
  1. 在象征意义的驱动下,成语、谚语作为统一的形式,能显现与文章内涵无直接关联的其他含义。

    Under the drive symbolizing meaning , the idiom , proverb are regarded as the unified form , can manifest having directly related other meaning with the intension of the article .

  2. Scala编译器甚至会尝试推断具有某种预定含义的“操作符”的其他含义,例如+=操作符。

    The Scala compiler will even try to infer some meaning out of the " operators " that have some predetermined meaning , such as the + = operator .

  3. 但我的一个朋友就觉得它不过是一个好玩的表情,没什么其他含义,”一位日本网民KiroKara如是说。

    But one of my friends think it is nothing but an expression of fun , " said one Japanese netizen Kiro Kara . Addition to Domestic Social Media

  4. 当然,我知道如何做到这一点,但是我觉得我需要经常这样做;因此,最好将特定于Twitter的逻辑本地化(没有任何其他含义)到服务。

    I know how to do this , for sure , but I have the feeling I 'll need to use it a few times ; therefore , it makes sense to localize ( no pun intended ) my Twitter-specific logic into a service .

  5. 也可以思考其他含义。

    And you might think about other possible implications as well .

  6. 除了日期有纪念意义外,对黛博拉和亚当来说,这一天还有其他含义。

    Beside the interesting numbers , for Deborah and Adam , the date holds extra meaning .

  7. 其次,即使人们意识到敏捷一词的背后可能有其他含义,他们也会按照自己的想法来定义它。

    Second , even when people know that there is a different meaning behind the word Agile , they think of their own personal definition .

  8. 它的意思是神圣化的,受崇敬的或其他相关的含义。

    It means sanctified , venerated , holy , saint and occasionally other related ideas .

  9. 第三,阐述了抢劫罪其他方法的含义及认定。

    Thirdly , the chapter illustrates the implication and identification of other means of robbery offenses .

  10. 读者需要借助一句话周围的句子才能更好地理解这句话中所包含的词汇、语法以及其他成分的含义。

    It is the network of lexical , grammatical and other elements in sentences that require the reader to refer to the sentences around for their interpretation .