
  • 网络Two Worlds;Between Two Worlds
  1. 两个世界判然不同。

    The two worlds are markedly different .

  2. dialog实用程序跨越两个世界。

    The dialog utility spans the two worlds .

  3. 可惜的是,我们是两个世界的人。

    But my world isn 't your world , more 's the pity .

  4. 一个是在印度和中国这两个世界人口最多的国家产量增速下降得尤其剧烈。

    One is that it has been particularly sharp in the world 's most countries , India and China .

  5. 随着夜幕的降临,两个世界的对比更为鲜明。

    As night falls , the contrast between these worlds grows starker .

  6. 如果采用此方法(而且它是Web专家最常使用的方法),您实际获得了两个世界的最高境界。

    If you take this approach and it 's one of the most common used by Web professionals you really get the best of both worlds .

  7. 在选择毕业后的职业道路的时候,雷文斯克罗夫特青睐TeachFirst的原因是,它兼具两个世界的好处。

    What Mr Ravenscroft liked about it when he was choosing his graduate career path was that it of ­ fered the best of two worlds .

  8. Scala把这两个世界巧妙地结合了起来。

    Along came Scala , which neatly unifies these two worlds .

  9. 近些年来,XML越来越受欢迎,因它代表了两个世界的最佳性能:它很易被人、机读懂。

    XML has gained in popularity in recent years because it represents the best of two worlds : It is easily readable by humans and computers alike .

  10. 韩剧《W-两个世界》于7月20日首播,在剧中,W可理解为“两个u”——两个平行世界。

    Premiering on July 20 , the South Korean TV series W-Two Worlds interprets " W " as " double u " - double universe .

  11. 他写了一本书,书名为《姚:两个世界的生活》,此书详细地描写了他从中国到NBA的历程。

    He has written a book titled Yao : A Life In Two Worlds , which details his journey from China to the NBA .

  12. 然而,后来发生了一些事,最终增加(通常是大幅增加)了DBA和开发人员这两个世界之间的重叠部分。

    Then , some things started happening that ended up increasing often substantially the overlap between the DBA and developer worlds .

  13. 我认为,在持续打造我们的品牌并巩固卡迪拉克(Cadillac)和雪佛兰(Chevrolet)这两个世界品牌的地位上,我们有着非常好的机遇。

    I think we have great opportunity to continue to build our brands and strengthen Cadillac and Chevrolet , our two global brands .

  14. reconcile:和解,调和ragged:狼狈不堪的swaddle:束缚试试比照一下你现在的身份,和你过去的身份。她已经很累了,Humphrey先生。束缚在两个世界里?

    Blair : Trying to reconcile who you 're becoming with who you used to be . She 's been running herself ragged , Mr. Humphrey swaddling two worlds ? -

  15. 门里门外,两个世界两种新型的圆极化器

    There 's Another World Indoor Two New Types of Circular Polarizer

  16. 对象关系映射是这两个世界的桥梁。

    An object-relational mapping is a bridge between the two worlds .

  17. 河南河北两个世界。

    North and south of the river are two different worlds .

  18. 我爱这城市中两个世界的碰撞。

    I like it in the city when two worlds collide .

  19. 我有两个世界上最好的姑妈。

    I 've got the two nicest aunts in the world .

  20. 我认为我在两个世界中都占了上风。

    I feel that I get the best of both worlds .

  21. 这是两个世界之间的区别,非常吸引人。

    It 's the difference between these worlds that so intriguing .

  22. 青春是动人的片断,她连接了这两个世界。

    Youth is a touching fraction , connect the two worlds .

  23. 民间文化与作家文学:两个世界的握手

    Folk Culture and Writer 's Literature : Shaking Hands Between Two worlds

  24. 现在是把两个世界结合起来的时候了。

    It is time to bring the two worlds together .

  25. 他分别所属的两个世界,可能会在本月进行一次比较正式的激情碰撞。

    His two worlds may collide more formally this month .

  26. 达。芬奇属于两个世界。

    Leonardo da Vinci was a man of both worlds .

  27. 忠实于这两个世界的人,彼此对对方都感到非常困惑。

    The gatekeepers of these two worlds are so confused .

  28. 在人世间,存在着有意无形的两个世界&成人的世界和儿童世界。

    The world exists two worlds : Adults world and children world .

  29. 从《十三个小故事》看叶·波波夫笔下的两个世界

    The Two Worlds in E.Popov 's The Thirteen Short Stories

  30. 我想我有一只脚踏在两个世界。

    I guess I have a foot in both worlds .