
  • 网络data;exact data
  1. 用去包裹技术(unwrapping)可直接得到表面变形的精确数据。

    The precise data of surface deformation are extracted directly by unwrapping technique .

  2. Rough集理论是处理模糊和不精确数据的新型工具,能提供描述正常模型的最小预测规则集。

    The Rough Set Theory , a new tool to deal with a fuzzy and inaccuracy data , can offer the regular collection of minimum prediction , which describes the normal model .

  3. XML数据中的不正确数据、不一致数据、不精确数据等劣质数据给XML数据上的有效查询处理带来了挑战。

    Uncertain data as incorrect data , inconsistent data , imprecise data bring challenges to effective query processing on extensible markup language ( XML ) .

  4. 对非精确数据包络分析(IDEA)的研究进行了简要的归纳与总结。首先,简要回顾了有关I-DEA的研究进展;

    This paper gave a brief review of imprecise data envelope analysis ( IDEA ) . Firstly , the study of I-DEA was briefly reviewed ;

  5. 该方法有效地考虑了WAMS精确数据与SCADA非精确数据的相互配合,具有一定实用价值。

    Because the coordination of accurate data from WAMS with non - accurate data from SCADA is effectively performed , so the proposed method is practicable .

  6. 本文用自适应模糊神经网络技术建立煤与瓦斯突出预测系统,以模糊数学作为表达与处理不精确数据、模糊信息条件的手段,以自适应BP神经网络作为解决问题的途径。

    The authors set up the forecasting system with fuzzy-neural network theory , by means of fuzzy mathematics to express and deal with the imprecise data and fuzzy information , and utilized self-adaptive neural networks system to solve the problems .

  7. Backus-Gilbert方法对不精确数据解的误差估计

    The error estimate of Backus-Gilbert method

  8. 近流场时间精确数据通过计算气动声学(ComputationalAeroacoustics,CAA)技术数值模拟获得,声远场信息则通过FW-H方程对近流场内的可穿透积分面进行积分获得。

    The time accurate near flow field data are numerically simulated by a Computational Aeroacoustics ( CAA ) technique . Then the far sound field information is calculated from a near field penetrable surface through FW-H integration .

  9. 该方法利用PMU所产生的精确数据来同步系统其它部分的SCADA数据,并对其加上时间坐标,然后进一步利用状态估计来提高数据精度。

    In the proposed method the SCADA data from other parts of power system are synchronized by the accurate data produced by PMU and the time coordinates are marked off into the former , then the accuracy of the data are further improved by state estimation .

  10. 投标方应提供设备的精确数据,与招标技术规格逐条比较并列出所有的偏差和例外.偏振干涉成像光谱仪中Wollaston棱镜光程差及条纹定位面的精确计算与分析

    Bidder should furnish specific value of the equipment and summit an item-by-item commentary on the Technical Specifications and indicate the deviations and exceptions to the provisions of the Technical Specifications . Calculation of the optical path difference and fringe location in polarization interference imaging spectrometer

  11. 随着基于模糊值最优特征子集选取OFFSS的提出,对于实际应用中语义含义不精确数据(如:大,中,小)的表示,OFFSS方法采用模糊集合的方式代替了传统离散值的方式。

    Optimal fuzzy-valued feature subset selection ( OFFSS ) method is proposed to deal with the problem of the expression of the imprecise data . OFFSS use the fuzzy set to express the imprecise data substitute the traditional discrete method .

  12. 精确数据的模糊查询工具的设计与实现

    The Design and Reality of Fuzzy Query Tool Based on Exact Data

  13. 不精确数据的相似度及其在聚类分析中的应用

    A Kind of Similarity Degree for Non-Precise Data with Application to Clustering Analysis

  14. 精确数据分析与统计规律研究的计算机实现

    Computer realization of precise data analysis and statistics

  15. 定性描述可以处理非精确数据,简化描述和推理过程。

    Qualitative description can deal with unaccurate data and simplify the description and reasoning process .

