
  • 网络Qom;QUM;Jan Koum;combe
  1. 简•库姆和他当年在雅虎(Yahoo)的同事布莱恩•埃克顿(BrianActon)共同创建了WhatsApp,并担任这家移动消息应用公司的首席执行长。

    Jan Koum co-founded WhatsApp along with Brian Acton , a former colleague at Yahoo , and is the mobile-messaging company 's chief executive .

  2. WhatsApp的联合创始人兼首席执行长(CEO)库姆(JanKoum)一直拒绝在应用程序内引入广告,其主要收入就是用户支付的每年99美分的使用费。

    Jan Koum , WhatsApp 's co-founder and chief executive , has resisted advertising and built a mobile service that makes money from 99-cent subscriptions .

  3. 去年5月,库姆在纽约D:DiveIntoMobile大会上发表了30分钟的演讲。

    Last May , Koum spent 30 minutes onstage at the D : Dive Into Mobile conference in New York .

  4. 库姆即将担任另一个重要职务:Facebook的董事。

    He is taking on another big role : a Facebook board member .

  5. 巴格德雷合同区b区块所在区域处于卡拉库姆大沙漠中,地面固定沙垄广布,少部分为丘状沙地与平坦戈壁。

    Block B of bagtyjiarlyk contractual area is contained in the Karakum desert , covering extensively distributed ground sand ribbons and some sand dune and flat Gobi desert .

  6. 但在LinkedIn的个人主页上,现年37岁的库姆有着更多不引人注目头衔和经历。

    But on his LinkedIn page , the 37-year-old Koum flies more under-the-radar .

  7. IAEA负责人在与伊朗官员进行会谈之后发表讲话。伊朗官员称,会谈与库姆核设施无关。

    The IAEA director spoke in Tehran , following talks Iranian officials say were unconnected to the Qom facility .

  8. 库姆组碳酸盐岩为主要勘探目的层,其中库姆组C4段为主要产层。

    Qum Formatiom with carbonate is mainly exploration aim stratum , the C4 member of Qum Formatiom is mainly production layer .

  9. 此报告由siemens公司于1992年编制,重点介绍公司有关德黑兰-库姆-伊斯法罕铁路的车辆、信号、通信和电气化的技术方案。

    In this report which was prepared in1992by Siemens co. , technical proposal of this company regarding rolling stock , signaling and communication and electrification of tehran-qom-esfehan railway line were recommended .

  10. 库姆认为今后WhatsApp将单独作为Facebook的一个实体继续运营,帮助Facebook在成长的同时实现收入来源的多元化。

    Rather than be absorbed into Facebook 's business , Mr. Koum sees WhatsApp functioning as a separate arm that will help the social network diversify its revenue streams as it grows .

  11. 首席执行官杨•库姆上月早些时候透露,WhatsApp的用户数已赶超Twitter,而后者早在去年12月就号称用户数已经突破了2亿。

    The app is so popular , WhatsApp CEO Jan koum revealed earlier this month it has more users than twitter , which reported 200 million-plus members last December .

  12. SergeBloch今年,DrPepperSnapple集团把它的Yoo-hoo巧克力饮料的市场营销活动交给了两名来自德克萨斯大学奥斯丁分校麦库姆斯商学院(UniversityofTexasatAustin'sMcCombsSchoolofBusiness)的MBA学生。

    Dr Pepper Snapple Group Inc. this year handed over the reins of its Yoo-hoo chocolate-drink marketing campaign to two M.B.A.s from the University of Texas at Austin 's McCombs School of Business .

  13. WhatsApp联合创始人简•库姆(JanKoum)表示,保护私人通信是WhatsApp的核心价值观之一,部分原因是他在苏联长大的经历。

    Jan Koum , WhatsApp co-founder , said protecting private communication was a core value at WhatsApp , partly because of his own experience growing up in the Soviet Union .

  14. 上述差异一直是这两人间不断讨论的话题。他们在过去两年间结成友谊,并最终谈判达成前述交易。这宗交易足以令库姆成为一名亿万富豪,并将这家共有55名员工的初创企业并入Facebook这张社交网络。

    These differences have been a continual topic of discussion for the two men as they developed a friendship over the past two years and ultimately negotiated the deal that would make Mr. Koum a multi-billionaire and bring his 55-person startup inside the social network .

