
  1. 银版照相的发明者是位法国艺术家。

    The inventor of the daguerreotype is a French artist .

  2. 这张照片是由路易斯达盖尔拍摄,他发明了银版照相法-摄影的最早方法之一。

    The image was taken by louis daguerre who invented the daguerreotype-one of the earliest methods of photography .

  3. 信中他们提供与前Sun相同的产品级别:基本版,银版,白金版和最终版,只是服务和软件有所不同。

    The letter offers similar product levels as Sun before the Oracle takeover : Basic , Silver , Platinum and Unlimited , it 's in support services and software the offerings differ .

  4. 随着摄影师越来越多,银版照相的费用也相应降低。

    As the number of photographers increased , the cost of daguerreotypes fell .

  5. 19世纪50年代,银版照相采用了成本更低的拍摄用具,如使用薄金属、玻璃或纸来代替银板。

    Less costly procedures were introduced in the 1850s , such as using thin metal , glass or paper rather than silver .

  6. 1832年盖达尔发明了银版摄影术,随着摄影术的不断发展。这一技术开创了人类平面影像的历史。

    In 1832 , Louis Daguerre invented the daguerreotype process . As the photography developed continually , this process has started the history of human flat image .

  7. 无银明胶全息干版的技术过程

    Technical process of non - silver holographic gelatin plate

  8. 无银明胶全息干版的红敏处理及其特性研究

    Red Sensitizing Treatment of Non-silver Gelatin and its Characteristics