
  1. 发扬中国哲学的融合力量与中国文化、哲学的现代化、世界化&东学西渐的途径探讨之一

    Enhancing the Syncretizing Power of Chinese Philosophy and the Modernization and Globalization of Chinese Culture and Philosophy

  2. 东学西渐与中国世界文学观的发生

    " Progressive Extending of Eastern Learning to the West " and Raising of " World Literature " Concept in China

  3. 随着“东学西渐”研究在我国的逐渐展开,人们对西方哲学文化中的中国因素有了一定的了解。

    With the research in China on " Eastern Studies Introduced to the West ", the Chinese factors on western philosophy are recognized to a certain extent .

  4. 16、17世纪之交,以儒学为核心的东学西渐第一站是意大利,代表人物是耶稣会士利玛窦。

    At the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries , the dissemination of Oriental learning , mainly Confucianism , first occurred in Italy , and the representative was Matteo Ricci .

  5. 基督教数百年来在中国岭南的传播活动,主要是以一系列文化活动的形式而展开的,因而形成了西学东渐和东学西渐的两大潮流。

    Christianity spread in the Chinese region south of the Five Ridges in the past one hundred years primarily through a variety of cultural activities , posing the integration of western and eastern civilization .

  6. 根据历史事实,在中西文化交流史上,东学西渐从未中断过,我认为21世纪应该是东化的世纪,东方文化将取代西方文化在世界上占统治地位。

    Tracing historical facts has proved that in the history of Chinese and west culture exchange , the dissemination of oriental learning has never stopped . In the history of cultural communication between East and West , I.

  7. 历史上亚欧两大文明相互学习和借鉴,东学西渐和西学东渐循环往复,促进了欧亚文明的共同繁荣进步。

    There is a long tradition of mutual learning between the Asian and European civilizations . Both the Eastern learning spreading westward and the Western learning spreading eastward have contributed to the prosperity and progress of the two civilizations .

  8. 从19世纪晚期到20世纪初期,很多有识之士尝试着通过引进西方的思想与文化来教化国人,解救危机重重的中国。与此同时,东学西渐的浪潮也在兴起。

    During the period of late 19th century and the beginning of 20th century , lots of educated men and persons of ideals and integrity tried to enlighten people by importing Western thoughts and culture , and save crisis-ridden China .

  9. 在16~18世纪的东学西渐的潮流中,中国传统哲学传入西方,从而作为马克思主义哲学形成的历史文化背景,这是没有疑义的。

    There is doubt that in the trend of " eastern doctrine permeating the western scholarship " from 16th to 18th centuries , the traditional Chinese philosophy was propagated into the west and was regarded as the historic and cultural background in the shaping of Marxist philosophy .