
dōng gōng
  • Eastern Palace;crown prince
东宫 [dōng gōng]
  • (1) [crown prince] 指封建时代太子所居住的宫殿阁。借指太子本人

  • (范养民)为东宫伴读。-- 明. 顾炎武《亭林诗文集》

  • (2) 复姓

东宫[dōng gōng]
  1. 唐代东宫制度研究

    A Study on the System of the Eastern Palace in the Tang Dynasty

  2. 东宫官同皇储间除了一荣俱荣,休戚相关的关系外,还有一种逐渐疏离的趋势。

    Between the eastern palace officials and the Crown princes , there was a trend that leading them more and more alienated besides their relationship accordant whenever they were honor or disgrace .

  3. 一个宫女就因私传东宫的事被杀了。

    A palace maid was killed for gossiping about the East Palace story .

  4. 颐和园的大门叫东宫门。

    Summer Palace door called Orient House door .

  5. 东宫西宫:这不是贱,这是爱情。

    It is not baseness but love .

  6. 东宫顿趁火打劫超越了我,但又考试下雨了。

    Button took advantage of that and overtook me , but it started to rain again .

  7. 以东宫门内的仁寿殿为中心的一组建筑物,是当时的政治活动区。

    Orient House rushed to the center of a group of buildings Renshoudian , then political activity areas .

  8. 出了东宫门,我们打的直奔奥林匹克公园、赏鸟巢和水立方去了。

    Toen namen we een taxi naar het Olympic Park om het Vogelnest en Water Cube te bezoeken .

  9. 其中包括俄罗斯一些著名建筑的复制品如东宫、莫斯科红场。

    Among them were replicas of some of Russia 's most famous architecture , such as the East Place , and Moscow 's Red Square .

  10. 本文结合龙岩东宫下选矿厂特殊排架结构的分析计算,归纳总结出类似结构的计算方法。

    This article summarize a structural calculation method similarizeing special bent through the analysis and calculation of special bent structure of Donggongxia mineral-sifting plant in Longyan city .

  11. 东方的角、亢、氏、房、心、尾、箕形状如龙,所以称东宫为青龙或苍龙;

    East corner , Kang , 's , the Housing , heart , tail , Kei shapes such as lung , so called Orient House as a black dragon or black dragon ;

  12. 东宫门是颐和园的正门,正中设三门洞,中门专门为帝后出入,又称御路门。

    As the front entrance to the Summer Palace , it is composed of three gateways , and the middle one , also called Imperial Gateway , was reserved for emperor and empress .