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  1. 就象在大泽里一样,潜水员也能在下水道里失踪。

    As in the ocean , the diver may disappear there .

  2. 唐朝时期的中国,生活在南方的大泽水域。

    Tang dynasty period of China , living in the South Dazeshan waters .

  3. 大泽山葡萄籽油中脂肪酸成分的GC/MS分析

    Analysis of fatty acid content in the grape seed oil by gc / ms

  4. 主营石材,公司位于中国山东平度市山东青岛平度大泽山。

    Main business stone material , company located at the Chinese Shandong Pingdu Shandong Qingdao Pingdu Daze .

  5. 中国历史上第一次大规模农民起义(大泽乡起义)的首领们就是在陈建立政权。

    The leaders of first Chinese peasant uprising ( Daze Village Uprising ) established the government at Chen .

  6. 他们面临着死刑的威胁。于是,在陈胜、吴广的领导下,在大泽乡举起了中国历史上第一次大规模农民起义的旗帜。

    Faced with the menace of death , they raised the first banner of a large-scale peasant insurrection at the head of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang .

  7. 呼伦湖又名达赉湖,它是我国第五大湖泊,是中国东北地区数千公里之内唯一的一个大泽。

    Hulun Lake , which is also named Dalai Lake , is the fifth biggest lake in China and the only lake in the thousands of areas in Northeast China .

  8. 至前161年,堰塞湖水南向溢流而夺古潜水河道下泄,又在龙门山以北的阳平关谷地形成新的“大泽”。

    In161 BC , the waters of the barrier lake overflowed south to the old Qian River , forming large marshes in Yangpingguan Valley to the north of Mt Longmen .

  9. 一道道缓缓流转的缭绕云烟,象徵了时间、静止、安闲,传递了时光漫茫的诗意情景,增强了景物的虚远疏远感,更让人联想上古的云梦大泽与神秘浪漫的楚文化。

    Besides strengthening the sense of distance of the scene , it also makes people think of the ancient Chu cultures which were rich in content , romantic and mysterious in style .

  10. 当人们抵达大泽乡时(在今天的安徽省宿县县西南),天降大雨,他们注定要迟到了。

    When people arrived in Dazexiang ( southwest in today 's Suxian County in Anhui Province ) , it began to rain cats and dogs ; and they were bound to be late .

  11. 他们先后攻占大泽乡、蕲县,在攻下楚的故都陈县(今河南淮阳)时,已有战士数万人。

    The insurgent army captured Daze Township and Qi County successively . When they took Chen County , the old capital of the state Chu ( present Huaiyang , Henan ) , the number of the forces had reached up to tens of thousands .

  12. 7月,一队开赴渔阳(今北京密云)戍边士卒900人,遇雨停留在大泽乡(今安徽宿县境),不能如期赶到戍地。

    In July , a band of 900 conscripted peasants heading for Yuyang ( modern Miyun County , Beijing ) for guard duties were delayed by heavy rain in Daze Township ( part of Suxian County in Anhui Province ) , and it was impossible for them to arrive on time .