
  1. 最后,本文还回顾了东原的义理思想之历史命运并就其评价等问题进行了简要的探讨。

    Finally , the dissertation looks back the historical plight about Dong-yuan 's philosophy , and discusses compendiously the evaluation on this thought of philosophy .

  2. 立足于地理文化,分析了《金瓶梅》将《水浒传》杀嫂情节的地点“由阳谷县改为清河县”的原因,进而分析了罗贯中的籍贯非东原的问题。

    Based on the geography culture , this article analyzed the reason of Jin Ping Mei changing the place where Takematsu killed his sister-in-law from Yanggu to Qinghe .

  3. 同时,作为基本统摄儒家思想之天道观的气化论,实亦为东原的义理思想当然的逻辑起点,那种以东原为一元气一元论者的看法有其不实之处。

    Moreover , as a theory on Qi Hua which dominates basically the idea on Tian Dao of Confucianism 's thought , it is the logical jumping-off point of Dong-yuan 's philosophy too , so the opinion that considers Dong-yuan as a monist of Yuan Qi is not true .

  4. 在咖啡馆门口,东国原小姐低声说:“我在杂志和推特上看到了这个地方,很想来这看看。”

    Speaking quietly at the entrance of the cafe , Miss Higashikokubaru said : " I heard about this place in magazines and via Twitter and I liked the idea of coming here .

  5. 45岁的店主渡边大辉说,每周有超过200位顾客到这家咖啡馆来静静地坐着,东国原小姐是其中之一。

    Miss Higashikokubaru is one of more than 200 visitors who pass through the doors and sit in silence at the caf é every week , according to Taiki Watanabe , its 45-year-old owner .

  6. 本文简要介绍了东轻公司原水泵站系统控制方式存在的问题,经采用变频技术改造后,取得了明显的经济效益。

    This paper introduced the problems of control mode in Northeast light alloy co water pump station , after applied frequency converting technology , remarkable economic benefits have been obtained .

  7. 根据日本血吸虫原肌球蛋白cDNA序列和曼氏血吸虫的原肌球蛋白cDNA序列M27512的保守区设计引物,采用RT-PCR方法,成功克隆了土耳其东毕吸虫的原肌球蛋白全长cDNA序列。

    According to the tropomyosin ( TM ) cDNA 's keeping sequence of Schistosoma japonicum ( L76203 ) and Schistosoma mansoni ( M27512 ), a pair of primer were designed and used to RT-PCR . The TM full-length cDNA sequence of the Orientobilharzia turkestanicum were successfully cloned by RT-PCR .

  8. 为客户服务是东帝存在的唯一理由;客户需求是东帝发展的原动力。

    Customer service for East Timor is the only reason ; Customer demand for the development of East Timor is the driving force .