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  1. 伍子胥虽然报了仇,但是受到国人的责备。

    Yet he suffered agonies of remorse , because his countrymen called him a traitor .

  2. 伍子胥在难以活命的情况下,历经艰难,最后顺利逃亡。

    Wu survive in difficult circumstances , after the difficult , the last successful flight .

  3. 可见,最早的端午节是因伍子胥才有的。

    Can be seen , the Dragon Boat Festival is the result of the first Wu ago .

  4. 更为不同的是,伍子胥不但胜利逃亡,而且还选择了复仇!

    More difference is that Wu is not only victory of flight , but also chose the revenge !

  5. 国恨家仇满襟怀,伍子胥可不愿坐以待毙。

    Country full of open-minded hatred of hate at home , Wu may not want to sit still .

  6. 人心如镜,每到端午节,想到伍子胥的恐怕仍大有人在!

    People as a mirror , every Dragon Boat Festival , Wu 's probably still a lot of people think !

  7. 同时,古代英雄伍子胥在长江以南的地区更受人们尊崇。

    Meanwhile , the ancient hero , Wu Zixu is more honored in the areas to the south of Yangtze River .

  8. 有史学家认为正是孙膑与伍子胥的那次风云际会成就了南北兵学的结合。

    Some historians believe that hero-meets-hero between Sun and Wu ushered in the incorporation of the Southern and Northern art of wars .

  9. 伍子胥是春秋后期吴国大臣,名员,字子胥,原来是楚国人。

    Minister Wu Wu is the Spring and Autumn Period , were members of the word Zixu , turned out to be the state of Chu .

  10. 由于冯至深受存在主义哲学的影响,他的三部重要文学作品:《十四行集》、《伍子胥》、《山水》也就具有浓厚的生命体验;

    Owing to the infection of existentialism , Feng Zhi 's three works ; Anthology of Sonnet , Wu Zixu , Landscape , have dense life experience .

  11. 伍子胥的逃亡经历,是后世小说家最为津津乐道的素材,由此而衍生的故事,多到不胜枚举。

    Wu 's flight experience , is the most talked about novelist later material , which derived from the story , more to the list goes on .

  12. 本文分析了伍子胥文化的层累现象后,指出今日长三角地区的主体文化就是吴、越文化。

    The paper analyses the phenomenon of the deposit and pints out that Wu culture and Yue culture is the main body of the zone of ″ Yangtze River Delta ″ at present .

  13. 江陵张家山西汉初年墓葬所出古竹书《盖庐》,是托名伍子胥的古兵法著作。

    The unearthed ancient bamboo book " Gailu " from the tomb of the early western Han Dynasty in Jiangling s Zhangjiashan is an ancient war-art book of " Wuzixu " in its elses name .