
  1. 最后在两次加时后,击败了活塞骑士队历史上首次取患上NBA东部联盟冠军。

    Finally , add two hours after the Cavaliers beat the Pistons NBA first time in the history of the Eastern Conference championship .

  2. 宣传片预告即将到来的NBA总决赛,热火队和步行者队将角逐东部联盟决赛,马刺队和灰熊队角逐西部联盟决赛。

    The promo heralds the upcoming NBA Finals , which will feature the Heat or Pacers for the Eastern Conference and the Spurs or the Grizzlies for the West .

  3. 他同时也在球场上投出了57.8%的命中率(在NBA排名第11),并四次获得东部联盟月最佳球员荣誉。

    He as well shot a franchise-best 57.8 percent ( ranked 11th in the NBA ) from the field and earned Eastern Conference Player of the Month honors four times .

  4. 在过去的三个赛季中,安姆托昆博都是NBA全明星首发球员。(这一次,)他在东部联盟中一枝独秀,获得了1073358张选票。

    Antetokounmpo , an NBA All-Star starter in each of the previous three seasons , is the top vote-getter among all Eastern Conference players , receiving 1073358 votes in the frontcourt group .

  5. 在如今的东部联盟,的确称得上是众所周知的事实。

    In this Eastern Conference , that is a given ;

  6. 然而,把它放在东部联盟名单撇开不谈似乎不公平。

    Yet it doesn 't seem fair to slide it in the list of Eastern Conference titles and move on .

  7. 纽约尼克斯队连输四场,现在和迈阿密热队一起在东部联盟排末位。

    The Knicks now share the East 's worst record with Miami after losing their fourth game in a row .

  8. 公牛队的后卫德里克•罗斯和他的防守型团队从东部联盟赛区决赛中消失。

    So would explosive Bulls guard Derrick Rose and his defense-oriented team , a year removed from an Eastern Conference Finals run .

  9. 《永远的科比》周五晚上在电视上首次亮相,也正是东部联盟决赛第二场,迈阿密热火队主场对阵印第安纳步行者队。

    Forever Kobe makes its television debut Friday night as the Miami Heat hosts the Indiana Pacers for Game 2 of the Eastern Conference final .

  10. 加内特拒绝离开,即使它会把他放入更容易征服的东部联盟而且即使他说对凯尔特人明星保罗-皮尔斯感觉很好。

    Garnett rejected the move even though it would put him in the easier-to-conquer Eastern Conference and even though he is said to be friendly with Celtics star Paul pierce .

  11. 他成为比赛中的最有价值球员,以27分、8个篮板、9个助攻、2个抢断及2个盖帽协助东部联盟;

    He became the most valuable player of the game to27 points , 8 rebounds , 9 assists , two steals and two blocked shots to help the Eastern Conference ;

  12. 字母哥可能是东部联盟里最棒的球星,但是还没有很好的角色球员来辅佐他让雄鹿真正成为联盟里其他球队的障碍。

    Giannis is probably the best player in the conference , but he doesn 't have the supporting cast yet for his team to be considered any sort of conference roadblock .

  13. 球迷甲:你觉得你打哪个位置最牛,小前锋还是大前锋?特别是当你来到东部联盟之后。

    Dee ( Fairfax , VA ): What position do you feel you can be most effective playing small forward or power forward , especially with the shift to the Eastern Conference ?

  14. 对湖人队来说,联盟老对手的最近一次来访让他们并不愉快。他们期待与东部联盟另一支世敌的比赛能取得好的结果。

    A recent visit from an old interconference rival didn 't go so well for the Los Angeles lakers . they 're hoping a game against another Eastern Conference nemesis turns out better .

  15. 火箭刚刚击败了东部联盟最优秀的球队,他们干的相当轻松,活塞最后时刻打出了一轮反击,但是火箭挺过来了(不好翻译),非常可靠的表现,姚明看上去不可阻挡。

    Rockets just beat the best team in the eastern conference They did so fairly easily The pistons made a run at the end , but the Rockets led from the get go Very solid performance Yao looks unstoppable .

  16. 东部联盟重新上演上古时代张伯伦与拉塞尔梦幻般的对决,如今双方都拥有了足以让先辈们引以为豪的天赋、天选之子以及球队之间的羁绊纠葛。

    These Eastern Conference foes have revived a fantastic rivalry that dates back to the days of Wilt Chamberlain and Bill Russell . And they did so with a ton of talent on both sides , promising youth all around and enough bad blood to make their predecessors proud .