
  1. 从中石化的角度看,如果包括约15亿美元的净债务,中石化相当于以每桶油气当量20美元的峰值价格购买了Addax的储备。

    From Sinopec 's point of view , after including some $ 1.5bn of net debt , it has bought Addax 's reserves for almost $ 20 per barrel of oil equivalent a peak valuation .

  2. 剩余资源量约为150×108t油气当量,主要分布在富油气凹陷中勘探程度较低的第三系深层、滩海和古生界等勘探领域。

    In the basin , residual hydrocarbon resource is chiefly situated in those domains such as the deep-seated beds of the Tertiary of rich hydrocarbon sags , the shallow sea and the Palaeozoic , which are less explored .

  3. 利用该燃烧模型进一步研究柴油机的燃烧和碳烟生成中的一些问题:如点火延迟时间与混合气浓度的关系,排气中的碳烟浓度与混合气油气当量比的关系。

    Using a combustion model some problems such as : the relationship between ignition delay and fuel concentration , the relationship between soot concentration and the equivalent ratio of mixture have been helped forward on further investigation in combustion and soot formation in diesel engine .

  4. 近年来长庆油田迅猛发展,油气产量逐年猛增,2009年长庆油田油气当量突破3000万吨,超过胜利油田成为国内第二大油气田。

    In recent years Changqing Oil Field develop rapidly , oil and gas production soared year after year , Changqing Oil Field oil equivalent in 2009 exceeded 3,000 tons , more than Shengli Oilfield , becoming the second major oil and gas field .