
ɡuó jì xínɡ shì fǎ yuàn
  • international criminal court;international penal court
  1. 各方还讨论了国际刑事法院(internationalcriminalcourt)能否撤销针对这名利比亚领导人的各项控罪。

    The parties have also discussed whether international criminal court charges against the Libyan leader could be dropped .

  2. 鉴于国际刑事法院(InternationalCriminalCourt)运转十年仍未作出一宗有罪判决,它的调查也将会花上一段时间。

    International Criminal Court investigations will also take time , given that the court has not won a conviction in a decade of operation .

  3. 利比亚不是国际刑事法院《罗马规约》(RomeStatute)缔约国,因此有必要由安理会向国际刑事法院作出提交。

    A referral the ICC is necessary because Libya is not a party to the ICC Rome Statute .

  4. 其他许多美国参与谈判的公约也存在同样的问题,比如《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)和《国际刑事法院规约》。

    The same is true of many other treaties the US helped to negotiate . Think of the Kyoto Protocol and the International Criminal Court .

  5. 突尼斯新政府也渴望与国际刑事法院进行合作。

    The new Tunisia is also eager to join the court .

  6. 设立国际刑事法院基金会

    Foundation for the Establishment of an International Criminal Court , Th

  7. 国际刑事法院规约草案工作组

    Working Group on a draft statute for an international criminal court

  8. 国际刑事法院逮捕并移交制度研究

    Research into the Arrest and Surrender Regime of the International Criminal Court

  9. 国际刑事法院被害人参与诉讼问题研究

    The Study of the Participation of International Criminal Court Victims

  10. 国际刑事法院刑事合作的基本原则

    The Basic Principle of the Criminal Cooperation of the International Criminal Court

  11. 决议中还罕见地纳入了将利比亚局势提交国际刑事法院的内容。

    There was also a rare referral to the International Criminal Court .

  12. 美国对国际刑事法院的政策转变

    The Change of United States ' Policy on the ICC

  13. 他面临着来自国际刑事法院的指控。

    He 's facing charges from the International Criminal Court .

  14. 国际刑事法院的法官星期一结束休会返回法庭。

    The court 's panel of judges returned from recess on Monday .

  15. 他强调,国际刑事法院对苏丹没有管辖权。

    He underscored the fact the ICC has no jurisdiction over Sudan .

  16. 论国际刑事法院检察官的自行调查权

    On Prosecutor 's Investigations Proprio Motu of International Criminal Court

  17. 国际刑事法院行使管辖权与国家的同意

    On the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court and a Country 's Consent

  18. 从《罗马规约》看国际刑事法院的管辖权

    On the Jurisdiction of International Criminal Court from the Angle of Rome Statute

  19. 关于国际刑事法院管辖权补充性原则的思考

    Considerations on the Complementary Principle of the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court

  20. 设立国际刑事法院公约

    Convention on the Establishment of an International Criminal Court

  21. 论建立国际刑事法院的法律意义

    The Legal Significance on Establishing the International Criminal Court

  22. 国际刑事法院若干问题研究

    Research on Certain Problems about the International Criminal Court

  23. 我们为何需要一个国际刑事法院?

    Why do we need an International Criminal Court ?

  24. 联合国安理会在二月份将利比亚发生的暴力行为提交国际刑事法院。

    The UN Security Council referred the Libyan violence to the ICC in February .

  25. 推动批准国际刑事法院规约全球运动

    Global Ratification Campaign for the International Criminal Court

  26. 国际刑事法院检察官表示卡扎菲政府中的三人可能面临指控。

    International Criminal Court chief prosecutor says three figures in Gaddafi government could face charges .

  27. 国际刑事法院的建立是国际刑法体系发展的一个重要里程碑。

    The establishment of ICC is a landmark for development of international criminal law system .

  28. 国际刑事法院罗马规约

    Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

  29. 国际刑事法院没有强制规定,而是依靠国家间的合作来执行逮捕。

    The ICC has no police force and relies on state co-operation to enforce arrests .

  30. 支持国际刑事法院联盟;

    Coalition for the international criminal court ;