
  • 网络Oriental White Stork;Ciconia boyciana;Cionia boyciana
  1. 统计所得数据利用Excel和spss12.0进行统计分析。建立笼养条件下东方白鹳成体和幼体较为详细的行为谱。

    All data was analyzed in Excel and the SPSS 12.0.The most detail behavior ethogram of adult and nestling of captive Oriental white stork was recorded .

  2. 笼养东方白鹳(Cioniaboyciana)室外越冬行为的初步研究

    The Preliminary Study on the Outdoor Behavior of Capture Oriental White Stork ( Cionia boyciana ) in Winter

  3. 东方白鹳繁殖期生境选择与行为观察

    Reproductive habitation selection of Oriental white stork and reproductive behavior observing

  4. 笼养东方白鹳繁殖行为观察

    Observation of the Eastern White Stork Breeding Behavior in Cage

  5. 人工饲养东方白鹳繁殖期行为的时间分配

    Time Budget of Captive Oriental White Storks in Breeding Season

  6. 东方白鹳消化器官的组织学结构

    Study on histology of the eastern white stork

  7. 不同的温度、天气条件,对笼养东方白鹳越冬行为有影响。

    Temperature and weather may influence its behavior .

  8. 东方白鹳的内脏解剖观察

    The Visceral Anatomy of the Oriental White Stork

  9. 笼养东方白鹳的繁殖生态研究

    A Study on Ecology of the Oriental White Stork in Reproductive Period in Captivity

  10. 兴凯湖地区东方白鹳迁徙动态及其停歇地环境条件研究

    Research on the Migration Trends of Oriental White Stork and Environmental Factors of Parking Area

  11. 齐齐哈尔东郊东方白鹳繁殖情况的调查与观察

    An observation & Investigation on breeding situation of the Oriental white storks in Qiqihar suburban district

  12. 挠力河流域是濒危水禽东方白鹳主要繁殖区域。

    The Naoli River Watershed is an important breeding area for rare and endangered Oriental White Stork .

  13. 东方白鹳迁徙活动受风速、气温、降雨等天气影响。

    The causes of effecting migration include wind speed , temperature , raining , and so on .

  14. 黑龙江省东方白鹳人工招引及种群恢复对策研究

    Artificial attraction and population resumption of Siberian White Stork ( ciconia boyciana ) in Heilongjiang province , China

  15. 结果表明:笼养东方白鹳在越冬期活动有一定的节律性;

    The results are : the activity of wintering behaviors of the Oriental White Storks in captivity was rhythmic .

  16. 东方白鹳是大型水禽,国家一类保护鸟类,目前在世界上的现存数量约为3000只。

    Oriental white stork is one of endangered species waterfowl , list in the first class of protection bird of China .

  17. 利用常规组织学方法,观察了4只东方白鹳脾和胸腺的组织结构。

    The microstructure of the spleen and thymus on the4 Oriental White Stork has been observed by means of common histological methods .

  18. 其中,东方白鹳、白琵鹭和白头鹤的种群数量超过全球地理种群数量的1%。

    Additionally , the population of oriental stork , white spoonbill and hooded crane were over 1 % of the global geographical population .

  19. 据统计目前世界共有88家动物园饲养繁育约552只东方白鹳,其中,中国就有58家动物园饲养东方白鹳342只。

    Data collected showed that approximately 552 oriental white storks were kept in 88 zoos all over the world , in China 342 in 58 zoos .

  20. 东方白鹳曾在历史上广泛分布于东亚各国,由于人类捕杀、栖息地破碎化、自身的繁殖率低等原因使该物种野生种群数量大量减少,分布区逐渐萎缩。

    Due to the human hunt , habitat fragmentation and their low reproductive rate , the number of wild population of the species reduced and its distribution increasingly shrunk .

  21. 在洪河自然保护区东方白鹳的保护与管理对策主要为湿地补水、人工招引、适宜生态系统管理以及开展国际合作研究。

    Principal protection and management strategies were suggested to protect Oriental White Stork , including water complement , bird attracted using artificial nests , adaptive ecosystem management , and international research .

  22. 利用光镜和透射电镜,观察了2只东方白鹳和鸡、鸭腔上囊的形态结构。

    The morphological structure of the bursae cloacalis ( bursae of Fabricius ) between the Oriental white stork and the fowl has been observed by a microscope and an electron gyroscope .

  23. 东方白鹳生境选择的主要因子可以概括为四个层面:第一,从宏观出发,选择能满足筑巢、隐蔽、食物等多种功能的景观组合;

    The results show that the principal factor of habitat selection on Oriental White Stork was generalized into four hiberarchy , ( 1 ) the multi-functional landscape of satisfied nesting , cover food ;

  24. 东方白鹳生境选择的研究主要指巢址选择,野外定位测量共计38个巢,其中天然巢7个,利用的人工巢11个,未利用的人工巢20个。

    Habitat selection of thirty eight nests ( including seven natural nests , eleven artificial nests , twenty non-used nests ) for Oriental White Stork was conducted by GPS positioning and factor measurement .

  25. 秋季东方白鹳在9月15日至10月5日陆续迁到,11月上旬迁离,迁徙持续期35~60天,停歇期达35~60天。

    In autumn , storks would come back from September 15 to October 15 , and would leave at the first ten-day period of November . The migration period will last 35 ~ 60 days . Parking period is about 35 ~ 60 days .