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  1. 几天前,零售商JCPenney和Kohl's公布了令人失望的业绩,而星巴克(Starbucks)表示,其当季美国各家分店的客流量首次出现下降。

    A few days ago , retailers JC Penney and Kohl 's delivered disappointing results , while Starbucks noted its first quarterly fall in customer traffic at its US outlets .

  2. 在那条河里有一些船专门用其当监狱,

    There are ships on the river which are used as prisons .

  3. 根据地层关系判断,其当为现代的产物。

    Judged on the stratum relation , all sediment was from the modern times .

  4. 非洲也需要制止中国大陆将其当不合标准的假冒伪劣产品的倾销地。

    Africa also needs to stop China from using the continent as a dumping ground for sub-standard and fake products .

  5. 该设备可以当做脚踏车架使用,还可以在栏杆之间的地方将其当椅子或是花架。

    Customers can use it as a cycle stand , or place seating or planters in the area between the rails .

  6. 网上交难者反在挑选第三方网上收付时出无仅斟酌其当用的便捷性,更会斟酌其信毁和安齐果荤。

    While choosing the third-party online payment , online traders will take into account not only its convenience but also credit and security factors .

  7. 果彼研讨图像外容的矮层视觉特征、以及图像之间的相似性度量都非很无意义的课题,其当用范畴普遍同时也里临灭挑和。

    The study of the low-level visual features of image content , as well as the image similarity measure are meaningful , and its application areas is wide but also faces challenges .

  8. 在70年代,曾试图把这种水果商业化,把其当利于减肥的商品来销售,因为神秘果可以把任何膳食变甜,却不增加热量的摄入。

    In the70s attempts were made to commercialize and sell the fruit as a diet aid , as it has the potential to turn any meal sweet , without affecting your calorie intake .

  9. 笔者发现,社保基金表现出对未来股票收益率的良好预测性,具体表现为其当季加仓对未来第1,2季度的股票收益率有预见性。这表明社保基金有一定的信息优势。

    I find out that social security fund exhibits forecasting power of future stock returns , specifically stock returns in the next first and second quarter , which could be attributed to its information advantage .

  10. 我国玉米酒精糟产量巨大,但目前玉米酒精糟的应用范围仅局限于动物饲料方面,有的工厂甚至将其当废物排放。

    Though the output of corn distillers dried grains with solubles is very high in China , currently , its scope of application is just limited to animal feed . Some factories even pull it as waste .

  11. 本文对预应力混凝土构件在弯剪扭复合作用下的剪扭承载力,在试验研究和现有钢筋混凝土构件剪扭承载力设计方法的基础上,提出其当中心作用预应力时的计算公式。

    Based on the experimental study and the available design methods of reinforced concrete member under shear and torsion , an equation for calculating the shear-torsion capacity of central prestressed concrete member under combined bending , shear and torsion is presented in the paper .

  12. 交灭,改入了传统混纯索引和略的同时,引入了的更旧和略,使其逆当基于XML电女病历快快地实时更旧。

    Besides improving the traditional mixed index strategy , we also introduced the new updating strategy suitable for real-time updating of the EPR based on XML .

  13. 她通过其在当总裁的儿子,仍然间接地控制着该公司。

    She still controls the company indirectly through her son , who is the managing director .

  14. 这一时期云南省内私盐更是盛行,究其成因当与盐商的牟取暴利有着重要的内在联系。

    The illegal salt dealings were very rampant during this time because salt merchants were pursuing illegal profits fiercely .

  15. 其形成当与中国宗教思想的运动和平民的社会化密切相关。

    , closely following the movement of the thought of religions and the socialization of populace in medieval China .

  16. 然而,这不应使我们忽视其对当时空前经济增长和稳定做出的巨大贡献。

    That should not , however , distract us from acknowledging their tremendous contributions to unprecedented economic growth and stability during the period .

  17. 从外形考察和扫描电镜能谱的分析情况看,其刀身当是块炼铁锻制的;

    Based on the appearance and analysis of scanning electron microscope , the body of sword should be forged by block casting iron .

  18. 根据墓室结构和出土遗物分析其年代当在辽代中晚期。

    According to its structure and unearthed objects , the burial shouldbe dated to a little later than middle period of Lao dynasty .

  19. 社源于原始土地崇拜,稷与谷物无关,其原型当是《诗经》中的田祖,即周人始祖弃。

    She was prototyped from the worship to the original land , while Ji 's prototype was Zhou 's founder-Ji who had nothing to do with grain .

  20. 大学作为高新科学技术研究和开发、利用的前沿阵地,理当成为数字化、信息化研究、开发、利用的重要承担者,其首当其充的任务就是实施数字化校园工程。

    As the front of the research and application of hi-tech , university have to be the undertaker of researching , developing and applicating , and their first task is to practise project of digital university .

  21. 同时剩女(字面意思即剩女)的轻蔑短语和心态笼罩着许多职业女性,并警告其说当过了结婚生子的黄金年龄之后她们的市场价值下降得更快。

    At the same time , the disparaging phrase and mentality sheng nu , literally leftover women , hangs over many career women , warning that their market value is declining ever faster after what is considered the prime time to marry and bear a child .

  22. 同时“剩女”(字面意思即“剩女”)的轻蔑短语和心态笼罩着许多职业女性,并警告其说当过了结婚生子的黄金年龄之后她们的市场价值下降得更快。

    At the same time , the disparaging phrase and mentality sheng nu , literally " leftover women , " hangs over many career women , warning that their market value is declining ever faster after what is considered the prime time to marry and bear a child .

  23. 其从,当用SWOT方式剖析了人邦汽车工业构建实拟研收组织的否行性。

    Secondly , this article uses SWOT method to discuss Feasibility of structuring virtual R & D organization of China 's automobile industry .

  24. 黑洞的引力是如此的强大,甚至光都无法逃脱其吸引。当气体,尘埃和星体被黑洞吸入的时候,这些东西会被加速和加热,同时产生强大的X光射线并发出。

    Black holes , their gravitational pull is so intense that not even light can escape from them . As gas , dust and stars are sucked in , the material accelerates and heats up generating powerful X-Ray light emissions .

  25. 比方说,黛安•冯•芙丝汀宝(DianevonFurstenberg,许多人觉得其裹裙当孕装穿再合适不过了)、吴季刚(JasonWu)、TemperleyLondon等品牌均委婉地拒绝踏足这个领域。

    Diane von Furstenberg ( whose wrap dress many would argue is perfect for maternity ), Jason Wu and Temperley London all politely declined to take part in this piece , for example . It is not a story that we feel is the right fit for us .

  26. 如果权限已被改变而无法读取其内容又当如何?

    What if the permissions have been altered and you 're unable to read the contents ?

  27. 所有的体验都彰显了其价值,当你的人生之旅完成之时你会带着你的体验。

    All experience has immense value , and you take it with you when you complete each lifetime 's journey .

  28. 一种解决方案是您的设备连接到电源地带和将其关闭,当您不在身边。

    One solution is connecting your devices to a power strip and turn them off when you 're not around .

  29. 尽管如此,也使用非相对性量子力学,由于其简单而当相对论作用相对小时候。

    Still , non-relativistic quantum mechanics is also used due to its simplicity and when relativistic effects are relatively small .

  30. 其原理是当试件受到热激励后,表面温度会随之发生变化,产生差异。

    The principle is that when the specimen subjected to thermal excitation , the surface temperature changes will ensue , resulting in differences .