
  • The University of Tokyo;Tokyo University
  1. 1923年出生于秋田县大馆市的这只小狗,以当时30日元的价格被东京大学的农业系教授上野英三郎买下,当时的他正好在寻找一只纯种的秋田犬。

    He was born in Odate City in Akita Prefecture in 1923 , the newborn pup was sold for ¥ 30 ( a sizeable sum at the time ) to Hidesaburo Ueno , an agricultural scientist at the University of Tokyo who was looking for a pure-bred Akita-inu ( 'Akita dog ' ) .

  2. 人们可以在上野公园附近的东京大学校园内看到他们。

    You can find it on The University of Tokyo 's campus , just next to Ueno Park .

  3. 本文作者为东京大学(UniversityofTokyo)经济学教授

    The writer is a professor of economics at the University of Tokyo

  4. 试论日本东京大学机械系三学科的CAD/CAM课程教育

    CAD / CAM Course Education in Three Subjects of Mechanical Department of Tokyo University

  5. 在获得东京大学(universityoftokyo)的哲学学位后,他在2003年成为一名和尚。

    After gaining a degree in philosophy at the University of Tokyo he became a monk in 2003 .

  6. 目前,只有两家能登上《泰晤士高等教育》杂志(TimesHigherEducation)排名等著名榜单:东京大学(TheUniversityofTokyo)和京都大学(KyotoUniversity)。

    Currently only two make the cut in prominent lists like that of Times Higher Education : the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University .

  7. 作为世界第二大经济体,日本仅有一所大学进入前20名,即排名第17位的东京大学(TokyoUniversity)。

    Japan , the world 's second largest economy , has only one institution in the top 20 , 17th-ranked Tokyo University .

  8. 东京大学(tokyouniversity)研究农村医保试点计划的研究员发现,这对个人医疗支出的影响不大。

    Researchers at Tokyo University , who examined the pilot programmes for rural health insurance , found the impact on health expenditures by individuals only modest .

  9. 我从那里换了几趟火车,在后乐园站(Korakuen)下车,走到东京大学(UniversityofTokyo)的小石川植物园(KoishikawaBotanicalGardens)。

    From there , I hopped a couple of trains over to the Korakuen station and walked up to the University of Tokyo 's Koishikawa Botanical Gardens .

  10. 他们纷纷报考李光耀公共政策学院、东京大学(UniversityofTokyo)公共政策大学院(GraduateSchoolofPublicPolicy)以及新德里附近的金德尔政府与公共政策学院(JindalSchoolofGovernmentandPublicPolicy)等学校,这些学校都开设英文授课的MPP课程。

    the Graduate School of Public Policy at the University of Tokyo and the Jindal School of Government and Public Policy near New Delhi , all of which run MPP courses in English .

  11. 这个解比USGS、HarvardCMT和东京大学地震研究所得到的矩张量解更为合理。

    This solution is more reasonable than those reported by USGS , Harvard CMT and ERI of University of Tokyo .

  12. 日本九州大学、东京大学和农业生物资源研究所的3个研究小组对RNAi在家蚕中的应用进行了探索,初步发现在家蚕和其培养细胞中存在RNA干涉现象。

    In Bombyx mori , Kyushu University , Tokyo University and Biology Resources and Genetic Graduate School searched and found that RNAi phenomenon existed in culture cell of silkworm .

  13. 乔治奥尔科特(GeorgeOlcott)是东京大学尖端科学技术研究中心教授。

    George Olcott is a professor at the research centre for advanced science and technology at the University of Tokyo .

  14. 这加大了机械手臂的发明人、东京大学教授石川正俊(MasatoshiIshikawa),以及其他日本学者改变立场的压力。

    This has increased the pressure on Masatoshi Ishikawa , the Tokyo university professor who invented the robot hand , and other Japanese academics to change their stance .

  15. 要找到解决难题的答案,许多日本高管都会求助于藤本隆宏(TakahiroFujimoto),他一家银行楼上一间简陋的办公室,管理着东京大学(UniversityofTokyo)的制造业管理研究中心。

    For answers to their dilemmas , many Japanese executives turn to Takahiro Fujimoto , who runs the University of Tokyo 's Manufacturing Management Research Centre from a ramshackle office above a bank .

  16. 一个能在“包剪锤”游戏上横扫人类挑战者的机械手臂,令东京大学(Tokyouniversity)陷入二战以来最大的道德困境之一:日本学者应解除70年的禁令,利用这类技术来研发武器吗?

