
jīng diāo xì zhuó
  • Finely crafted;give sth. a careful revision;work at sth. with great care;work at sth. with the care and precision of a sculptor
精雕细琢[jīng diāo xì zhuó]
  1. 他最近所创作的都是些精雕细琢的作品,少有鲜明的政治内容。

    His recent productions have been beautifully crafted works with little overt political content

  2. 铁板烧以其独特的烹饪手法,更能体现出法式料理崇尚科学健康搭配,追求精雕细琢、术美感的风格

    The distinct grill cooking , typifies the health-consciousness , meticulousness and artistry of classic French food .

  3. 不要把奔驰F015称为“汽车”,因为我们的汽车词典里还没有一个专有名词能形容它——用铝合金精雕细琢而成,形似太空飞船的豪华座驾。

    Don 't call the Mercedes F 015 a " car . " In fact , our automotive lexicon doesn 't yet have a word for the sculpted-aluminum land-bound spaceship-limousine .

  4. 它的外壳是由一整块铝精雕细琢而成。

    Its case is carved from a single piece of aluminum .

  5. 制胜一球堪称精雕细琢。

    The winning goal was a beautifully carved piece of sculpture .

  6. 广告是激烈的竞争以及设计者匠心独具、精雕细琢的产物。

    Advertising English is the product of tough competition by the advertisers .

  7. “精雕细琢、打造品牌”是我们企业的经营理念。

    " Great care to create the brand " is our business philosophy .

  8. 连桌子每一寸都是精雕细琢。

    There 's a fine for every inch ripped even on a Pooi tabie .

  9. 2006,空调品牌价值修复年&粗放型时代轰然而过,好品牌亟待精雕细琢

    2006 , Year of Air-condition Brands Value Repairing

  10. 这些精雕细琢的香蕉艺术品是用一根牙签和一把勺子做出来的。

    The detailed works of banana art are carved with a toothpick and a spoon .

  11. 而且每一件都是精雕细琢的精品。

    And each is an exquisite masterpiece .

  12. 作为一名作家你必须学会取舍必须学会精雕细琢为什么?

    To be a novelist , you have to select.You have to shape and sculpt.Why ?

  13. 这次,服装与色彩的搭配甚至比平时更加精雕细琢。

    This time the costume juxtapositions and colour codes were even more finely honed than usual .

  14. 他的文风倾向于精雕细琢。

    His style tends to elaboration .

  15. 从出生草拟的桌子,它的本质是精雕细琢转台。

    Born from the draftsman 's table , it has the essence of a finely crafted turntable .

  16. “莲花”由四根精雕细琢的石柱支撑,方型石础。

    This " lotus flower " is sustained by four elaborate stelae and a square stone foundation .

  17. 有时候你必须要有足够的耐心去精雕细琢出你需要的代码。

    Sometimes you have to just be patient enough to crank out the code you need to write .

  18. 他的每一首作品都是精雕细琢的精品,结构合理,织体丰富,却又非常适合演奏。

    His every song is crafted products , reasonable structure , texture rich , but very suitable for playing .

  19. 到处都是精雕细琢、明显受中国影响的装饰:镀金、金属物件,尤其是工不厌精的木雕。

    Elaborate , Chinese-influenced decoration is everywhere : gilding , metal work and , especially , intricate wood carving .

  20. 用一句原创的、精雕细琢的语句表述品牌的终极承诺或定义的观点是什么。

    In one original , well-crafted phrase , what 's the brand 's ultimate commitment or defining point of view ?

  21. 每一件作品都是以纯手工精雕细琢,兼具造型、色彩、寓意、气韵、情趣之美。

    Each creation shows the beauty on design , color , moral and artistic conception well as it is hand-made .

  22. 精雕细琢的家具完好无损地躺在地板上,上面镶满象牙与黄金,也有一些因为地板的起伏被掀翻在地。

    Finely carved furnishings , inlaid with ivory and gold , stood untouched except where rippling floors had toppled them .

  23. 然而,大多数火星上精雕细琢的特质正在回到过去的好时光。

    still , most of the defending survive features on mars were carve way back in the good old days .

  24. 他那精雕细琢的政见陈述,令我回想起1997年将布莱尔送上权力宝座的新工党教条。

    His polished prospectus reminds me of the New Labour mantra that brought Mr Blair to power in Britain in 1997 .

  25. 这座精雕细琢的现代化家园,有如一座宏伟的雕像矗立于新加坡南部山脊的葱茏绿意中。

    This contemporary habitat is meticulously crafted as a stunning sculptural feat enveloped by lush greenery amidst the Southern Ridges of Singapore .

  26. 他们在完成工作的过程中就象艺术家在精雕细琢自己心爱的工艺品一样,一丝不苟。

    They are so careful and meticulously as if they are artists who are carving their lovely fine works with great care .

  27. 在二战期间,纳粹士兵掠走了陈列在叶卡捷林娜宫中一间大厅内精雕细琢的宝石。

    Nazi soldiers carted away the neatly carved jewels laid in a massive room in the Yekaterinsky Palace during the World War II .

  28. 在只有旋律谱而没有伴奏谱的情况下,为歌曲所弹的伴奏,它并不杂乱无章,也不需精雕细琢,但具备一定的和声规范性。

    It is accompaniment without accompaniment spectrum but melody spectrum . It has a certain harmony normative and not haphazard , also without great care .

  29. 如果说料理是精雕细琢的大家闺秀,那么农家菜就是不事装扮的小家碧玉,纯朴是它最大的特点。

    If cooking is likened to a lady from a good family , then farm-flavored food is a mid-class young girl with simplicity as its biggest characteristics .

  30. 米兰尼斯表带,由灵活的不锈钢织网精雕细琢而成,磁性搭扣优雅、简洁,易于佩戴,轻松自如。

    The Milanese Loop is crafted from a fluid , flexible stainless steel mesh with a magnetic closure that has an elegant simplicity and is infinitely adjustable .