
  • 网络EAST STREET;east st
  1. 高街在此分为东街和榆树街。

    High Street separates here into East Street and Elm Street .

  2. 第一条横马路左拐弯就是东街。

    East Street is the first turning on the left .

  3. 太原市长风东街道路景观规划探讨

    Approach to Road Landscape Planning of Changfeng Eastern Street in Taiyuan City

  4. 你还记得东街6号那个小破地方吗

    Remember that dump on East 6th ?

  5. 输入您的门牌和街道名称,没有标点符号。例如:280韦尔斯利东街。

    Enter your building number and street name , without punctuation . Example : 280 Wellesley St E.

  6. 东街联盟也就罢了,每年数以百计的会议,为会议中心的作用。

    The Strand Union also fills the role of conferencing center for hundreds of meetings and conferences every year .

  7. 地点:星空间,北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路4号,798艺术区东街。

    Venue : Star Gallery , 798 Art Zone East Street , No.4 Jiuxianqiao Road , Chaoyang District , Beijing .

  8. 摩利臣街由其与文咸东街交界处起,至其与德辅道中交界处止的路段;

    The section of Morrison Street from its junction with Bonham strand to its junction with DES Voeux Road central ;

  9. 司法官思索着这个问题,眼睛也不向左右看;他一直走过东街,走到高桥广场。

    Reflecting on the matter , and without looking right or left , the Councillor went through East Street and across the Habro-Platz .

  10. 最有名的街头,伦敦的舰队街,东街,皮卡迪利,白厅,波迈,唐宁街,和伦巴第街。

    The best-known streets of London are Fleet Street , the Strand , Piccadilly , Whitehall , Pall Mall , Downing Street , and Lombard Street .

  11. 现在他向东街走去。当他快要走完的时候,月亮忽然出来了。

    So off he went in the direction of East Street , and had nearly got to the end of it when the moon shone forth .

  12. 并结合历史文化名城泉州市东街片区规划设计,具体阐述了“积极的配角”的定位依据和应对措施。

    Using the Dongjie District Design in the historic city Quanzhou as an example , the paper sets forth the idea of " active costar " and the specific measures applied .

  13. 如果这灵魂回来而到东街去找它的躯壳,结果又找不到,那可真是一桩有趣的笑话啦!

    Now that would be a very pretty joke , if the spirit when it came back and looked for the body in East Street , were not to find one .

  14. 以太原市长风东街景观规划为例,围绕以人为本和可持续发展观对景观设计理念及具体规划方案进行探讨和阐述。

    Taking the landscape planning of Changfeng Eastern Street in Taiyuan City as an example , around the viewpoint of taking human as main and sustainable development the paper approaches and states the landscape design idea and the concrete planning options .