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  • 网络Dongming County
  1. 东明县是我省黄河入鲁第一县,东夏营节水灌溉项目区是东明县重点的农产品基地,其节水灌溉的实施状况直接影响着当地的经济发展及下游各灌区的引黄水配送。

    DongMing county is the first county through which the yellow river flows into ShanDong province .

  2. 东明县引黄供水工程设计运行总结岷县麻子川十里乡五个行政村痴呆傻病人调查报告

    Summarization of Designing and Operation of the Water Supply Project of Dong Ming County by Introducing Water from Yellow River An Investigation of Dull-witted Persons in 5 Villages of Ming County , Gansu

  3. 着重从经济综合实力、经济结构、城市化情况入手,收集和统计了大量的数据,横向纵向比较分析了东明县县域经济发展现状。

    Collects and statistics the massive data based on comprehensive economic power , the economic structure , the urbanized situation , comparative and analysis the present situation of Dong Ming County territory economy development .

  4. 二是东明县林业经过起步时期、缓慢发展时期、全面发展时期、调整发展时期、快速发展时期等阶段,实现了由量变到质变、由单纯植树造林到产业化发展的历史跨越。

    Secondly , after the period of forestry start , slow development , all-round development and revise development , rapid development stages , that from a quantitative to qualitative , and from simply planting trees to the historical development across industries .