
  • 网络Throughput;CPU;Capacity;Processing Power;BHCA;ability to handle;management
  1. 此解决方案为AOI系统在保证高处理能力的同时减少有缺陷的产品。

    This solution is an AOI system to eliminate defective products with a high throughput .

  2. 无线局域网络中的核心设备&无线接入点(Accesspoint),其性能的好坏将直接影响网络的系统容量与业务处理能力,无线接入点的研究对于无线局域网的应用与发展具有重要意义。

    Among the WLAN networks , the Access Point ( AP ) is the most important device , and its performance would affect the range and the throughput of the network greatly . Therefore , the research on this device is of great significance for WLAN system .

  3. 人口过多使得城市的垃圾处理能力达到了极限。

    Overcrowding has taxed the city 's ability to deal with waste

  4. CPU的设法会影响到计算机的处理能力和速度,

    The design of the CPU affects the processing power and the speed of the computer .

  5. 地理信息系统(GIS)因为其强大的空间数据处理能力,为水资源管理提供了一个新颖、高效的工具。

    Geography Information System is an efficient tool which can deal with space data in water resource management .

  6. 人工神经网络BP算法可有效解决非线性数学建模问题,并具有较强的并行处理能力。

    The ANN BP arithmetic can solve the problem of nonlinear mathematics effectively , and possess higher collateral processing ability .

  7. HTTP请求的指数性增长使得很多热门Web站点都经常面临服务器超载的问题,这对Web服务器的处理能力和超载时的处理行为提出了较高的要求。

    Exponential growth of HTTP requests makes plenty of web site facing problems of enhancing service ability and what to do when under overload .

  8. 通过Matlab与VC++的混合编程,开发出具有良好的用户界面、强大数据处理能力的应用软件,实现了炉缸炉底三维侵蚀形状的可视化。

    Using Matlab and VC + + mixed programming , application software with friendly interfaces and powerful data-handling capacity is developed .

  9. 由于DSP的高速运算处理能力,数字调压器可以采用更先进的算法。

    In addition , advanced algorithm can be adopted in digital AVR because of the ability of high speed computa-tion of DSP .

  10. 随着Web应用的急剧增长,为了提高Web服务器的处理能力,人们提出和实现了多种WebServer结构。

    With the phenomenal growth of Web applications , in order to increase the serving ability of Web servers , many kinds of Web server architectures are proposed and implemented .

  11. 但是由于其自身工作特点,往往对于精确的定时控制以及并行处理能力上比FPGA弱。

    Because of its own characteristics , single-chip and DSP are weaker than FPGA in precise timing control and parallel processing ability .

  12. 采用双CPU系统以提高数据采集速度和数据处理能力。

    It also uses double CPU system to increase the speed of data collection and the capacity of data processing .

  13. 同其它语言相比较,MATLAB具有简单易用的程序语言、强大的科学计算及数据处理能力。

    Compared with other programming languages , MATLAB is a language used easily and has the powerful ability of scientific computing and data processing .

  14. 提出一种基于FPGA的计算机层析重建的方法,即借助FPGA的高速数据处理能力来提高计算机层析重建的速度。

    An approach based on the high speed data handing ability of FPGA is proposed to accelerate the operation of computed tomography reconstruction algorithms .

  15. 在软件设计部分,探讨了C语言在嵌入式系统中的应用,并充分利用了C语言丰富的库函数和强大的数据处理能力。

    We have probed into application in the embedded system of C language in software design , and have fully utilized the abundant library functions and strong data processing ability of C language .

  16. 谷歌全球计算网络的强大信息处理能力以及神秘的GoogleX实验室中的技术天才很少为外界所知。

    The immense processing power of Google 's global computing network and the brainpower of its secretive Google X research labs remain largely hidden from a curious world .