  16. 存在不精确数据情况下的环境效率分析

    Eco-efficiency Analysis with Imprecise Data

  17. 基于模糊集的嵌入定理,对非精确数据的分布提出一种统计参数族,并给出相应的点估计方法。

    Based on D-S theory , a new method is presented to evaluate the measurement uncertainty of imprecise data .

  18. 本文介绍了一个基于模糊关系数据库及模糊推理规则概念的原型模糊信息系统,该原型系统可对非精确数据以及知识描述中的不确定性进行有效的处理。

    A fuzzy intelligent information system based on the concepts of a fuzzy relational database and fuzzy inference rules is presented in this paper .

  19. 方法光敏电阻光强比较与精确数据处理相结合。

    MethodsThe principle of the comparison of the photic intensities that the two photoresistors incept is adopted , and is combined with precise data processing .

  20. 运用模糊集技术处理商业银行中的非精确数据,对个人客户进行聚类分析,并通过实例分析了实现银行客户分类的整个过程。

    A method of dealing with non-accurate data in commercial bank based on fuzzy set is presented , and clustering analysis of personal customer is introduced .

  21. 而作为另外一项额外的益处,普遍性检测在历史上首次为我们提供了疟疾负担方面的精确数据。

    As yet another value-added benefit , widespread testing is giving us , for the first time in history , precise data on the malaria burden .

  22. 传统的关系数据库和建立在其上的精确数据查询已经无法满足应用的要求,基于内容的多媒体信息检索技术不断取得研究进展。

    Traditional relational database and the precise query base on it can not meet the requirement of applications ; content-based retrieval of multi-media data is making progress in research .

  23. 在此基础上,完成了基于特征的曲面网格自适应构造,实现了大规模点云的精确数据压缩。

    Then a feature based polyhedral model is reconstructed adaptively , so a large scale precise data reduction , under allowable error , is also realized at the same time .

  24. 对纯辐射传热模拟,与区域法的精确数据对比表明,离散坐标模型的结果更合理。

    Compared with thosed of the zone method , the results of the DO model show that the DO model is more accurate while the FLUX model gives relatively large deviations .

  25. 获得企业开支的精确数据是不可能的,因为公司不必公布在全国大会上的全部支出,而筹备委员会可以稍后再公布支出情况。

    Precise figures are impossible to produce because companies aren 't required to disclose all of their spending at conventions , and host committees may report spending at a later date .

  26. 基于包含度理论,提出不精确数据的一种相似度,并讨论基于此相似度的不精确数据的聚类方法。

    In this paper , a kind of similarity degree for non precise data is proposed and based on this similarity degree , some clustering methods for non precise data are investigated .

  27. 比较了处理精确数据的通用关系数据库与基于关系数据模型的模糊数据库在关系模式、关系操作、数据库语言、概念设计方法、体系结构等方面的异同点。

    This paper compares general relational database dealing with exact data with relational data model-based fuzzy database in their relation structure , relation operations , database language , concept designing methodology and architect .

  28. 针对不完备的信息,研究了基于不完备信息系统的粗糙分类的方法,通过实例,有效地分析、处理了含有缺省数据和不精确数据的信息系统。

    Researching on an approach to rough classification based on incomplete information systems when the information given is incomplete . Effectively analysis and deal with information systems containing missing data and imprecise data with instances comparision .

  29. 由于采集的数据非均匀分布且数据量很少,本文采用极坐标格式对数据进行处理,充分利用了原始精确数据,有效提高了成像质量。

    Due to collected data is non-uniform and sparse in Fourier space , the presented algorithm processes data in polar grid format , which can make full use of original precise data , so the quality of final image is improved .

  30. 本论文研究电力负荷动特性的支持向量机建模方法、模型结构中核函数的选取、贝叶斯证据框架的参数优化选择、精确数据的获取以及计及负荷模型的无功优化算法等关键性问题。

    This dissertation studied the following issues : power load modeling based on support vector machine , selection of kernel function in model structure , optimization of model parameters by using Bayesian evidence framework , access to accurate data and reactive power optimization algorithm considering load model .