
yóu tiáo
  • deep-fried dough sticks;deep-fried twisted dough sticks;slippery fellow
油条 [yóu tiáo]
  • (1) [deep-fried twisted dough sticks]∶长条形油炸面食,常用做早点

  • (2) [slippery fellow]∶老于世故的油滑的人

  • 老油条

油条[yóu tiáo]
  1. 就我们所知,粥和油条的量都有它们价钱不相匹配。

    As far as we know , the amount of the porridge and the deep-fried dough sticks didn 't match the price .

  2. Creativecelebration新奇庆祝光棍节的早上,单身青年们会吃四根油条,代表11.11的四个“1”,再吃一个包子,代表11和11之间的那个点。

    For breakfast on Singles Day , singles often eat four youtiao ( deep-fried dough sticks ) representing the four " ones " in " 11.11 " and one baozi ( steamed stuffed buns ) representing the middle dot .

  3. 中国新出现的其他约会应用包括:站台(Zhantai),它将沿同一条地铁线路通勤或居住的用户配对起来;以及豆浆油条(DouJiangYouTiao),该应用得到了爱尔兰风险投资集团SOSventures的支持。

    Other new Chinese dating apps include Zhantai , which matches users who live by or commute through the same subway stations , and Dou Jiang You Tiao , a launch with backing from Irish venture capital group SOSventures .

  4. 油条和豆浆是绝配。

    Fried bread sticks and soybean milk are a perfect match .

  5. 这是油条。是啊,这是正确的。

    This is fried dough-stick . Yes , it 's about right .

  6. 减少油条中丙烯酰胺产生的措施

    Reduction of Acrylamide Formation in Fried Bread Stick During Frying

  7. 济南市早餐油条中铝含量检测结果分析

    Analysis of aluminum element in fried bread stick of breakfast in Jinan

  8. 微波消解-ICP-MS法测定油条中的铝

    Determination of aluminium in fried bread stick by microwave digest-icp-ms

  9. 无铝速冻油条的品质研究

    Study on the quality of deepfreeze dough-strips without aluminum

  10. 她很客气还给我买了个西班牙油条

    She was really nice and bought me a churro

  11. 无铝鸡蛋油条配方的研制

    The production of the formula for fried egg dough sticks with no aluminum

  12. 棕榈油和大豆油在油条煎炸过程中品质变化研究

    Study on quality changes of palm oil and soybean oil during frying dough-sticks

  13. 又香又脆的油条,两个铜钱买一根。

    Fragrant and fragile twisted dough-strips , two coppers money buys a root .

  14. 比如那个给你买油条的老太太

    like that lady that bought you the churro

  15. 是根油条。

    It 's a piece of churro .

  16. 献血前避免油腻食品如汉堡、油条及冰淇淋。

    Avoid fatty foods , such as hamburgers , fries or ice cream before donating .

  17. 永和早餐的精髓就是豆浆和油条。

    The quintessential Yonghe-style breakfast is doujiang and youtiao & soy milk and fried bread sticks .

  18. 天津的“白面饼卷上两棵油条”这是怎么个吃法?

    Tianjin " white bread volume , two fried fritters ," This is how one eat ?

  19. 有时我们吃油条。

    Sometimes I eat Youtiao .

  20. 目的探讨油炸温度和油炸时间对油条中丙烯酰胺含量的影响。

    Objective To explore effect of temperature and time duration on acrylamide formation in frying bread sticks .

  21. 目的了解济南市早餐油条中铝的含量。

    Objective To investigate the amount of aluminium element in fried bread stick of breakfast in Jinan .

  22. 结果油条中含有一定量的丙烯酰胺(11~107ug/kg)。

    Results Acrylamide amounts of fried bread sticks ranged from 11 to 107 μ g / kg .

  23. 结论济南市早餐油条市场上存在着较为严重的明矾滥用现象。

    Conclusion Alum is abused severely in Fried bread stick of breakfast on the market of Jinan .

  24. 我不喜欢油条,油条没有营养,对身体也不好。

    I don 't like the oiled bar , because it is neither nutritious nor good to health .

  25. 如果你糖油条掉地上就会哭,你绝对没那个本事去统治英国(亚瑟王)。

    If you cry when you drop your churro , you do not have what it takes to rule England .

  26. 油条:油条中的明矾,是含铝的无机物,不可经常食用。

    Cruller : In the cruller potassium alum , is contains the aluminum the inorganic substance , may not frequently edible .

  27. 还有一些人吃茶叶蛋和酸奶,虽然有营养,但味道实在不能接受。所以,我选择一根油条蘸着一碗豆浆吃。

    Also someone else choose eggs with yoghourt , but it is really hard to suffer the taste althought it 's nutrient .

  28. 油条是我国传统的早餐食品,深受百姓喜爱。传统油条配方中含有明矾、碳酸氢铵等物质,危害人体健康。

    Fritters is a traditional food of Chinese and the formula of traditional fritters contains alum , ammonium bicarbonate , which are harmful to human health .

  29. 他卖油条,把一双手弄得油乎乎的,用手数铜钱,把铜钱也弄得油乎乎的。

    He sells the twisted dough-strips , making a hands oil of , by hand few copper money , makes the copper money too oil of .

  30. 为检测食品中的丙烯酰胺,建立了饼干、面包、油条、薯片、咖啡多种食品中丙烯酰胺的测定方法。

    A method for determination of acrylamide in foods such as chips , crisps , coffee and some other fried or baked starch-rich foods was developed .