
jīng xì
  • fine;meticulous;careful;delicacy
精细 [jīng xì]
  • [delicacy] 精致细密

  • 带蜘蛛网状的精细网织品

精细[jīng xì]
  1. 在“差异化经营、精细化运做、国际化思维”的经营理念指引下,浪潮ERP将继续向着更高的目标前进。

    Langchao ERP will continue going towards higher objective guided by the management concept of " various management , meticulous operation and international thought " .

  2. 随着现代物流及其科学化精细化管理的发展,射频识别(RFID)技术面临前所未有的机会。

    With the development of Logistics and scientific meticulous management , Radio Frequency Identification ( RFID ) technology is facing an unprecedented opportunity .

  3. 做这样精细的工作,眼要尖,手要稳。

    Such fine work requires a good eye and a steady hand .

  4. 所有样品都进行了精细的检查。

    All samples are examined microscopically .

  5. 整个方案的规划极为精细。

    This whole plan has been most carefully mapped out .

  6. 价格取决于做工的复杂精细度。

    The price depends on the intricacy of the work .

  7. 富兰克林为他的母亲制作了一个复杂精细的房屋模型。

    Franklin made his mother an intricately detailed scale model of the house .

  8. 线条被蚀刻得如此精细,在远处看都看不见。

    The lines were so finely etched as to be invisible from a distance

  9. 微纤维织物比棉布精细3倍。

    Microfibre fabrics are three times finer than cotton .

  10. 他的独木舟以其风格独特、注重细节和做工精细著称。

    His canoes are known for their style , fine detail and craftsmanship .

  11. 这种布料非常精细,或者说容易磨损。

    The fabric is very fine or frays easily

  12. “那一定是件精细活。”——“说得太对了。”

    ' Must have been a fiddly job . ' — ' You can say that again . '

  13. 木材被制成精细的家具。

    The wood is manufactured into fine cabinetwork .

  14. 研究人员还在精细地调整给予癌症疫苗的时机。

    Researchers are even fine-tuning when to give a cancer vaccine .

  15. 是的,是内蒙古最精细的羊绒。

    Yes , it is of the finest cashmere form inner mongolia .

  16. 我有一个泰坦尼克号的精细模型。

    I have a detailed miniature of the titanic .

  17. 在高起来的讲坛上,放着一张很精细的,雕花的淡褐色案桌。

    There was a highly ornamental , dark brown carved bench on a raised platform .

  18. 这件上衣做工精细。

    This jacket is well-tailored .

  19. 蓬皮杜中心解释道:“从无限小到无限大,收缩和膨胀在焦点之间反复游走着:有弗拉芒画派的精细,还有他用于菲格拉斯博物馆剧院那幅旧画的艳丽巴洛克风格。”

    " From the infinity small to the infinity large , contraction and expansion coming in and out of focus : amazing Flemish accuracy and the showy Baroque of old painting that he used in his museum-theatre in Figueras , " explains the Pompidou Centre .

  20. 这种布料非常精细,或者说容易磨损

    The fabric is very fine or frays easily .

  21. 这是经过精细巧妙安排的

    It was arranged carefully and nattily .

  22. 虽然它是用精细的丝线织成的,但却不太容易被弄破。

    Although it is made of thin , delicate strands , the web is not easily broken .

  23. Internet上的精细化工信息资源

    Fine Chemical Information Resources on Internet

  24. H∞控制状态反馈与瑞利商精细积分

    H ∞ control state feedback and Rayleigh quotient precise integration

  25. X射线吸收精细结构谱在材料科学中的应用

    Application of X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy in materials science

  26. W2-3乙烯基酯树脂在精细化工中的应用

    The Applications of W_2-3 Vinyl Ester Resin in Fine Chemical Industry

  27. I/ABatch在精细化工装置上的应用

    The I / A Batch Software Application in the Fine Chemical Equipment

  28. 扩展x射线吸收精细结构

    Extended x ray absorption fine structure

  29. Ti合金基复合材料精细结构

    Ultrafine structure in TiB whisker reinforced Ti-alloy matrix composite

  30. 在本文中,我们要介绍一种精细但有效的方法,帮助扩展一般用户在Web上发布信息的空间。

    In this article we introduce a subtle but effective approach for widening the space in which average users can write the Web .