
  • 网络CHINA DEVELOPMENT BANK;CDB;National Development Bank
  1. 国家开发银行与巴克莱签署的谅解备忘录是全球性质的,涉及一系列的服务,包括协助国家开发银行购买海外资产。

    CDB 's memorandum of understanding with Barclays is global and spans a range of services , including assisting CDB to buy overseas assets .

  2. 国家开发银行是银行资产的天然储备库,尽管中国国家投资公司(cic)可能不愿苟同。

    CDB is the natural repository for banking assets , although China Investment Corporation may disagree .

  3. 中国国家开发银行(ChinaDevelopmentBank)是中国最重要的政策性银行。

    China Development Bank is the core policy bank in China .

  4. 因为黑石目前正担任顾问,为中国国家开发银行(chinadevelopmentbank)入股巴克莱事宜提供咨询。

    For Blackstone is now acting as adviser to China Development Bank on its Barclays stake .

  5. 中国的那些潜在买家在获得国家开发银行(ChinaDevelopmentBank)等国有金融机构的融资支持方面一向不存在问题。

    Potential buyers have had no problem lining up financing from China Development Bank and other state-owned lenders .

  6. 然而,根据交易条款,淡马锡和中国国家开发银行(chinadevelopmentbank)则有权任命巴克莱的董事会成员。

    But Temasek and China Development Bank have the right to appoint directors to the board of Barclays under their deal .

  7. 中非发展基金由中国国家开发银行(chinadevelopmentbank)在2007年成立,主要是为了入股在非洲进行扩张的中国企业。

    The cadfund was established in 2007 by the China Development Bank to buy stakes mainly in Chinese companies expanding in Africa .

  8. 中国国家开发银行(chinadevelopmentbank)也在去年底发行了由企业贷款支持的资产支持证券,并在今年早些时候进行了类似交易。

    China Development Bank has also issued asset-backed securities , supported by tranches of corporate loans , and followed with a similar transaction earlier this year .

  9. 熟悉该交易的知情人士表示,中国国家开发银行(ChinaDevelopmentBank)旗下的投资分公司国开金融(ChinaDevelopmentBankCapital),也是蚂蚁金服的投资方。

    China Development Bank Capital , an investment arm of China Development Bank , was another investor , according to a person familiar with the transaction .

  10. 亚行等传统国际开发机构面临的一个问题是,中国国家开发银行(chinadevelopmentbank)等中国银行正在抢走它们的生意。

    One problem for conventional international development institutions such as the ADB is that they are being undercut by Chinese lenders such as the China Development Bank .

  11. 这四个机构将使中国国家开发银行(ChinaDevelopmentBank)和中国进出口银行(Export-ImportBankofChina)本已相当可观的财务火力如虎添翼。

    These four institutions will add to the considerable financial firepower of the China Development Bank and the Export-Import Bank of China .

  12. 巴西官员建议,金砖国家开发银行应当采纳像安第斯开发公司(andeandevelopmentcorporation)一样简洁的结构。

    Brazilian officials suggest the BRICs bank should have a lean structure , like the Andean Development Corporation ( CAF ) .

  13. 然而,如今韩国人和资金雄厚的中国人也加入了进来,特别是中国国家开发银行(chinadevelopmentbank)和中国进出口银行(exportimportbankofchina)。

    But now they have been joined by the Koreans and by the vastly deeper pockets of the Chinese , particularly China Development Bank and Export Import Bank of China .

  14. 中国石油天然气集团表示,国家开发银行(ChinaDevelopmentBank)已同意以优惠利率提供一笔五年期贷款,这些资金将用于支持该公司的走出去战略。

    CNPC , parent of PetroChina , said that China Development Bank had agreed to provide a five-year loan at a discounted interest rate that would be used to fund its go global strategy .

  15. 中国国家开发银行则持有巴克莱(barclays)的股权。

    The China Development Bank has a stake in Barclays .

  16. 这个76亿美元的项目由中国国家开发银行(ChineseDevelopmentBank)提供资金,中国中铁(ChinaRailwayGroup)负责运营,建成后每年可把至多4000万吨货物从哥伦比亚的经济腹地运至太平洋港口。

    The $ 7.6bn project , funded by the Chinese Development Bank and operated by China Railway Group , would move up to40m tonnes of cargo a year from Colombia 's economic heartland to the Pacific .

