
yóu qī
  • paint;oil paint;varnish;lacquer;decorate;cover with paint;lead-and-oil;oil colour
油漆 [yóu qī]
  • [varnish] 涂料的旧名;泛指油类和漆类涂料产品

  • [paint] 涂油漆

  • 油漆家具

油漆[yóu qī]
  1. 油漆干后再涂上一层。

    When the paint is completely dry , apply another coat .

  2. 把刷子弄湿点再去沾油漆。

    Wet the brush slightly before putting it in the paint .

  3. 你的外衣别蹭着还没有干的油漆。

    Don 't let your coat touch the wet paint .

  4. 她一直唠叨,要他把围栏油漆一下。

    She had been nagging him to paint the fence .

  5. 我们还需要一些油漆,已经用光了。

    We need some more paint ; there isn 't any left .

  6. 墙上有几处油漆剥落了。

    The paint was peeling off the wall in places .

  7. 你在那儿能买到刷子、油漆、清漆之类的东西。

    You can buy brushes , paint , varnish and suchlike there .

  8. 桶里撒出了一些油漆。

    Some of the paint sloshed out of the can .

  9. 油漆剥落处可以看见光秃秃的木头。

    You could see bare wood where the paint had flaked off .

  10. 这个房间油漆一下就会显得更加悦目。

    This room would look more cheerful for a spot of paint .

  11. 油漆会遮盖住墙壁上任何不平整的地方。

    The paint will cover any irregularity in the surface of the walls .

  12. 要确保油漆均匀地涂在表面上。

    Make sure the paint covers the surface evenly .

  13. 他经营自己的油漆和粉刷墙壁生意。

    He has his own painting and decorating business .

  14. 这种新油漆具有耐热性。

    This new paint is designed to resist heat .

  15. 油漆如果太稠就涂不均匀。

    If the paint is too thick , it will not spread evenly .

  16. 房子外墙需要油漆。

    The exterior of the house needs painting .

  17. 有人朝首相扔油漆。

    Somebody threw paint at the prime minister .

  18. 用砂纸打磨表面,然后再上油漆。

    Rub the surface with sandpaper before painting .

  19. 他的病是多年吸入油漆气体引起的。

    His illness is a result of breathing in paint fumes over many years .

  20. 他的职业是油漆匠和装潢师傅。

    He works as a painter and decorator .

  21. 房子的外表需要油漆一下。

    The outside of the house needs painting .

  22. 我们已经把房子油漆过了。

    We 've had the house painted .

  23. 在使用油漆前确保室内通风充足。

    Make sure that there is adequate ventilation in the room before using the paint .

  24. 把现有的油漆全部刮掉。

    Strip off all the existing paint .

  25. 他的头发上粘有点点油漆。

    His hair was flecked with paint .

  26. 油漆已经剥落。

    The paint had chipped off .

  27. 油漆未干,请勿靠近!

    Keep off ! Wet paint .

  28. 我油漆完浴室后,还要油漆厨房。

    When I 've finished painting the bathroom , I 'm going to do the kitchen too .

  29. 木建部分需要上油漆。

    The woodwork needs painting .

  30. 小伙子们正打算有时间油漆一下。

    The boys are planning to decorate when they get the time