
  • 网络Eastern & Oriental Express;Oriental Express;The Orient Express;Eastern Oriental Express
  1. 《东方快车谋杀案》讲述13个陌生人被困在火车上的故事,这13个人每个人都是嫌疑犯。

    Murder on the Orient Express tells the tale of thirteen strangers stranded on a train , where everyone 's a suspect .

  2. 也许它定位于一趟花俏的东方快车(OrientExpress),以迎合老龄化的日本旅游市场?

    Perhaps it might position itself as a pimped up version of the Orient Express catering to Japan 's ever-greying tourism market ?

  3. 这条21世纪的丝绸之路是全球最长的铁路,比西伯利亚大铁路(Trans-Siberianrailway)和东方快车(OrientExpress)的线路加起来还要长。

    This 21st-century Silk Road was the longest rail link in the world , longer than the Trans-Siberian railway and the Orient Express combined .

  4. 杨肃斌讲到了这样一项挑战:ytl集团旗下经营着曼谷至新加坡的东方快车(eastern&orientalexpress)豪华专列,他们试图吸引更多非日本亚洲客户乘坐这趟专列。

    Mr Yeoh is recounting the challenge of trying to entice more non-Japanese Asian customers on to the luxurious Eastern & Oriental Express train from Bangkok to Singapore , which YTL manages .

  5. 然后我们从尼斯乘东方快车去伊斯坦布尔。

    Then we take the Orient Express to Istanbul from Nice .

  6. 这是什么,东方快车?

    What the hell is this , the Orient express ?

  7. 从《东方快车谋杀案》看侦探小说的叙事技巧

    Narrative Skills in Detective Fiction " Murder on The Orient Express "

  8. 网上,猫王还是东方快车的售票员呢。

    On the lnternet , Elvis is the conductor on the Orient express .

  9. 网上,猫王还是东方快车的售票员呢.

    On the Internet , Elvis is the conductor on the Orient Express .

  10. 她最后登上了“东方快车”专列,远赴中东。

    She ended up aboard the Orient Express , headed for the Middle East .

  11. 她最著名的作品有《东方快车谋杀案》和《尼罗河上的惨案》等。

    Her famous books include Murder on the Orient Express and Death on the Nile etc.

  12. 一旦我们登上了东方快车,你就自由了。

    Once we land to board the Orient express , you are free to go .

  13. 《东方快车谋杀案》讲述的是一个绑匪是如何被公正地惩罚的故事。

    Murder on the oriental Express tells the story of how a kidnapper is justly punished .

  14. 尽管泰姬酒店与东方快车之间的争执是一个极端的例子,但也体现出一个日益明显的趋势。

    Although an extreme example , the row between Taj and Orient Hotels points to a growing trend .

  15. 但是首先请告诉我,你有没有坐过豪华列车旅游?例如,东方快车?

    But first tell me , have you ever traveled on a luxury train , the Orient Express for example ?

  16. 东方快车:行驶巴黎到君士坦丁堡(伊斯坦堡)八十多年(1883~1977)的豪华列车。

    Orient Express : Luxury train that ran from Paris to Constantinople ( Istanbul ) for over 80 years ( 1883-1977 ) .

  17. 就像波洛神探的一个最著名案例“东方快车谋杀案”,他们都干了。

    Rather like in one of Hercule Poirot 's most famous cases ," Murder on the Orient Express ", they all did it .

  18. 同欧洲的威尼斯-辛普伦-东方快车一样,全景式观光车厢充满了浓郁的东方气息。

    Sister train to Europe 's Venice Simplon Orient Express , an open-air observation car allows heady aromas of the Orient to waft onboard .

  19. 当阿加西.克里斯蒂笔下的大侦探波罗登上列车的时候,便奠定了东方快车的名气。

    No shrinking violet , once author Agatha Christie 's detective Hercule Poirot stepped aboard through her pages , the Orient Express " fame was assured .

  20. 东方快车穿梭于新加坡、马来西亚和泰国之间的豪华列车,以设施豪华、食物丰盛、服务周到著称。

    E & O Orient Express is a luxurious train shuttling between Singapore and Malaysia and Thailand which is famous for its luxury in facilities abundance in food and all-round services .

  21. 继《东方快车谋杀案》之后,肯尼思·布拉纳又主演并导演了改编自阿加莎·克里斯蒂小说《尼罗河上的惨案》的电影。

    A sequel to " Murder on the Orient Express , " Kenneth Branagh once again stars and directs in an adaptation of Agatha Christie 's " Death on the Nile . "

  22. 这座酒店建成于1925年,原本是为东方快车乘客们兴建的一座豪华中转站。它颇具符号意义,和这座城市一样融合了多种欧洲风格,包括分离主义、巴洛克、装饰艺术和新艺术。

    Built in 1925 as a luxurious layover for travelers on the Orient Express , the iconic structure , like the Croatian capital , is a melding of European styles : Secessionist , Baroque , Art Deco and Art Nouveau .