    A robotic hand - which can beat any human challenger at rock , paper , scissors - has thrust Tokyo university into one of its biggest ethical dilemmas since the second world war : should Japanese academics lift a 70-year ban and exploit such technology to build weapons ?

  17. 我们要的是基于法律的秩序,而不是基于蛮横实力的秩序,不幸的是,后者正是中国现在的情况,东京大学(UniversityofTokyo)教授高原明生(AkioTakahara)表示。

    We want an order based on law , not on crude power , which unfortunately is the case in China right now , said Akio Takahara , a professor at the University of Tokyo .

  18. 东京大学(TokyoUniversity)国际政治教授藤原归一(KiichiFujiwara)表示,安倍出于他的信念,即日本在战后被专门挑出来作为谴责对象,仍致力于修正主义事业。

    Kiichi Fujiwara , professor of international politics at Tokyo University , said Mr Abe remained committed to revisionist causes , borne of his conviction that Japan had been singled out for vilification after the war .

  19. 日方首席委员、东京大学(TokyoUniversity)教授北冈伸一(ShinichiKitaoka)表示:历史是一面镜子。但如果我们只看战争时期,它就成了一面扭曲的镜子。

    History is a mirror . But if we only look at the war era , it becomes a distorted mirror , says Shinichi Kitaoka , professor at Tokyo University and head of Japan 's delegation .

  20. TomohiroAmemiya,东京大学视力和听力有残障的人士依靠触觉生活。

    TOMOHIRO AMEMIYA , TOKYO UNIVERSITY People who have visual and hearing disabilities rely on their sense of touch .

  21. 东京大学的贾斯汀•麦纳和TakuzoAida在一篇文章中写道,这种材料“能承受多次断裂,不需要催化剂,而且易于制造。”

    The material can " withstand multiple fractures , needs no catalysts and is otherwise straightforward to produce , " Justin Mynar and Takuzo Aida of the University of Tokyo wrote in an accompanying article .

  22. 日本前高级官员、东京大学教授伊藤隆敏(takatoshiito)表示,各国“必须采取强有力的财政政策措施”,但各国政府应选择最适合本国情况的政策。

    Takatoshi Ito of Tokyo University and a former senior official in Japan said countries " need to take strong fiscal policy measures " but each government should choose the policy that best suits its circumstances .

  23. 对于东京大学公共政策大学院院长城山英明(HideakiShiroyama)而言,通过这种联盟,较新兴的学校可以参与竞争。

    For Hideaki Shiroyama , dean at the Graduate School of Public Policy at the University of Tokyo , the system is a way in which newer institutions can compete .

  24. 日本东京大学的藤原彻和他的同事增强了拟南芥BOR1基因的活性。BOR1基因控制着硼的吸收。

    Toru Fujiwara of the University of Tokyo , Japan and colleagues increased the activity of the plant 's BOR1 gene , which controls the uptake of boron .

  25. 作为电子皮肤领域的大牛,东京大学的染矢高雄(takaosomeya)在一个柔性面板上用有机晶体管设计了这种可伸缩电路。

    Takao Someya of the University of Tokyo , who is one of the pioneers of electronic skin , has also built stretchable circuits using organic transistors on a rubber backing .

  26. 东京大学国际MPP每年学费为53.58万日元(合4428美元),另外还有28.2万日元的录取费。如果考虑到有政府补贴的话,李光耀公共政策学院的国际MPP学员的学费是3.45万新元(合24585美元)。

    Tuition is an annual Y535800 ( $ 4428 ) for the international MPP in Tokyo , on top of an admissions fee of Y282000 , while the Lee Kuan Yew School 's international MPP students pay S $ 34500 ( $ 24585 ) once state subsidies are accounted for .

  27. 这个星期的《国家科学院学报》发表的论文中,东京大学的TomonoriNochi和他的同事就公布了这样一件好的成果。

    And according to a paper in this week 's Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , that is what Tomonori Nochi of the University of Tokyo and his colleagues have done .

  28. 设计相对简单的机器人Chapit吸引了一位公司合伙人的注意,但包括东京大学教授松本清在内的很多研究人员则正在为高投入项目寻找赞助商。

    While Chapit , a relatively simple robot , managed to attract a corporate partner , many researchers , such as Kiyoshi Matsumoto , a professor at the University of Tokyo , struggle to attract sponsors for more expensive projects .

  29. 东京大学也位列前20名。

    The University of Tokyo is also included in top 20 .

  30. 日本东京大学工学院电气、电子、信息三学科课程介绍

    Introduction to the courses in EE departments at Tokyo University