  15. 伊朗已经开始将其部分低浓缩铀设备转移至Fordow,Fordow是埋在库姆(Qom)附近一座大山深处的设备。

    Iran has already begun moving part of its uranium-enrichment capacity to Fordow , a facility buried deep within a mountain near Qom .

  16. 在此之前,他在苹果(Apple)干了三年,在雅虎干了11年多。阿克顿在雅虎结识了WhatsApp首席执行官兼联合创始人简o库姆,并最终成为WhatsApp公司负责工程设计的副总裁。

    Before that , he spent three years at Apple AAPL 0.39 % and over 11 years at Yahoo , where he met WhatsApp CEO and cofounder Jan Koum and eventually became the company 's vice president of engineering .

  17. 两大教派的高级宗教领袖德黑兰、库姆和纳杰夫的什叶派领袖、以及利雅得和开罗的逊尼派领袖都号召各自的信徒们拿起武器抗击ISIS。

    The grand clerics of both schools – the Shia from Tehran , Qom and Najaf , and the Sunni from Riyadh and Cairo – have called upon their followers to take up arms against Isis .

  18. 早在今年二月初,同扎克伯格关于可能收购WhatsApp的谈判就开始升温。扎克伯格向阿克顿和库姆开出了一个确切的数字——高科技界人士都知道,这是他的一贯做法。

    Talks with Zuckerberg about a potential WhatsApp acquisition began heating up in early February , when Zuck - as he is known to tech insiders - presented Acton and Koum with a hard number .

  19. 在宣布Facebook以190亿美元收购移动消息应用公司WhatsApp的交易时,扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)说他很久以前就认识简•库姆(JanKoum)。但其他人,尤其是美国人,对简•库姆可能不是那么熟悉。

    In announcing Facebook 's deal to acquire the mobile-messaging app WhatsApp for $ 19 billion , Mark Zuckerberg said he 's ' known Jan for a long time . ' The rest of us , particularly people in the U.S. , aren 't as familiar .

  20. WhatsApp首席执行长库姆(JanKoum)也与世界最大科技公司的一众老板们一道出席大会;库姆刚刚以190亿美元向扎克伯格出售了WhatsApp。

    Jan Koum , WhatsApp chief executive and the guy who just agreed to sell his company to Mr. Zuckerberg for $ 19 billion , is also addressing the congress , along with a stable of chiefs of the world 's biggest telecom companies .

  21. WhatsApp的投资者红杉资本周三在Tumblr上发文宣布上述交易时,提及了库姆以前的一段经历,说他16岁移民到美国时,非常渴望与远在俄罗斯和乌克兰的家人保持联络,这使他非常重视对话和交流。

    In a Tumblr post on the deal Wednesday , WhatsApp investor Sequoia Capital talked about how Koum 's experience emigrating to the U.S. as a 16-year-old , and desire to keep in touch with family back in Russia and Ukraine , helped shape his focus on conversations .

  22. 塔里木-卡拉库姆地区的油气地质特征与区域地质演化

    Petroleum Geology and Geological Evolution of the Tarim-Karakum and Adjacent Areas

  23. 库姆街的那两个姨子也乐意听的。

    Also the two sluts in the Coombe would listen .

  24. 伊朗库姆盆地油气成藏机理分析

    A preliminary study on petroleum accumulation in the Qom basin , iran

  25. 我们去那儿待一周吧,只要不是博斯库姆或伯恩茅斯就行。

    Plan a week somewhere , not Boscombe or Bournemouth .

  26. 土库曼的天然气主要分布于卡拉库姆盆地。

    The gas of Turkmenistan is distributed mainly in the Karakum basin .

  27. 伊朗中伊朗盆地库姆组地层的时代

    Age of the Qom Formation in the central Iranian basin , iran

  28. 伊朗库姆盆地原油地球化学特征

    Geochemical characteristics of oil in the Qom basin of Iran

  29. 不过,阿克顿和库姆大器晚成的战略行之有效。

    Still , Acton and Koum 's late-blooming strategy worked .

  30. 他们将会结婚,在恩斯库姆或附近什么地方定居下来。

    They would be married , and settled either at or near Enscombe .