
  • 网络Carassius auratus;Carassius auratus gibelio;Carassius auratus gibelio Bloch
  1. 银鲫消化酶活性与pH值的关系

    The Effect of pH on Activity of Digestive Enzymes of Carassius auratus

  2. 虚拟Northern杂交显示银鲫M3CK基因在胚胎发育中差异表达。

    Virtual Northern blot showed that the gibel carp M3 CK gene is differentially expressed during embryogenesis .

  3. 采用虚拟Northern杂交和RTPCR证实了部分基因在银鲫胚胎发育过程中的差异表达。

    Moreover , specific expressions of partial genes were further confirmed by virtual Northern blots and RT-PCR .

  4. 银鲫复合种外源遗传物质整入的RAPD分析

    RAPD analysis of incorporation of heterologous genetic materials in multiple species of silver crucian carp

  5. Western免疫印迹表明,αVasa特异性地识别一个鱼类性腺的蛋白,该蛋白的分子量为75kD,仅见于银鲫的性腺和卵子。

    Western blot analyses showed that α Vasa detected a 75 kD protein exclusively in the gibel carp gonads and isolated oocytes .

  6. 构建了雌核发育银鲫原肠期胚胎和尾芽期胚胎间的抑制性差减杂交cDNA质粒文库。

    Suppression subtractive hybridization ( SSH ) cDNA plasmid libraries were constructed between gastrula embryos and tail bud embryos in gynogenetic gibel carp ( Carassius auratus gibelio ) .

  7. 而在雌核发育银鲫卵中,Ca2+的功能和二硫键的还原作用与精核发育受到抑制之间并无直接联系。

    But in ooplasm of gynogenetic crucian carp the Ca2 + and disulfide bond reduction was not directly related to the inhibition of sperm nuclear development .

  8. 雌核发育银鲫和两性融合彩鲫卵母细胞体外诱导成熟过程中周期蛋白合成和MPF活性变化的比较研究

    Comparative studies on the changes in cyclin synthesis and MPF activity during oocyte maturation in vitro in gynogenetic and AMPHIMICTIC crucian carps

  9. 银鲫对T3与40142G的易感性最强,而中华鳖(与小白鼠、青蛙等一样)稍差。

    Prussian carp were infected with strain T3 and 40142G more easily than turtle , mouse and frog .

  10. 在对银鲫、果蝇等一些生物的研究中,Hira基因在雌核发育中与精核解凝有关。

    Research show that the Hira gene is related to solution of the condensate about sperm nucleus in silver crucian carp , fruit flies and other organisms .

  11. 在水温(28±1)℃、自然光照条件下,以4种投喂节律饲养异育银鲫(Carassiusauratusgibelio)60d,并测定异育银鲫氮的收支。

    A 60 d trial was conducted to feed gibel carp ( Carassius auratus gibelio ) dry pellets in four rhythms urder temperature ( 28 ± 1 )℃ and the natural photoperiod .

  12. 试验对投喂含不同剂量氧化苦参碱和绿原酸(100mg/kg、200mg/kg)饵料10d后的异育银鲫注射嗜水气单胞菌,然后饲养7d统计死亡率,计算免疫保护率。

    The fish were fed diets containing 100 mg / kg , 200 mg / kg oxymatrine or chlorogenic acid for 10 days , then were infected and fed 7 days to calculate death rate and Relative Percentage Survival .

  13. 类似于银鲫,团头鲂visfatin蛋白含有7个半胱氨酸残基、3个N-糖基化位点和1个酪氨酸硫酸化位点,缺乏信号肽序列。

    Like the silver Prussian carp , bluntsnout bream visfatin protein had seven cysteine residues , one more than silver Prussian carp visfatin , three N-glycosylation sites and only one tyrosine sulfation site . However , bluntsnout bream visfatin protein had no signal peptide .

  14. 发现银鲫肝胰脏和肠蛋白酶最适州范围在pH7.6-9.5之间,其肠道蛋白酶活性略高于肝胰脏蛋白酶活性。

    Results showed that the optimal pH values of proteolytic enzyme in the hepatopancreas and intestine were 7 . 6 - 9 . 5 . The protease activity in the intestine was higher than that in the intestine .

  15. ⑹本研究结果表明,异育银鲫在获得最佳特定生长率、饲料效率、蛋白质效率、全鱼和肌肉硒含量时,饲料中硒含量分别为有机硒、无机硒为1.2mg/kg、0.6mg/kg。

    ⑹ The results of this study show that gibel best in the specific growth rate , feed efficiency , protein efficiency and whole fish and muscle selenium content , the feed content of selenium in organic selenium and inorganic selenium to 1.2mg / kg , 0.6 mg / kg .

  16. 免疫增强剂对异育银鲫非特异免疫力的影响

    Influence of Immunoenhancer on Non-specific Immunity of Silver Crucian Carp

  17. 银鲫能量收支同步测定方法

    Method of simultaneous measurements of energy budgets in gibel carp

  18. 雌核发育银鲫和两性生殖彩鲫精子蛋白组份的比较研究

    A comparative of sperm proteins between males from gynogenetic and Gonochoristic crucian carp

  19. 相应的细胞学研究表明,在体外诱导时,银鲫和彩鲫卵母细胞的发育成熟是正常的。

    The oocyte maturation induced in vitro was shown normal by cytological observation .

  20. 异育银鲫对晶体赖氨酸和蛋氨酸的利用及需求量研究

    Utilization of Dietary Crystalline Lysine and Methionine and the Requirements for Gibel Carp

  21. 银鲫受精卵中卵黄粒和线粒体的超微结构变化

    Ultrastructural changes of yolk platelets and mitochondria in fertilized eggs of crucian carp

  22. 氨基酸微量元素螯合物对异育银鲫生长及其品质的影响

    Effects of element chelates of amino acids on growth and quality of crucian carp

  23. 这些色彩鲜艳的锦鲤和野生银鲫有亲戚关系。

    These brightly colored fish have a family connection to the wild gibel carp .

  24. 银鲫与普通鲫群体遗传结构的比较分析

    Comparative analysis of genetic composition of population between silver crucian carp and normal crucian carp

  25. 样品处理对罗非鱼和银鲫肠道消化酶活性测定的影响

    Effects of sample disposal on determination of intestinal digestive enzyme of tilapia and silver crucian carp

  26. 彩鲫、红鲫、银鲫体色发育生物学初步观察

    Preliminary study on development biology of colored crucian carp , red crucian carp and crucian carp

  27. 异育银鲫胚胎受电场辐照后的理化特性

    The physical and chemical properties of the embryo of crucian carp after radiation under the electric field

  28. 本文就复合四倍体异育银鲫生殖发育的机制进行了初步的探讨。

    The mechanism of allogynogenesis in the eggs of mutiple tetraploid allogynogenetic silver crucian carp is discussed .

  29. 银鲫和锦鲤

    Gibel Carp And Koi Fish

  30. 对处于不同生长阶段银鲫的蛋白酶、脂肪酶、淀粉酶、纤维素酶的活性分布进行了初步研究。

    The activity distribution of trypsin , lipase , amylase and cellulase in Carassius auratus glibelio was examined .