
  1. 东北三宝,人参、貂皮、乌拉草。

    There are three precious things in Northeast china , i.e.ginseng , marten , and Wula sedge .

  2. 有闻名遐迩的东北三宝;

    Has the known far and wide three treasures of the northeast ;

  3. 中国的东北三宝其中之一宝是什麽?

    What is one of the " 3 treasures of China North East "?

  4. 在中国鹿茸被称为东北三宝之一,马鹿茸是传统名贵中药,含有多种生理活性物质,在中医中药中有着独特的功效和特殊的地位。

    Red deer antler is one of the best famous chinese medicine and it has many kinds of physiological alive substance .

  5. 延边土特产人参、鹿茸、貂皮,被誉为“中国东北三宝”。

    Yanbian 's local specialties such as Ginseng , velvet antler and mink are reputed as three treasures in northeast of China .