
  • 网络advanced ceramics;FINE CERAMIC
  1. 超细氧化铝,特别是超细α-Al2O3粉体,是一种用于催化剂载体,精细陶瓷和复合材料的重要材料。

    Ultrafine alumina powder , especially ultrafine α - Al_2O_3 powder is an important material for applications such as catalyst supports , fine ceramics and composite materials .

  2. 目前,均分散α-Fe2O3纳米粉体在精细陶瓷、催化、滤光、光吸收、医药、防腐、颜料、感光材料和磁记录材料等领域都已被广泛应用。

    And nano-dispersed α - Fe_2O_3 particles have been widely applied in fine ceramics , catalysis , light filter , light absorption , medicine , anticorrosion , pigment , photosensitive materials and magnetic recording media , etc.

  3. SiC精细陶瓷抗激光加固材料的研究

    Study of fine SiC ceramic antilaser reinforced material

  4. 精细陶瓷ATC在固相颗粒作用下的磨损行为

    Wear behavior of fine ATC ceramics under solid particle function

  5. 指出了氧化物系精细陶瓷Al2O3、ZrO2的切削加工特点,列举了加工实例。

    It also deals with the cutting features and experiments of fine ceramic tool material ( Al2O3 , ZrO2 ) .

  6. 有机溶胶-凝胶(Sol-Gel)法常用于制备成分均匀、粒度细而分布范围窄、活性高的多元成分精细陶瓷粉末。

    The organic sol-gel process is usually used for preparing homogeneous , fine size and narrow distributing range , high activity , multi-element ceramic POwders .

  7. 复合介电吸波材料的规律性研究采用类似粉末冶金工艺合成了以PTFE为基复合精细陶瓷的微波性能优异的介质材料。

    In present work , the PTFE based composite dielectric materials with fine ceramic powder have been prepared by using the technology similar to the powder metallurgy .

  8. 因此Y-TZP这类重要精细陶瓷的可靠性及失效分析的关键是其低温老化性能的检测和分析。

    So the determination and analysis of low temperature degradation of Y-TZP are key points of its reliability .

  9. 作为一种新型的精细陶瓷,SiC材料以其优异的物理化学性能而日益受到重视,其中SiC粉体的制备方法及性能是影响SiC陶瓷材料性能的主要因素。

    As a kind of new fine ceramic , SiC is getting more and more attention because of its excellent physical and chemical properties . The preparation methods and properties of the SiC powders have strong influences on the properties of the ceramic material .

  10. 精细陶瓷(advancedceramics),例如氧化铝(Al2O3),由于具有高的硬度、抗压强度、耐腐蚀性、导电性、磁导率和脆性而应用广泛。

    Advanced ceramics , such is alumina ( Al2O3 ), are attractive for many applications due to their high hardness , resistance to high compressive force , resistance to high temperature , chemical inertness , superior electrical properties , high magnetic permeability and brittleness . A four-factorial experiment was conducted .

  11. 精细陶瓷注射成型工艺现状及发展动态

    Present Situation and Future Development of Injection Moulding of Fine Ceramics

  12. 复杂形状精细陶瓷制品的浆料成型技术

    Shaping of Fine Ceramics with Complex Shapes through Slurry Route

  13. 冷等静压成形技术及其在精细陶瓷生产中的应用

    Cold Isostatic Pressing Technique and Its Use for Fine Ceramics

  14. 精细陶瓷成型工艺现状及趋势

    The Present Situation and Development Trends of Forming Processes of Fine Ceramics

  15. 精细陶瓷高温疲劳性能测试方法研究

    Testing method study on high temperature fatigue of fine ceramics

  16. 制备精细陶瓷粉末的有机Sol-Gel工艺

    Organic Sol-Gel Process for Preparation of Fine Ceramic Powders

  17. 精细陶瓷成型新工艺&快速自动成型

    New Forming Processes of Fine Ceramics by Rapid Prototyping

  18. 精细陶瓷材料的金刚石砂轮磨削性能

    Grindability of Fine Ceramics Material With Diamond Grinding Wheel

  19. 精细陶瓷制备工艺与发展

    The Preparation Process of Fine Ceramics and its Development

  20. 精细陶瓷材料磨削用金刚石砂轮的选择

    How to Select Diamond Wheel for Grinding Fine Ceramics

  21. 精细陶瓷原料硅酸锆高纯超细粉的研制

    Study on Ultrafine Ceramic Powder of Zirconium Silicate

  22. 精细陶瓷&聚合物混合物料注塑加工研究

    Injection Molding Research of Ceramic - Polymer Composite

  23. 精细陶瓷材料断裂韧性的测定

    Measure of fracture toughness for fine ceramic material

  24. 精细陶瓷滚动轴承的性能及其应用

    Properties and Application of Fine Ceramic Rolling Bearings

  25. 精细陶瓷粉末的制造技术与发展趋势

    Manufacture Technologies and Tendency of Fine Ceramic Powder

  26. 日本精细陶瓷用碳化硅的分析方法

    Sic Analysis Method of Fine Ceramics in Japan

  27. 精细陶瓷零件的加工工艺性研究

    Study of Machining Technology on Fine Ceramic Parts

  28. 精细陶瓷的特性、应用及发展

    Properties and applications of fine-ceramics and their development

  29. 为精细陶瓷&聚合物混合物料注塑成型加工工艺条件的确定,相应的加工成型设备设计提供了一定理论依据。

    The paper provides theoretical basis for deciding suitable process conditions and designing process machinery .

  30. 特种功能精细陶瓷对兔红细胞变形性的影响及机理

    The Effect and Its Mechanism Inquiry of Functional Fine Ceramics on Rabbits ' Erythrocytic Deformability