
  • 网络Handling emergencies;Deal with contingencies;disposing unexpected events
  1. 浅论增强学校预防和处置突发事件的能力

    Discussion on the Capacity Enhancement of Emergency Prevention and Handling in Schools

  2. 处置突发事件通信电台终端数据传输软件设计

    The Communication Radio Station Terminal Data Transmission Software Design for Emergency Treatment

  3. 支持重点地区应对处置突发事件。

    We supported key areas of the country in responding to emergencies .

  4. 探讨执行“处置突发事件”(简称处突)任务对战士精神行为的影响。

    To probe influence of stress on the mental behaviours of soldiers .

  5. 武警部队医院建立处置突发事件药品保障系统的研究

    Establishment of Public Emergency Drug Supply System in Hospital of Armed Police Forces

  6. 为进一步的处置突发事件物流运输网络优化模型提供贴近真实的输入数据。

    To further the process of transport logistics network optimization models closer to the real input data .

  7. 进一步增强人民武装警察部队执勤和处置突发事件的能力。

    We will make the people 's armed police more proficient and more capable of responding to emergencies .

  8. 公共危机突发案例中蕴涵着处置突发事件的大量知识与经验。

    Public crisis case contains a large number of knowledge , experiences that how to respond to unexpected emergencies .

  9. 究其原因,领导干部应对和处置突发事件的能力不强是一个重要方面。

    The main reason is that the leading cadres ' ability to deal with the unexpected incidents is not strong .

  10. 在政府组织的历次重大活动和处置突发事件时,电子政务网络的指挥调度功能起到了关键性作用。

    The command and dispatch function of e-government networks always plays a critical role when major or emergent event happens .

  11. 加强应急体系和机制建设,提高预防和处置突发事件的能力;

    We must improve the systems and mechanisms for responding to disasters to increase our ability to prevent and handle emergencies .

  12. 目的建设具有武警特色的现代化院前急救系统,适应处置突发事件卫勤保障的需要。

    Objective To establish modern pre-hospital emergency medical service system ( EMSS ) with the characteristics of the Armed Police Forus .

  13. 但武警部队起步较晚,还没有一套针对处置突发事件的虚拟仿真系统。

    However , the CAPF have not had a virtual simulation system to dispose of various incidents yet because of their late start .

  14. 应对突发环境事件,需要将处置突发事件纳入法制轨道,并逐步实现法治化的进程。

    Response to environmental emergencies , people need to handle emergencies in the legal system , and gradually realize the rule of law process .

  15. 全面加强人民武装警察部队建设,增强执勤和处置突发事件的能力。

    We will improve all aspects of the People 's Armed Police to make it better able to enforce the law and respond to emergencies .

  16. 加强武警部队现代化建设,增强执勤、处置突发事件、反恐、维稳能力。

    We will modernize improve the armed police force , and make it better able to carry out its duties , respond to emergencies , combat terrorism and safeguard stability .

  17. 和平时期,武警部队主要担负固定目标执勤、处置突发事件、反恐怖任务,并支援国家经济建设。

    In peacetime , the tasks of the Armed Police Force include performing guard duties at fixed points , dealing with contingencies , combating terrorism and supporting national economic development .

  18. 在危机面前,作出科学合理应对危机的决策,对于地方政府及时妥善处置突发事件,提高政府的公信力和形象非常重要。

    In the face of a crisis , to make a scientific and rational response to the crisis decision-making , is extremely important for the credibility and image of local government .

  19. 拦截战术作为警察处置突发事件、打击刑事犯罪的快速反应机制组成部分,对于有效遏止犯罪、捕获案犯、维护社会秩序,发挥着重要的作用。

    Intercepting tactics as a part of quick reacting system to deal with unexpected incidents and fight criminal crimes is very effective in fighting crime , arresting suspects , maintain social order .

  20. 应急管理是近年来出现的一门新兴的学科,在处置突发事件中已经发挥了巨大的作用,它的理论和体系还在不断的发展和完善之中。

    The emergency administration has appeared in recent years , already displayed the gigantic effect in dealing with unexpected event , its theory and system also during the unceasing development and improvement .

  21. 同时设计运用模拟退火算法对模型进行求解,得出较为理想的优化结果,为实际的处置突发事件决策提供了科学有力的辅助工具。

    At the same time the design of the use of simulated annealing model solution that better optimize results for the actual disposal of unexpected events provided a scientific decision-making a strong supporting force .

  22. ×××装甲车是武警部队处置突发事件中运用最广泛的武器装备,其车载催泪弹发射系统在驱散闹事人群时起着至关重要的作用。

    Armored vehicles are widely used in CAPF and they play an important role in dealing with the emergencies . The tear bomb emission systems of armored vehicles are of vital importance to break up the crowd .

  23. 所以,在现阶段,处置突发事件的理念必须适应这种风险社会的公共危机特点,做到危机缓和,未病先防;

    Therefore , at the present stage , the ideas of handling emergencies must adapt to the characteristics of a risky society : mitigating and taking precautions against crisis , obtaining public trust by people oriented policies ;

  24. 坚决完成抢险救灾、反恐维稳、维和护航和处置突发事件等任务,积极参加和支援国家经济建设。

    The armed forces must resolutely carry out their mission of providing disaster relief , countering terrorism , maintaining stability , keeping peace , providing escort and handling emergencies , and actively participate in and support economic development .

  25. 加强媒体管理,进行正确舆论引导是边疆民族地区政府处置突发事件的重要内容,并在很大程度上影响着应对突发事件的过程和效果。

    Therefore , the strengthening of media management and proper guidance of public opinion is an important content while the local governments deal with those situations ; and to a certain extent it influences the progress and results of those incidents .

  26. 武警部队平时主要担负执勤、处置突发事件、反恐怖、参加和支援国家经济建设等任务,战时配合人民解放军进行防卫作战。

    In peacetime , the PAPF 's main tasks include performing guard duties , dealing with emergencies , combating terrorism and participating in and supporting national economic development . In wartime , it is tasked with assisting the PLA in defensive operations .

  27. 种种客观实际迫使珠三角城市群城市政府必须以科学发展,先行先试的开拓进取精神,在积极预防和妥善处置突发事件中积极探索应急联动。

    Various objective realities force governments of the Pearl River Delta city group according to the pioneering spirit of " scientific development , early and pilot implementation " to explore emergency linkage in the process of actively preventing and properly responding to emergencies .

  28. 方法采用问卷调查法,根据武警部队执勤、处置突发事件和反恐怖作战特点,及战伤救治标准自行设计问卷,对基层干部、战士、指挥院校学员进行调查。

    Method According to the characteristics of the main tasks of being on duty , coping accidents and anti-terrorism , and the standards of wound treatment , a questionnaire was designed and used to investigate the basic level officers , soldiers and students in the Commanding College .

  29. 建立武警部队处置大规模突发事件联勤保障机制初探

    Establishing the mechanism of joint service support of armed police in emergency

  30. 在民航运输业中,机场是处置民航突发事件、实施应急救援工作的主体。

    Airport is the principal part which is responsible for handling with unexpected accidents and conducting emergency rescue plans .