
  1. 第五,土的不等向和不均匀性所产生的影响。

    Fifthly , the anisotropic and non-homogeneous properties of soil add complexity to the problem of soil mechanics .

  2. 另一个方面是首次明确提出了五行土为贵的观点,并将其与儒家的人文精神完美结合,使之成为对封建王权合理性进行论证的深层根据。

    Another aspect is that Dong made a new point of view clearly & earth is the most important one in the five elements , and made the perfect combination with the Confucian spirit .

  3. 第五章分析土《格》的文本程式特征。

    The fifth chapter analysis earth " Standard " text program characteristic .

  4. 本文用吸兰量法和强度法考察了五种膨润土的耐用性和钠基与钙基膨润土混合后的耐用性。

    The durabilities of some bentonites and Na-and Ca-base bentonites mixture was investigated by means of absorbing methylene blue method and strength method .

  5. “忧”在情志中按阴阳划分属阴、按五行划分属土,对应五脏为脾。

    In the TCM sense ," worry " belong to Yin in Yin-yang relation , and earth in five elements , corresponding to the spleen in the five Zang organs .

  6. 本文介绍和比较软土地区五种常用挡土结构技术特性,并且简要比较硬切割全套管咬合桩和软切割全套管咬合桩;

    In this paper the technical characteristics of 5 kinds of retaining structures in soft grounds are introduced and compared , then the cased secant piles by hard cutting and soft cutting are briefly compared .