
  • 网络Packet loss;packet loss rate;loss;Plr;Frame Loss Rate
  1. 在网络吞吐量、丢包率等性能方面明显优于RED算法。

    IARED is better than RED algorithm in network throughput , packet loss rate and other network performance .

  2. 主要性能指标由丢包率、TCP吞吐率、延迟和延迟抖动等来进行衡量。

    Performance is measured in terms of packet loss , TCP throughput , delay , and delay jitter , etc.

  3. 网络断层推测(NetworkTomography),是一个新兴的领域,它利用端-端的性能测量结果,推测网络内部链路/节点的性能参数,如链路的时延、丢包率等。

    A promising technique is network tomography , which infers the inner network parameters by end-to - end measurements .

  4. 基于丢包率预测的P2P流传输拥塞控制研究

    Congestion control research in P2P streaming transmission based on Loss Rate estimation

  5. 大量的仿真试验表明所提方法能够明显得提高RED的强壮性而且比现有的方法具有更低的丢包率及更高的链路利用率。

    Extensive simulations show that the proposed mechanism can improve the robust property of RED considerably and outperforms the existing methods .

  6. 该算法使用了三个QoS尺度:时延,带宽和丢包率。

    It uses three QoS metrics : propagation delay , available bandwidth and loss probability .

  7. 和BLUE相比,它在提高链路利用率的同时可以降低丢包率。

    Compared with BLUE , it can improve link utilization and decrease packet loss rate at the same time .

  8. 一种基于MAC层丢包率的自适应算法

    Adaptive Algorithm Based on Loss Rate of MAC Layer

  9. 这与IP网络缺陷(时延、抖动、丢包率)有一定的相似性。

    It is similar to the jam of IP network ( time delay , jitter , packet loss rate ) .

  10. 城市车载adhoc网络中丢包率与丢包因素的仿真分析

    Simulation and Analysis of Packet Loss Ratio and Packet Loss Factors in City Vehicular Ad Hoc Network

  11. 仿真结果表明丢包率大小对TCP流自相似程度有着直接影响。

    The simulation results show that the loss rate has direct effect on self-similarity in TCP traffic .

  12. 本文提出了一种实时视频流自适应速率传输策略ARTS,该策略通过丢包率和网络传输延迟抖动两种参数对发送端输出速率进行动态调整,以达到拥塞控制的目的。

    In this paper , we propose an adaptive rate transmission strategy-ARTS , which provides a better solution to real-time video transmission .

  13. 网络传输丢包率对温室WSN测控系统的影响

    Effect of packet loss probability of transmission on greenhouse WSN measurement and control system

  14. 本文介绍了Internet端到端测量技术的最新进展,包括性能拓扑推测、时延测量、丢包率测量。

    This paper introduces the achievements of Internet end to end performance measurement technologies , including metric induced topology inference , delay inference , loss probability inference and bandwidth measurement .

  15. 通过实验表明:异类网络的端到端QoS支持可以降低网络拥塞、传输延时、延时波动和丢包率,提高网络整体性能。

    This approach reduces congestion , delay , jitter and loss probability , and improves networked performance in heterogeneous mobile networks .

  16. 本方案涉及了业务流的吞吐量、端到端延时、丢包率,对QoS参数的考虑较全面,参数调节的策略简单有效,容易实现。

    On the QoS parameters consider a more comprehensive . Parameter adjustment strategy is simple and effective , easy to implement .

  17. IP电话与传统电话相比语音质量较差,其中最主要的原因是因特网的带宽变化较大,导致丢包率较大。

    QoS of IP telephony is worse than that of circuit telephony because the available bandwidth of Internet varies then results in the loss of voice packets .

  18. 然而,传统的IP网络采用尽力而为的方式进行无差别包转发,对延迟、抖动和丢包率等影响网络性能的指标也缺乏保障措施。

    However , traditional IP network adopts best-effort packet forwarding manner , which affects the network performance indicators such as delay , jitter and packet loss rate lack .

  19. 考虑到实现中业务缓存大小有限的因素,在MAC层调度时参考了业务丢包率的QoS要求。

    Considering the limited size of traffic buffer in the realization , the schedule referes to the outgate rate of the traffic packets .

  20. 该算法主要针对无线信道的高丢包率和突发错误事件,结合了基于PID控制的算法的优点。

    This algorithm is targeted at high packet loss rate and unexpected error events of wireless channel conditions . And it combines the advantages of PID control algorithm .

  21. 另外ECAM以较低的代价实现了降低丢包率和TCP友好。

    In addition ECAM reduce the packet loss rate and achieve TCP friendly .

  22. 本文还提出了一种基于D-S证据理论的MAC层调度策略,该策略采用QoS要求中时延、速率公平性和丢包率三个评价指标来确定数据包调度优先级。

    The strategy adopts three evaluation indexes to judge packet scheduling priority which including time delay , rate fairness and packet loss ratio .

  23. 然后提出了非线性平滑算法,该算法通过对RED算法的丢包率函数进行非线性平滑,有效地控制了平均队列长度,具有较好的拥塞控制能力。

    Then proposes the nonlinear smoothing algorithm , which can effectively control the average queue length by smoothing the packet loss function of the RED algorithm nonlinear , and have good congestion control ability .

  24. 为了满足分组业务在实时性和可靠性方面的要求,采用新的基于丢包率和分组时延的动态QoS保证模型。

    To meet the real-time and reliability requirements of packet service , this paper adopts a new dynamic QoS support model based on packet loss and delay .

  25. 测试结果证明了SU原型路由器能正确地进行数据转发,也能达到规定的转发速率、丢包率等性能指标。

    At last , the result of testing proved that SU router can transmit packets correctly at suitable rate and less drop rate .

  26. 在介绍了网络透视技术的基础知识后,详细阐述了多播透视算法中直接估计算法(DirectEstimator)和最大期望算法(ExpectationMaximum)的推理过程,以及单播透视的丢包率推理算法。

    After introduced the elementary knowledge about tomography , we elaborate in detail the derivative process of multicast-based Direct Estimator Algorithm , Expectation Maximum Algorithm and unicast-based loss inference Method .

  27. 一种新的基于RTT的丢包率估计算法

    A Novel RTT-based Packet Loss Rate Estimation Algorithm

  28. 但是,由于目前Internet网络状况的不确定性、带宽、延时以及丢包率等网络参数不可预测的变化随时都可能造成客户端监控图像的停顿甚至中断的情况发生。

    However , due to the unpredictable Internet uncertainty , limited network bandwidth , the time delay and packet loss rate , the discontinuity , even intermission , will occur on the image monitor of the customer end .

  29. 此外,论文还在实测系统的丢包率、发送接收延时、时延抖动等各种数据基础上,在理论上从空间域质量损失和时间域质量损失等方面分析了影响系统图像Qos质量的原因。

    Thirdly , through gather dates of system , I analysis the reasons that diminish the system quality form space domain quality loss and time domain quality in theory .

  30. 而在信道恢复到较好质量时采用高业务速率来保证终端的流量、延迟和丢包率等QoS应用需求。

    And when the channel get better , the algorithm increase the data sending rate to guarantee the throughput , delay and packet loss rate of the terminal applications .