
  • 网络Oil;Lipid;Oils & Fats
  1. 燕麦中油脂类成分的提取分离及抗氧化活性研究

    Analysis of components and study on antioxidant activity of oil in oats

  2. 试验结果表明,混凝气浮法对COD、SS及油脂类物质去除效果明显,COD去除率为35%~56%;

    The results show that coagulation flotation is very effective for the removal of SS and oil substance and COD removal rate is 35 % ~ 56 % ;

  3. 油脂类脂肪酸成分的GC,GC-MS法分析

    GC-MS and GC Determination of the Aliphatic Acids in Oils and Fats

  4. 采用混凝法对高浓度合成洗涤剂生产废水进行预处理,去除废水中大量的SS、油脂类物质及表面活性剂,出水与其他低浓度废水混合进行生物氧化处理。

    High concentration detergent wastewater was pretreated by coagulation flotation to remove SS , oil substance and detergent . Then the effluent mixed with other low concentration wastewater was treated by biological oxidation .

  5. 油脂类食物的主要功能是提供能量和热量。

    The chief office of fats and oils is to furnish energy and heat .

  6. 防锈油:涂在金属表面,形成保护层,防止金属生锈或腐蚀的油或者油脂类材料。

    SLUSHING OIL : Oil or grease-like material used on metals to form a protective coating against rust , corrosion , etc.

  7. 表明经筛选驯化所获得优势菌在高含油、含表面活性剂的条件下具有较强的去除油脂类污染物的能力。

    This high effective acclimated bacterium has excellent ability of removing oil pollutants in conditions of high concentration of oil and surfactant .

  8. 蛋白质类、糖类、油脂类等分别占总有机碳的34.56%、20.52%、6.04%,是污水中有机物的主要成分。

    Proteins , sugars and lipids account for 34.56 % , 20.52 % and 6.04 % of TOC in the Wastewater respectively .

  9. 结果表明:香蕉皮中含有酚类、油脂类、有机酸、缩合鞣质、蛋白质和糖类等化学成分。

    The result showed that the banana skin contained phonetic composition , fat , organic acid , tannin , protein , sugar , etc.

  10. 作业过程中,应防止裸板与零件脚端被汗渍、手渍、面霜、油脂类或其它材料污染。

    During operation , keep the PCB and component lead away from pollutions , such as sweat , hand touch , cream , oil etc.

  11. 在进行冬凌草规模化提取研究中,提取冬凌草甲素的同时还会夹杂大量色素及油脂类杂质,严重干扰冬凌草甲素的分离纯化。

    In the process of large-scale extracting research of oridonin , a large amount of components of pigment and fat were also extracted as impurities .

  12. 配方组成有5类,分别是植物提取物类、营养素类、单一功效物质类、动植物油脂类、动物提取物类。

    The import health foods contained 5 kinds of functional ingredients : plant extracts , classical nutrients , single function materials , animal or plant oils and animal extracts .

  13. 以油脂类、氧化物或碳化物为原料,添加适量的添加剂,研制不锈钢制品固体抛光剂。

    Several kinds of solid polishing agents applied to different polishing process have been made experimentally , using fat and oxide or carbonide as material , and adding some additives .

  14. 小猪可添加油脂类高能饲料,大猪可加大玉米等普通能量饲料在配合料中的数量。2提高猪舍温度一是开放式猪舍覆盖塑膜。

    Pig can add oil kind high-energy feed , big pig can increase the corn feed with ordinary energy in quantity of the material . 2 stalls and improve a is open crates temperature cover plastic membrane .

  15. 1995-2010年间,我国遭遇反倾销调查的部门覆盖面扩展到除武器和弹药类、艺术品与古董类、贵金属宝石类,以及动物或植物油脂类外的各个部门。

    While from 1995 to 2010 , the filed petitions have expanded to cover the fields of firearms and ammunition , arts and antiques , precious metal and gemstone , animal or vegetable organic tissue and so on .

  16. 占摄入脂肪比重最高的为油脂类,约占43%左右,其次为坚果类,占总脂肪11%左右,而畜禽肉类的比重为5%左右,海产品仅占1.8%左右。

    Accounted for the highest proportion of fat intake of fats and oils , accounting for about 43 % , followed by nuts , about 11 % of total fat , while the proportion of poultry meat is 5 % of seafood accounted for only about 1.8 % .

  17. 本研究表明粘红酵母和斯达酵母等油脂酵母类的acl基因可以利用基因工程手段对其表达量进行调控,提高ACL酶活力,增强脂肪酸的合成。

    This study showed that the acl gene that from Rhodotorula glutinis and other oleaginous yeasts can be regulated by using genetic engineering to increase the ACL specific activity and enhance the fatty acid synthesis .

  18. 盐和油脂这类调味料并不是敌人。

    Things like salt and fat aren 't the enemy .

  19. 为了延长富含油脂的干果类食品的保质期,研究了茶多酚、维生素C(Vc)对炒熟花生仁、核桃仁油脂氧化酸败的抑制作用。

    In order to prolong the storage life of oil-rich dry fruit , the inhibition of oil oxidation in the fried peanut and walnut by tea polyphenols and vitamin C had been studied in this paper .

  20. 因此如何从植物油脂中提取甾醇类物质以及进一步分离纯化和分析测定其含量和结构成为当前植物甾醇研究的重点。

    So , current phytosterol researches lay emphases on the extraction , separation and purification of phytosterols from plant lipids , and on phytosterol content analysis .