
  • 网络two musts
  1. 坚持两个务必促进党风廉政建设

    Adherence to " Two Musts " and improvement for Party building

  2. “两个务必”凝结着深刻的历史经验。

    The two musts speaks for the far-reaching historical experiences in China .

  3. 两个务必体现了党的根本宗旨。

    " Two Necessary 's " shows original aim of the Party .

  4. 浅析两个务必与当前年轻干部作风建设

    " Two Musts " and Current Young Cadre Style Construction

  5. 务必牢记两个务必

    Always bear in mind the " Two Musts "

  6. 两个务必的时代精神

    The Two Musts as the Spirit of the Times

  7. “两个务必”是对历史经验的科学总结。

    ' Two-musts'is a scientific summary of historical experience .

  8. 牢记两个务必,推进反腐工作

    Fix the thought of " two demands ", push the work of anti-corruption

  9. 党的新一届领导集体对两个务必的诠释

    The new leadership of the Party and the reinterpretation of the two musts

  10. 正确把握两个务必的时代要求

    Correctly Mastering " Two-Must " Requirement of the Times

  11. 两个务必:全面建设小康社会的时代要求

    Two Musts : the times request of building a well-off society in all-round way

  12. 试论两个务必与新时期党的建设

    The Two Must and The new period Party-building

  13. 论两个务必的现实意义

    On the Significance of the Two Necessities

  14. 论两个务必与党的执政能力建设

    On the Relationship Between the " Two Musts " and the Governance Capacity of CPC

  15. 新中国从这里走来弘扬西柏坡精神理论研讨会综述西柏坡精神的传承与发展从两个务必到四个一定要

    A Summary of the Seminar on " New China Came from here & Xibaipo Spirit "

  16. 两个务必思想的提出,不仅有其鲜明的时代背景,也有其深刻的哲学意蕴。

    The Two Musts thought has its vivid times background and profound philosophical meaning as well .

  17. 牢记两个务必弘扬西柏坡精神的当代价值

    Contemporary values of keeping the " Two Musts " in mind and carrying forward the XiBaiPo Spirit

  18. 牢记两个务必加强党风廉政建设和反腐败斗争

    Keeping " two necessaries " deep in the memory and intensifying clean government building and struggle against corruption

  19. 必须坚持“两个务必”,加强管理,从严治校;

    We must stick to " the two musts " to strengthen management and run the college with rigorous regulation ;

  20. 两个务必凝结着我们党领导中国革命、建设和改革的深刻历史经验,是实现党的目标和宗旨的内在要求。

    The Two Must summarize us by parties because it is experience historical , realize aims inherent to require the goals of party .

  21. 在胜利面前始终保持清醒的头脑,发扬“两个务必”的工作作风。重温全会精神,对学习贯彻十六大精神启示尤深。

    It 's of importance to review the spirit of the plenary session for studying and acting in the spirit of the Sixteenth Party Congress .

  22. 本文诠释了“两个务必”思想的深层内涵,阐述了这一思想产生的必然性,指出了反复强调这一思想的必要性,尤其对反腐败工作的源头效用。

    This paper analyzes profound meaning of " two demands ", brings up its inevitability , and points out its necessity , especially the avail of anti-corruption .

  23. 忧党的领导干部生活作风,坚持两个务必,提高拒腐防变能力,奠定执政强国之魂。

    It is the soul of making China stronger for the Party to be more aware of potential problems in the leaders'life style of adhering to " Two Musts " and enhancing the ability against corruption .

  24. 在新世纪新阶段,我们党必须牢记“两个务必”,不断加强党的执政能力,带领全国人民全面推进建设小康社会的伟大进程。

    In the new period , our Party must remember " Two Musts ", strengthen ruling capability of Party continuously , and lead the people of the whole country to build a well-off society in all-round way .

  25. 高校在弘扬和培育民族精神中,应把握民族精神的基本特征,着重抓好社会主义道德规范教育,两个务必教育,传统文化教育,校史、校训教育;

    In promoting and cultivating ethos , universities and colleges should hold the basic characteristics of the ethos and stress on ethic education of socialism and the education of traditional culture , history of the school and the school motto .

  26. 今天重温两个务必是我们党肩负伟大历史使命、应对激烈国际竞争、遵循社会发展规律、永葆政治本色的时代要求。

    Reviewing the Two Musts is the requirement of the times for our party to shoulder the great historical mission , answering for the vehement international competition , following radical rules of development of the society , keeping political original character forever .

  27. 在新的历史条件下,继续坚持两个务必并赋予其新的时代内涵,是我们加强党的作风建设和社会主义事业取得胜利的根本保证。

    In the new era , it is fundamental for us to adhere to the " two musts " and bestow it with new concept so as to strengthen the Party 's work style and to ensure the victory of our socialism movement .

  28. 如果要安装新的轮胎或更换一个轴的轮胎,则在这两个轴上务必使用品牌相同和规格代码相同的轮胎。

    If new tyres are mounted or the tyres of one axle are replaced , tyres of the same make and with the same specification code must always be used on each of the two axles .