
  1. 基于VB平台开发的机车蓄电池检测系统的地面分析软件,是针对东风型内燃机车蓄电池的检测而设计。

    A ground application is designed based on Visual Basic 6.0 for the battery on DF Series Diesel Locomotives , which is part of Testing System of Locomotive Battery .

  2. 东风型内燃机车最佳寿命的研究

    A Study of the Best Service Life of Dongfeng-Type Diesel Locomotives

  3. 基于铁路机车的安全需要,本论文以东风4-D型内燃机车为例研究了机车故障诊断系统。

    Due to the safety requirement of the railway , this paper takes example for DongFeng 4-D locomotive to study the diagnosis system of the locomotive .

  4. 通过对东风7B型内燃机车柴油机工作原理进行分析的基础上,找出柴油机功率下降的原因,并进行深入探讨,以便在机车维修过程中进行调试整改,从而保证机车柴油机正常工作。

    Through the analysis on the working mechanism of the diesel engine in 7B locomotive , the cause of power reduction of the engine was found . After adjusting , the engine recovered to normal working .

  5. 东风5型内燃机车控制电路提升与改造

    Promotion and transformation of Dongfeng 5 Type Diesel Locomotive control circuit

  6. 东风9型内燃机车车体的强度与刚度分析

    Strength and Stiffness Analysis of Dongfeng 9 Diesel Locomotive Body

  7. 东风4型内燃机车硅元件参数测试台的研制

    Development of Silicon Element Parameter Test Board of DF _4 Diesel Locomotive

  8. 东风4型内燃机车柴油机气缸套激光热处理

    Cylinder Liner of the Diesel Engine of the Type Dong-feng-4 Locomotive Laser Treatment

  9. 东风4型内燃机车燃油系统改造的几点建议

    Some Advice on the Improvement of Fuel System of DF_4 Type Diesel Locomotive

  10. 东风4型内燃机车柴油机试验站监控系统的研制

    Research of Monitor and Control System for Diesel Testing Station of Dongfeng_4 Internal-Combustion Locomotive

  11. 东风4型内燃机车柴油机曲轴箱超压的原因及防治

    Reason and preventive measures of excessive pressure of crankcases for DF_4 diesel locomotive engines

  12. 东风5型内燃机车已被广泛应用于大型机械化驼峰编组站,但作业时存在着轮箍踏面非正常磨耗严重的问题。

    DF 5 diesel locomotives have widely been used at large mechanized hump marshalling stations .

  13. 东风7型内燃机车振动的分析

    Dong-Feng_7 Diesel Locomotive Vibration Analysis

  14. 本文用三维有限元方法对东风4型内燃机车的整个牵引电机传动系统进行了计算。

    Describes the calculation of the traction motor transmission of Dongfeng 4 diesel locomotive by the 3-dimensional finite element method .

  15. 东风11型内燃机车是我国铁路系统目前提速的主要车型之一,其电传动部分采用了许多先进技术。

    DF11Internal-combustion Locomotive , with many advanced techniques in electric-drive equipment , is the primary type whose velocity is enhanced in China .

  16. 本文概述了东风4型内燃机车磨损牵引齿轮,在试验台上进行静载和动载试验时齿根应力的测量结果,动载试验时还测量了车轴扭应力。

    This paper generalizes the result of the measurement for dedendum stress in the worn traction gear in the diesel locomotive Dong Feng_4 when quiescent load and dynamic load test is made on the test bed . The torsional stress of the axle is measured in dynamic load test .

  17. 详细介绍了东风4D型客运内燃机车柴油机凸轮轴型面可转位铣刀的结构、特点、设计及使用方法。

    Abstract The structure , features , design and operation method of the indexable milling cutter for camshaft surface pattern of the diesel engine on the passenger diesel locomotive Dongfeng 4D are described in detail .

  18. 特货快运理想的牵引动力&东风(8BG)型内燃机车

    An ideal traction motive power for fast transportation of special goods DF_ ( 8BG ) diesel locomotives

  19. 最后对东风_9型客运内燃机车进行了非线住板向稳定性分析。

    At the end of this paper , the diesel locomotive DF_9 has been analyzed for nonlinear lateral stability .