  17. 据报道,中国国家开发银行(chinadevelopmentbank)计划很快与巴西、俄罗斯、印度和南非签署协议,这些国家将根据协议以本国货币发放贷款。

    The China Development Bank reportedly plans to strike an agreement soon with its counterparts in Brazil , Russia , India and South Africa , according to which they will make available loans denominated in their own currencies .

  18. GeneralMoly在周三晚间的新闻发布会上说,从中国国家开发银行(ChinaDevelopmentBank)贷款6.65亿美元用于开发希望山项目的工作处于暂停状态。

    Late Wednesday , General Moly said in a news release that work had been suspended on a $ 665 million loan from China Development Bank for development of the Mount Hope project .

  19. 基于ERM的国家开发银行信贷业务流程优化研究

    A Study of Credit Business Process in China Development Bank Based on ERM

  20. 中国两家政策银行——国家开发银行(ChinaDevelopmentBank)和中国进出口银行(Export-ImportBankofChina)充足的放贷能力,可能改善了中国建筑设备制造商今后数年签署合同的前景。

    The lending firepower of China 's two policy banks - the China Development Bank and the Export-Import Bank of China - is likely to enhance the prospect of contracts for Chinese construction equipment makers in coming years .

  21. 不过,中国国家开发银行(cdb)日前公开否认了自己已收购力拓少数股份的报道。

    However , China Development Bank publicly denies reports it has acquired a small Rio stake .

  22. 国有的中国国家开发银行(CDB)表示,它已取消了原定在周五进行的一期债券发行。

    China Development Bank , a major state-owned lender , said it had cancelled a bill issuance scheduled for Friday .

  23. 近日有报道称,为大坝、机场和桥梁建设提供融资的中国国有机构国家开发银行(cdb)正考虑竞标。

    Reports yesterday emerged that state-owned China Development Bank , which funds dams , airports and bridges , was considering a bid .

  24. 这几起交易均发生在中国国家开发银行(ChinaDevelopmentBank)向巴西国有石油公司PetroleoBrasileiro(也称Petrobras)贷款100亿美元以助开发巴西巨大的沿海石油储备一年之后。

    The deals come a year after China Development Bank loaned state-owned oil giant Petroleo Brasileiro , or Petrobras , $ 10 billion to help develop Brazil 's massive offshore reserves .

  25. 然而,中国一些财大气粗的政策性银行,比如中国国家开发银行(CDB)和中国进出口银行(ChinaExport-ImportBank),为在越南新建发电站提供了巨额优惠贷款。

    However , with deep pockets , Chinese policy banks such as China Development Bank and China Export - Import Bank have offered billions of dollars of concessional loans for new power stations in Vietnam .

  26. 但知情人士表示,另一个交易方案,即将德累斯银行售予中国国家开发银行(cdb),昨日看来仍是有可能的。

    But an alternative deal , to sell Dresdner to China Development Bank , remained an option yesterday , people familiar with Allianz said .

  27. 朝鲜上月宣布,根据该国领导人金正日(kimjong-il)的指示,朝鲜将成立一家国家开发银行。

    Last month North Korea announced that it was forming a State Development Bank to encourage foreign investment , on the instructions of its leader , Kim Jong-il .

  28. 中国国家开发银行(cdb)等银行也可能会为竞购提供资金,甚至在交易中取得部分股权。

    Banks such as China Development Bank could also be tapped to help finance a bid and even take a slice of equity in any deal .

  29. 今年上半年,这些贷款的大部分是通过政策性银行国家开发银行(CDB)发放的。

    Many of these loans in the first half flowed through China Development Bank , a non-commercial lender dedicated to financing projects in support of government policy .

  30. 不过,北京方面提供这些资金和相关政策建议的三大渠道——中国国家开发银行(CDB)、中国进出口银行(ChinaExport-ImportBank)以及中国驻各国使馆——在他们针对的国家似乎都遭遇棘手的可信度问题。

    However , Beijing 's three main conduits for that money and related policy advice - the China Development Bank , the China Export-Import Bank and its local embassies - appear to struggle with credibility issues in the countries they target .