atomic power unit amid uncertainty over demand for nuclear reactors .

  21. 本文简要介绍日本东芝公司的数码照相机所采用的CMOS图像传感器并将之与CCD图像传感器作了对比。

    This article gives a brief introduction to Toshiba 's newly developed CMOS image sensor and a comparison of CMOS image sensor to CCD image sensor is also made .

  22. 仪器为东芝7200-A/DI双探头SPECT显像仪,配置低能高分辨型准直器。

    The equipment was a dual detector SPECT of Toshiba 7200-A / DI , and the detectors were equipped with low energy high-resolution collimators .

  23. 索尼(Sony)、三星(Samsung)、东芝(Toshiba)和LG等公司正竞相推出4K超高清电视。

    Now Sony ( SNE ) , Samsung , Toshiba , and LG are turning to so-called 4K ultra-high-definition sets .

  24. 不过,在制定高清DVD标准的战斗中输给索尼(Sony)之后,东芝也确实需要取得一些引人注目的突破。

    Tosh-iba could nevertheless do with some high-profile breakthroughs after losing its battle with Sony to set the standard for high definition video players .

  25. 该交易成功之后,东芝(Toshiba)将成为日本唯一拥有可观规模系统LSI业务的多元化电子集团。

    The deal would leave Toshiba as the only diversified Japanese electronics group with a sizeable system LSI operation .

  26. 松下电器产业公司、日立公司(HitachiLtd.)、日本电气公司(NECCorporation)、东芝公司(ToshibaCo.)和三菱电机(MitsubishiElectricCo.)都表示,他们将把每位员工的月工资上调2000日圆。

    Panasonic Corp. , Hitachi Ltd. , NEC Corp. , Toshiba Corp. and Mitsubishi Electric Corp. all said they will offer monthly increases of Yen2000 per employee .

  27. 东芝(Toshiba)长期虚报利润的原因和后果,反映出日本一些独特的文化习俗。

    The causes and consequences of the long-running inflation of profits by Toshiba reflect some uniquely Japanese cultural norms .

  28. 德州仪器(TI)被东芝挤到了第四位,而后者则爬到第三位。

    Texas Instruments was knocked off its perch to fourth position by Toshiba which climbed to third , whilst fabless IC supplier Qualcomm jumped from eighth in2008 to sixth this past quarter .

  29. 东芝公司表示,它将把在新加坡的一家制造小型液晶显示器的工厂,出售给台湾友达光电(auoptronics)。

    Toshiba said it was selling a plant in Singapore that made small liquid crystal displays to AU Optronics of Taiwan .

  30. 但东芝却相信,凭借着顶级的材质、强大的性能与良好的品质,他们能够为那些财力雄厚的消费者提供一款Windows笔记本,它可以与苹果叫好又叫座的MacBookAir相提并论。

    But Toshiba figures it can offer buyers with deep pockets the Windows equivalent of Apple 's popular and much-praised MacBook Air , with premium materials , strong specs and a good warranty .