
  • 网络Dongfeng Motor;DFM;dongfeng motor corporation;DFAC
  1. 作为湖北省的省会,这个城市还是东风汽车公司(DongfengMotorco.)所在地,这家汽车公司近期购买了法国标致雪铁龙(PeugeotCitroen)的股份。

    The capital of Hubei province is home to Dongfeng Motor Corp. , which recently took a major stake in French struggling car maker Peugeot Citro ë n.

  2. 基于东风汽车公司的汽车企业专利战略研究

    Study on Auto Companies ' Patent Strategy Based on Dongfeng Motor Corporation

  3. 2002年,东风汽车公司与PSA标致雪铁龙集团提升合作层次,扩大合作范围。

    In 2002 , DongFeng Automobile Company and PSA Peugeot Citroen Group together upgraded the cooperative administrative levels and expanded the cooperative scope .

  4. 介绍了东风汽车公司重型车厂开发设计的30t凹梁式车辆运输半挂车的结构特点及设计方案。

    30 - ton concave beam type semitrailers of vehicular traffic , developed by DFM heavy vehicle factory , are introduced including the structure feature and design plan .

  5. 知情人士透露,标致雪铁龙(PSAPeugeotCitro&235;n)正计划与中国汽车制造商东风汽车公司(Dongfeng)合作,每年在中国生产100万辆汽车,并面向亚洲市场销售。

    PSA Peugeot Citro & # 235 ; n is aiming to produce 1m cars a year in China for Asian markets with local automaker Dongfeng , as part of their industrial partnership , according to people briefed on the talks .

  6. 日产汽车(NissanMotors)和中国东风汽车公司(Dongfeng)的合资品牌启辰(Venucia)一季度的销量达到10487辆,只略低于日产汽车人气SUV逍客(Qashqai)的销量。

    Nissan Motors and partner Dongfeng sold 10487 of their joint brand Venucia in the first three months of this year -- just slightly less than sales of Nissan 's popular Qashqai SUV .

  7. 以东风汽车公司生产6102D2球铁曲轴为例,基于本文的研究成果所开发出的曲轴滚压校直系统在国内具有很好的应用价值。

    The Crankshaft Rolling and Alignment System by applying this research result is very useful , using Dong Feng Motor Company 6102D 2 crankshaft produce as an example .

  8. 东风汽车公司开发西部市场的实践与思考

    China Western Market Shooting Practice and Strategy for DongFeng Auto Company

  9. 工业工程在东风汽车公司的探索与实践

    IE in Dongfeng Motor Corporation : The Exploration and Practice

  10. 清洁生产在东风汽车公司的实践

    Practice of Clean Production in Dongfeng Motor Manufacture Group Company

  11. 东风汽车公司原材料物流管理研究

    Teh Research on Raw Material Logistic Management of Dong Feng Automobile Company

  12. 东风汽车公司提高汽车铸件生产准备效率的做法

    Measures for Higher Efficiency of Preparation for Production in Dongfeng Automobile Company

  13. 东风汽车公司协配件价格管理系统的开发

    The Development of DongFeng Motor Accessory Price Management System

  14. 东风汽车公司医疗卫生统计信息系统的设计与实现

    Designing and Realizing of Medical and Health Statistical Information System of Dongfeng Motor Corporation

  15. 面对入世挑战东风汽车公司的产品发展战略和对策

    Suggestion countermeasure and strategy of production development of DFM facing the challenge of joining WTO

  16. 长安汽车公司昨日拒绝发表评论,东风汽车公司则联络不上。

    Chang'an declined to comment yesterday , and Dongfeng could not be reached for comment .

  17. 1992年更名为东风汽车公司。

    Renamed as Dongfeng Motor Corporation in1992 .

  18. 东风汽车公司房地产经营关键是经营战略选择

    The Key to Running the Real Estate of the Dongfeng Automobile Company is Strategy Selection

  19. 东风汽车公司空气压缩机站噪声治理效果调查和评价。

    Survey and evaluation of noise control effect at air compressor stations of Dongfeng Motor Corp.

  20. 介绍了东风汽车公司多年生产铸态高强度球铁及高韧性球铁铸件的径验;

    It has been introduced that Dongfeng Automotive Company practised for years in production of as cast s.

  21. 东风汽车公司用10年时间对3条汽车总装线进行加长改造并取得了成功。

    Three truck assembly-lines of Deng Feng Motor Corporation has been successfully improved during the last 10 years .

  22. 根据东风汽车公司对工艺装备管理的要求,开发了计算机辅助工艺装备管理系统。

    According to the requirement of Dongfeng Automobile Corporation to technology equipment management , a computer aided managing system is developed .

  23. 项目市场定位主要是为东风汽车公司、十堰汽配产业和十堰经济开发区服务。

    The target customers of the market are Dongfeng Motor , the auto parts industry of Shiyan and the Shiyan Economic Development Zone .

  24. 本文运用现代物流理论对东风汽车公司原材料物流管理进行了分析和探讨。

    This paper is doing research and analysis on the raw material logistic administration of the DFAC in terms of modern theories of logistics .

  25. 本文剖析了各种铸铁的特性及其在汽车典型零件上的应用,着重介绍东风汽车公司的应用经验。

    In this paper , the characteristics of various iron castings are expressed and their applications in typical automotive parts are given with special attention to DFM practice .

  26. 东风汽车公司始建于1969年,是中国汽车行业骨干企业之一。

    Founded in1969 , Dongfeng Motor Corporation ( hereafter referred to as DFM ), formerly named Second Automobile Works Co. , is one of the3 giant auto makers in China .

  27. 第二章:结合案例&东风汽车公司发动机厂曲轴、凸轮轴混流生产技术改造项目,对该项目进行可行性研究分析。

    In Chapter 2 a feasibility analysis is made on the case-The project of process rebuilding for crank shaft and cam shaft flexible manufactory lines of engine plant of DFM .

  28. 就大型热模锻压力机模架设计要点进行了探讨,并对东风汽车公司今后的模架设计提出了建议。

    The article discusses main design points of die holder for large die forging press , and gives suggestion to the Dong Feng Automotive company for future die holder design .

  29. 东风汽车公司的物流体系可划为原材料、零部件采购买供应物流,公司内汽车产品生产制造物流和产品销售物流三种类型。

    The DFAC 's logistic system can be divided into three parts , the purchasing and supplying logistics of raw material and parts & components , inner-company auto manufacturing logistics and product selling logistics .

  30. 通过对中国重型车年度需求总量预测与结构分析及对东风汽车公司的外部环境和自身经营现状进行了诊断分析,指出东风公司发展重型车的优势和目前亟待解决的问题。

    Presents the advantage and problems facing the DFM , by the forecast of the yearly total requirement and structure of the weight truck and the analysis of the outer environment and internal management of the DFM .