  17. 动态电源管理(dynamicpowermanagement,DPM)是一种动态重构系统资源以提供适当系统处理能力和优化的系统功耗的设计方法,着眼于动态获得功耗和效率之间的平衡。

    Dynamic power management is a design method of dynamic reconfiguration of system resource to provide suitable performance ability and optimized power consuming . DPM emphasizes on the compromise of energy and performance .

  18. 该系统将DSP快速的数据处理能力和可编程逻辑器件(CPLD)逻辑功能相结合,并采用在线可编程技术实现了3个电机的伺服控制。

    The servo control of three motors is realized by the DSP and complex programmable logic device ( CPLD ) with in system programmable technology .

  19. 为了使用户能方便、高效地进行设计,级进模CAD系统须具备良好的设计变更自动处理能力。

    In order to bring more convenience and efficiency to the design course , CAD / CAM system should have a strong ability to deal with the design change automatically .

  20. 只需要最低程度的处理能力、RAM和存储,除非您打算在一个高带宽通道中监视成百上千的计算机。

    Minimal processing power , RAM , and storage are required , unless you intend to monitor hundreds of machines on a high-bandwidth pipe .

  21. 在BCB中调用Matlab函数,将进一步增强BCB对图形和图像的处理能力。

    Calling Matlab functions in BCB can improve BCB 's capability of graphics and image processing .

  22. 它除具有传统CAD的功能外,更具有知识处理能力,能够对设计的全过程提供智能化的计算机支持,并具有面向集成智能化等特点。

    In addition to traditional CAD functions , intelligent design technology has intelligence handling capability and can provide intelligent computer support in the whole design process , also it is integrated intelligence oriented .

  23. 但是adhoc网络不同于有线网络,具有无线传输带宽受限、网络拓扑结构动态变化、节点处理能力有限、传输误码率较高、传输环境干扰强等问题。

    However Ad Hoc network is different from wired networks , because of the characteristics of limited bandwidth and processing capacity , dynamic network topology and high transmission error rate .

  24. SIPGen既可以支持没有媒体流传输的纯SIP信令处理能力的测试,也可以支持带有媒体流传输的服务器整体性能的测试。

    It can evaluate the whole SIP system performance with media stream transmission as well as the pure SIP signaling processing performance without media stream transmission .

  25. 利用具有强大数据处理能力的Excel软件,设计本量利分析模型,可以非常方便地进行盈亏临界分析、因素变动分析以及敏感分析。

    We can carry out the analysis of break even , factor vary and sensitive conveniently if we use the Excel software to design model of CVP analysis .

  26. 而随着个人电脑的普及和3D图形应用的迅速发展,普通计算机中的图形显示设备(显卡)的运算性能和处理能力,已经达到了非常高的水平。

    Since the popularization of personal computer and the requirement of the rapidly growing PC games , the computing capability of graphics equipment ( graphics card ) in personal computers has reached a much high level .

  27. 仿真结果显示,该电路的处理能力足够支持对AVS高清电视节目(1280×720,60帧/秒)的实时环路滤波。

    Simulation results show that the circuit can support realtime loop filtering of AVS HDTV ( 1280 × 720,60fps ) programs .

  28. 充分利用PC机软硬件资源、DSP快速运算和控制功能、FPGA超强灵活的逻辑处理能力,便于设计出功能完美、性能优越的运动控制器。

    Use of PC software and hardware , DSP calculation and controlling , FPGA super - flexible logical processing is made to help design the movement controller with perfect function and good quality .

  29. GPU(GraphicProcessUnit)具有计算单元众多等优点,在计算处理能力方面比CPU具有优势,但在逻辑控制等方面不如CPU。

    GPU ( Graphic Process Unit ) has many advantages such as many calculation units . GPU is better in computing processing power than CPU , but not as good as in the logic .

  30. 而随着终端系统处理能力的迅速增强和网络带宽的大幅增加,一种基于P2P的分布式存储系统迅速发展起来。

    At the same time , with the terminal system handling capacity has increased rapidly and the substantial increase in network bandwidth , a peer-to-peer based distributed storage system developed rapidly .