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dà bài
  • debacle;heavy defeat;decisive defeat;bomb;walloping;defeat utterly;put to rout;suffer a crushing defeat
大败 [dà bài]
  • [suffer a crushing defeat;decisive defeat;heavy defeat] 在竞争和军事对抗中遭受惨重的失败

大败[dà bài]
  1. 他们在决赛中以22:6大败新西兰队。

    They demolished New Zealand 22 – 6 in the final .

  2. 他打架了,而且显然是大败而归。

    He 'd been in a fight and had obviously got the worst of it .

  3. 杜克在本月的路易斯安那州长竞选中大败而归。

    Duke was soundly defeated in this month 's Louisiana governor 's race .

  4. 周六米尔沃尔队以6比0大败诺茨郡队。

    Millwall demolished Notts County 6-0 on Saturday .

  5. 我们被轻易地击败了。按理说我们本应该大败他们。

    We got whacked . On paper we should have wiped the floor with them .

  6. 等到敌军入侵,越人的战车刚刚上阵,就残破得不堪使用,结果被敌人打得大败。

    Later when the enemy army invaded them , the chariots of Yue were all broken when first brought to the battlefield and were useless . Thus , the state of Yue was hadly defeated .

  7. 然而,高达2500美元的价格使这款OLED电视在财务收益方面大败。

    But at $ 2,500 a pop , the OLED television was a financial flop .

  8. 记住在Bed-Stuy大殿Tonya在跳棋大赛上大败Drew

    So Tonya over Drew in a checkers match to remember right here at the Palace in Bed-Stuy .

  9. 在世界杯决赛中德国队大败阿根廷队。

    Germany clobbered Argentina in the final of the worm cup .

  10. 瑞士2比0战胜多哥,而乌克兰则以4比0大败沙特。

    Switzerland beat Togo 2-0 , while Ukraine trounced Saudi Arabia 4-0 .

  11. 地主篮球队大败客队。

    The home basketball team annihilated the visiting team .

  12. 指挥官喊道:“大败了”

    The captain cries ," Here comes the rout ,"

  13. 我们把蓝队打得大败。

    We gave the blue team a good drubbling .

  14. 在昨晚的足球比赛中德国队大败英国队。

    Germany slaughteredengland in last night 's football match .

  15. 到晚上9时,法国经历了历史上最惨痛的大败战。

    By9 p.m. , the French had suffered their worst defeat in history .

  16. 我们的城市中的贫民苦况是现代社会的一大败象。

    The poverty in our cities is a damning indictment of modern society .

  17. 他在战斗中未死,但看到自己的人大败。

    He didn 't die in the fight , but saw his men defeated .

  18. 他将他的对手打得大败。

    He gave his opponent a good dusting .

  19. 第一轮比赛中,她不到半小时就大败敌手。

    She demolished her opponent in the first round in under half an hour .

  20. 在周二的世界杯比赛中,德国以3比0大败厄瓜多尔,以小组第一名的身份晋级十六强。

    Germany whitewashed Ecuador 3-0 to top Group A at the World Cup on Tuesday .

  21. 第一次参加羽毛球比赛,结果大败而归。

    This is my first time of attending badminton event and the expected result was0 .

  22. 他凭出色的战术,大败法军,但自己也伤重去世。

    By brilliant strategy , he routed the French , but died of his wounds .

  23. 我大败了黑巫师!

    I defeated the dark sorcerer !

  24. 灰心丧气的美国队决定调查大败原因。

    The Americans , discouraged and depressed , decided to investigate the reason for the crushing defeat .

  25. 所以说炒楼团若来到这里,注定大败而归,掀不起大的风浪。

    So if speculation Mission here , and doomed to checkmate , who can not afford waves .

  26. 但叛军大败被当作针对西方取得的愉快胜利。

    But a major defeat of the rebels is seen as a sweet victory over the west .

  27. 还有拉科他苏人,“疯马”,他曾在小比格霍恩杀死了卡斯特,大败他的部队。

    Crazy Horse , the Lakota Sioux who killed Custer and routed his troops at Little Bighorn ;

  28. 巴德明在台球上能够打败比尔,但是打羽毛球比尔常常大败巴德巴德明在台球上能够打败比尔,明。

    Badmin was able to beat Bill at billiards , but Bill always beat Badmin badly at badminton .

  29. 一个谁也没听说过的学校,会在田径场上突然大败许多有名的大学。

    A school that nobody had heard of was suddenly beating big , famous colleges in track meets .

  30. 商汤乘机率兵伐夏,大败夏桀,桀逃到南巢死去。

    Shang Tang took this opportunity to revolt and dethroned Jie , who died in exile in Nanchao .