
  1. 而同一时期的美苏实力相对衰落,这样,战后形成的国际战略力量结构发生了变化,表明在美苏两极均势格局下开始出现了其他力量中心。

    The strategic forces after the second world war , therefore , underwent some changes , giving rise to some other emerging powers under the general global power pattern dominated by USA and USSR .

  2. 新世纪以来,在国际战略力量失衡的背景下,走在强国富民道路上的俄罗斯面临越来越严峻的国家安全形势。

    In the new century , on the unbalance background of the international strategic strength , the Russian , on the road of the " power and strong ", faces more and more severe national security situation .

  3. 作为欧亚大陆两大国际战略力量,俄欧两者间关系及其走势不仅事关欧洲的安全与稳定,而且对全球大国关系的发展和整个世界局势产生重大影响。

    Both Russia and Europe are so strategically important in the Eurasia that their relation and direction of the relation are profoundly consequential not only to peace and stability in Europe but to the development of relations among major powers and world pattern as a whole .

  4. 高超声速飞行器是21世纪世界航空航天事业发展的一个主要方向,对国际战略格局、军事力量对比、科学技术和经济社会发展以及综合国力提升等产生重大和深远的影响。

    The development of hypersonic vehicle is a main direction in aeronautics and astronautics in 21 century . It provides impetus to the development of international strategic structure , military force contrast , science and technology , economy and society .

  5. 这表明当今世界力量的基本事实:美国军事上的决定性优势导致世界战略力量对比严重失衡,国际社会缺乏对美国超强力量的制约和维持国际战略格局稳定的力量。

    Such indicates that : the definitive military predominance of the US leads to severe unbalance on the powers ' order , while the international society lacks restriction to the super power .

  6. 国际战略就是在追求国家利益的原则下,对资源进行最合理的配置。国际战略格局的力量结构和互动关系构成的国际战略环境,决定了主权国家的国际战略的选择。

    International strategy environment co-constituted by the power structure of international strategy setup and interaction determines the international strategy choice of an state .