
  • 网络Prussia;EAST PRUSSIA
  1. 东普鲁士和德国的其他地区于1919年被波兰走廊分隔。

    East Prussia and the rest of Germany were separated , in 1919 , by the Polish corridor .

  2. 在1914年成为东普鲁士的一名法官。

    Became a judge in East Prussia in1914 .

  3. 他住在一个康德的整个东普鲁士的城市生活,被称为柯尼斯堡。

    Kant lived his entire life in one city of East Prussia , called Konigsberg .

  4. 他们手头上有一大堆材料,是东普鲁士一帮标榜爱国的纳粹分子散发出来的。

    They had a pile of stuff put out by some kind of East-Prussian patriotic blood-and-soil gang .

  5. 再往北,俄国两个集团军,越过了半个东普鲁士,向但泽湾挺进。

    Farther north still , two Russian armies overran half of East Prussia and drove to the Gulf of danzig .

  6. 这场战争发生在东普鲁士(今俄罗斯),当时两方战斗陷入僵局,而且拿破仑已失去近一半的军队。

    Fought in East Prussia ( modern Russia ) , it led to a deadlock between the two powers that almost lost Napoleon half his army .

  7. 毫无疑问,1914年9月俄国军队在东普鲁士的很快出现,分散了德国人最早胜利进攻巴黎的精力和注意力。

    There can be no doubt that the early appearance of Russian armies in East Prussia in september , 1914 , diverted the energies and attention of the Germans from their first victorious drive upon paris .